Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2409: Kill 3 supreme!

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Deciduous City is shrouded in green mansions.

Almost all the native demon clan whispers in the fallen leaves city.

"In the next three days, you can be sure that the era of Lei Zun will come, Tianshen Tsukushi will also come, and the Tianshou family, although the Tianshou family has no action, but the Supreme of the Tianshou family will definitely come to us. Deciduous City! If these three parties are coming at the same time on the same day, we are afraid there is no hope!"

"Now, do we have to escape?"

"Ah! It's impossible to escape, let's wait through these few days, and hope that the mysterious human race can really fight the supernatural beings!"


Deep inside the highest shrine of the fallen leaves city.

The stunning beauty of the top three in Taixu has already awakened.

"Although this human race has saved you, you, but this human race has provoked the Tianshou clan, provoked the era of Lei Zun, and provoked the Tianshen mound. This human clan brought us the destruction of the fallen leaf **** city! I hope Master Fengzi thinks clearly!"

Mrs. Xue gritted her teeth again, and flew away as she finished.

"Mrs. Snow... is an illegitimate daughter of an elder in our desolate fairy gate... I don't respect you with words, please forgive me."

Bai Ji's mother greeted Chen Zhengli with a deep groan.

"Invisible and invisible. It turns out that you are practicing this thing. It seems that there are too many identities and too many things left, so that there is inheritance everywhere."

Chen Zheng only smiled, looked at his own style for a few moments, then hit a starlight, and then sighed softly out of the temple.

"Ah? What does Big Brother mean?"

Xiang Luo blinked, her small face full of doubts.


Bai Ji Niang thoughtfully, aside the spring rain is also thoughtful.


The stunning beauty of the top three in Taixu was stunned for a moment, and a shock flashed in his eyes. This scene of the three Xiangluo all looked at them, but they didn't ask.

After a moment of silence, Feng Zi also sighed softly: "In the next few days, I just have to wait and watch."


One day passed.

No one from the Tianshou clan, the era of Lei Zun, and the Tianshenzuo came to the Fallen Leaves City.

Two days passed.

Still calm.

It was the third day.

The demon clan in the Fallen Leaf City, at the moment when it rises in the morning sun, looked at the sky and looked outside the City, fearing that some creatures would suddenly come.

In the morning, the Fallen Leaf City is still calm, but the major demon tribes all know that this is only temporary peace. The supreme creatures like the era of Lei Zun will never beat their faces. They must come in three days, so sure will come.

The Tenjin of Tenjinzu will definitely appear within today.

The only thing that is uncertain is that the Tianshou family, the newly-increased Tianshou family may or may not come.


The sun is bloody!

The demon clan in the fallen leaves city dare not move!

They have sensed an unusual breath!





Three directions!

At the same time, a vision appeared!


God thunder shock!

An old man surrounded by Thunder Avenue is coming!

Supreme breath!

This should be the era of Lei Zun!


Emerald green emerges one after another!

Then the densely covered demon clan appeared!

Play against Deciduous City!

There is an emerald fairy ship above the dense Ma Ma Yao Clan!

A fairy in green stands on the fairy ship!

The man also exudes supreme breath!

This should be a newcomer of the Tianshou family!

That is the ancestor of the Tianshou family!

He returned to his youth after stepping into supremacy!


A thousand feet tall giant stands on the earth!

If it is just an ordinary giant!

no need to worry!

But this giant is a god!

At this moment is also releasing the supreme breath!

no doubt!

This is the Tenjin of Tenjin Tomb!

A **** who made the top list yesterday!


It's all here!

Tianshou family!

Epoch Lei Zun!


All came at the same moment!

Three supreme!

Come to the Fallen God City!

"Divine Emperor Tsukamika is ranked 17th on the top list, and once he is on the top list, he has reached the top 20!"

"The Tianshou family has no borders and ranks 19th on the **** list. It was on the **** list a few days ago, and it reached the top 20 today!"

"The era of Lei Zun, the supreme soul outside the Taixu, enters the Taixu at this moment and ranks on the top, ranking thirteenth, and ranks under the Emperor of the Demon Dragon!

"The three supreme beings are all in the top twenty!"

"We are the only supreme supernatural being in the city of Deciduous God... The style of the adults is ranked...22!"

The demon clan in the Fallen Leaves City whispered in horror, almost trembling at the moment!

Simple comparison!

It can be said that there is no chance of winning!


What about the mysterious young man of that race?

He is a major overlord!

His supernatural powers are terrible!

But it should not be on the list!

Can he fight the three supremes!


The demon tribes in the Fallen Leaf City are staring in the direction of the highest temple!

"Kill my clan son, my clan elder, my clan sky guard, you get out!"


The first voice!

From the ancestors of the Tianzhu family, the emperor has no boundaries!

"You want to come within three days of this seat. This seat has already arrived. You said that you will only give this seat three days. Now that you are here in person, this seat will also give you three days of the world!"


The second voice!

From the top of the fallen leaves city!

That is the era of Lei Zun!

"Emperor Tenjinzumu, the **** of heaven, is here, are you afraid to show up!"

The third voice!

It wasn't that the **** who stood on the earth issued!

It's the **** of heaven **** mound that only left a residual soul three days ago!


There is not much difference at this moment!



Did the young mysterious human race respond?

The demon clans of the Fallen Leaf City are staring at the platform in front of the highest temple and staring at the entrance to the temple. At this moment, they are all very uncomfortable!

"No. 19 on the list, no. 17 on the list, and no. 13 on the list. Neither of you are good enough."


There is a response!

A light laughter came from the temple!


Not very good!


Is this the three supreme evaluations of the Siege of Deciduous City!

The demon clan in the fallen leaves city is a little ignorant!


next moment!

They saw a person coming out of the temple!

"Humph! This seat doesn't work, can you do it, can you still be ranked above this seat!"

The era of Lei Zun snorted!

"It's you human race kid who killed my clan son killed my clan elder and Tianwei?"

Huang Wujiang stared over!

"One Ring Overlord..."

Tenjin standing on the earth also spoke at the moment, without any fluctuation in the sound!

"It's hard to escape, you will definitely die today!"

The remnant soul of God looks roaring!

"Two Dao friends, this son killed my clan son and killed my clan elder, let me try the method of this son first."

Huang Wujiang smiled faintly, and stepped out at this moment, this is to enter the fallen leaf city directly, and to fall directly on the platform in front of the temple!

Is the war about to begin!

At this moment the native demon tribe of the fallen leaves shivering!


Next second!

Just listen to a pop!

Huang Wujiang, who had not yet stepped into the fallen leaf city, suddenly burst into blood mist in the air!


The spirits inside and outside of Deciduous City are stunned!

This, this!

What happened to Nima!



Ji Yuan Lei Zun raised a brow!


Emperor Mingtian, who stood on the earth, had no fluctuations. At this moment, his eyelids suddenly jumped, and after a jump, he suddenly turned around!



Just turned around!

The body of its **** also exploded into blood mist!



Ji Yuan Lei Zun raised his brow again!

This time, see clearly!

As you can see clearly, the kid slaps at Emperor Meng Tianshen!

Oh shit!


This kid has some evil doors!

The era of Lei Zun's thought flashed fast!

"Do not!"


He hasn't made a decision yet!

His face shook with a roar!



It's too late!

Its flesh also exploded into blood mist!


I saw a Yuanshen facing Chen Zheng was a terrible roar, but after this roar, his Yuanshen broke out!


this moment!

Inside and outside of Deciduous City!

The necks of all living creatures almost shrunk!

All are ashamed!

This Nima!


Three supreme!

The three supreme masters were slapped to death by the young human race in front of the temple!

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