Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2408: Desolate Fire Jade!

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Bai Ji Niang this cry!

Almost all creatures inside and outside the temple are staring!


This is the moment!

A red awn suddenly flew out of the temple. Like some fright, he flew into the sky and fled away. The rest of the people hadn’t reacted yet. Chen Zheng raised his right hand and faced the red awn of the sky. Scratch, Chi Mang was caught down at once!


Chimang flashed!

Avenue of Fire broke out again!

However, it bursts in an instant!


Xiang Luo and others looked toward Chen Zheng, and saw a fire jade suspended on Chen Zheng's right palm. The fire jade crazy urged Chimang, and the fire madly urged the road of fire, but I couldn't get rid of it if I wanted to break free!


Red jade urged by fire jade!

Flashes like fireflies!

"This is the thing that hurt Aunt Fengzi's origin to the sun? Aunt Fengzi went to explore the northern wind eye a few days ago. After returning, she fell asleep, but we didn't perceive the existence of this fire jade... What is this fire jade... Is anyone deliberately using this fire jade to hurt Auntie Feng?"

Xiang Luo asked in a low voice, the little face was a little cold at the moment!


Chun Yu opened his mouth to the left, but he could only shake his head gently, not knowing the origin of this fire jade!

"You... a human race with one-ring overlord majored in... how could your means be stronger than Baiji Niangniang, but Baiji Niangniang is a ten-ring supremacy..."

As for the woman in white, although she is also staring at Huoyu at this moment, her focus is not on Huoyu at all. She does not seem to care about the safety of the strongest demon race in the domain of the wind, but she is on Chen Zhengbang!

"This is... the Yinhuanghuoyu, which is the thing of the sun, and this thing is related to the Tenjinzuzu! The Taoism of the Tenjinzuzu was originally in the third largest territory. About ten days ago, the Tenjinzuzu suddenly moved to the second place. The Big Territory, it seems like to avoid something! Right now, the Tianshenzuo has formed an alliance with the Tian hook clan, the Tian hook clan... is the most evil ancient clan in the second largest domain!"

Bai Ji's mother stared at the fire jade suspended in Chen Zheng's palm for a moment, her brow furrowed and whispered!

"Tenjinzuka, this... so it was the people of Tenjinzuzu who secretly attacked Master Fengzi, and also smashed this to Yanghuoyu into Master Yuanshen, but if you want to use this to refine Master Fengzi into Puppet, the graceful lord Taixu Supreme Supernatural Being, not even the first 20..."

Chun Yu left his face changed, and frowned!

"Tenjinzuka...I'm so angry, I want to destroy them and avenge Aunt Fengzi!"

Xiang Luo gritted her teeth and shouted hard!

"Although there are no creatures in the Supreme Realm, Tianshenzuo, like our desolate fairy gate, is one of the five ancient evil doctrines. The heritage of the five ancient evil doctrines is no worse than that of the top immortal doctrines in the palm of the universe, and it is even in control. Some things in the palm of the universe that the top immortal Daoism did not control, such as this desolate fire jade!

You may be wondering why the sun-bearing fire jade is called Yinhuang Huoyu. In fact, the Yinhuang Huoyu is transformed from the extremely Yin Huo! Our Yinhuang Xianmen Supreme Supreme Baoyang Wild Axe is also the same, and it is also transformed from the cathode, and Yin Huang Huoyu and Yang Huang Axe are originally a set!

Tenjinzuka...Tenjinzuka is not easy to deal with. Even if there are supreme beings in our desolate fairy gate, we dare not say that we can destroy Tenjinzuka! And... the five ancient evil ethics, in this supreme age, there should be a way to create a supreme being in a short time! "

Bai Ji's mother stared at Huoyu, her expression changed for a while, lowering her voice again!

"what is it now?"

Xiangluo's little face!

"It's worthy of being a disciple behind the Yinhuangxianmen and the Yinxianmen. The Baiji Niangniang knows our **** god mound! In the next **** god mound looks, please don't invite you and forget the Haihan!"

At this time!

Above the deciduous fairy city!

A figure appeared out of thin air!

Then fell down!

"God looks?"

Bai Ji Niang looked staring at the middle-aged man falling down!

"Several days ago, I saw the lady Baiji before the unforgiving place. It was only a few days before I saw the lady Baiji. I and the lady Baiji were also destined." The middle-aged man smiled and said his eyes moved. From the perspective of Chen Zheng, after looking at Huoyu, he smiled at Chen Zheng: "A few days ago, a mysterious person sneaked into our Tianshenzuo Xianshan Gate and stole my sect to Baoyang Wildfire Jade. Perception today When it came to Yanghuanghuoyu, I immediately traced it. I didn't expect to find Yanghuanghuoyu in the deciduous city of the wind, which is really intriguing."



Xiang Luo!

Spring rain!

Demon Race in the Temple!

Deciduous City is staring at the demon race here!

All his face sank!

What is this look!

The implication is that the handsome man stole the Yanghuanghuoyu!

But Master Feng Zi never left the domain of the wind!

"What do you mean, you mean that my aunt Fengzi stole your scorching fire jade, do you mean that my aunt Fengzi took the blame?"

Xiang Luo small face cold, glared at the middle-aged man!

"I didn't say anything." The middle-aged man smiled faintly, and then said to Chen Zhengdao: "Our Tianshenzuo is not a vengeance system. Since I have found the outrageous fire jade, young man, you will return the fire jade. Huoyu went back, and our Tianshen Tomb naturally took no responsibility."

Between words!

There seems to be a generous spirit!


Xiang Luo is even more angry!

Chun Yu and other faces are even heavier!

This is bullying at the door!



A crackling sound sounded!

Chen Zheng's palm of the inferior fire jade broke into a sparse roar, and a pure road of fire immediately poured into Chen Zheng's body, and then nodded as if no one was beside him!


Tenjinzuka stunned for a moment, then looked cold, and the whole person's breath changed abruptly. At this moment, there was no cover, and the majestic breath of the ancient Tenjin family locked Chen Zheng!


Madame Bai Ji also squinted her eyes. She didn't expect this young man to smash the Inferno Fire Jade. Although the Inferno Fire Jade was controlled by Tenjinzu, the Inferno Fire Jade and the Yang Axe were a pair. It is impossible for Yinhuang Huoyu and Yanghuang Axe to merge with Yinhuang Huoyu, then the legendary supreme forbidden device cannot be reborn!


Madame Bai Ji sighed!

The young man of the human race in front of him, even if he is cultivated, is only a level of hegemony!

But supernatural powers are far stronger than yourself!

Definitely a great person!

There is no way to stop myself!

"You know what you crushed, you know how much trouble you have caused, you know that it is too late to regret it!"

Tenjinzuka stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, slamming his teeth and roaring!

"You offended the Tianshou clan, offended the supreme supernatural spirit Lei Zun outside the Taixu, and now offended the Tianshen mound, one of the five ancient evil Daoist lines, you are finished!"


The woman in white also shouted her teeth violently!


The demon races inside and outside the shrine, and the other demon races staring here in the Fallen God City, look changed!

"Mrs. Snow!"

When Xiang Luo heard it, her small face was cold again, and she gave her white woman a hard look!


Has this child offended so many forces?

Bai Ji Niang was shocked!

"Leave you a remnant Back to Tenjinzuzu to let you the strongest Tenjinzuzu, I will only give you three days."

Focusing on the eyes of many creatures, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, frowning at the god's face, and just listening to the clatter, the god's body flew into smoke instantly!



There is only one remnant soul left!


The remnant soul of the gods froze for another moment, and reacted violently.


The demon races inside and outside the temple, such as Baiji Niangniang and Chunyu, opened their eyes and looked at Chen Zheng at this moment, almost stunned!

However, the demon clan such as Chunyu thought of this. The mysterious clan will not wait for the Tianshou clan, the era of Lei Zun, and the strongest gods of the Tianshen Tomb. Life!

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