Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2411: Great Dragon Sage! Demon Brain Trace!

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Why did this girl suddenly hide behind her?

Chen Zheng looked at the past.

"Don't eat me... don't eat me... I'm not tasty at all... woo woo!"

Xiang Luo hiding behind the wind poses half of her head, glances at Chen Zheng's head and puts it back, and whispers not to eat her!

"This... a few months ago, the Taixu had not yet entered the supreme age, and a mysterious man came to the wind, and the mysterious man made three predictions.

One is that Taixu will enter the supreme age, and the other is that there will be an unprecedented list in the world. Taihuang, Taixuan, Supreme True Demon, Lord of Yin, Supreme True Devil, etc. will not be in the top five.

The third is......... It is predicted that Xiangluo will be eaten by a person named Chen Zheng... Until the top list came out, we did not know that the top of the list is Chen Zheng, and have been worried... .. I didn’t expect that my predecessor was Chen Zheng..."

Feng Zi explained.

"Because the first two predictions have become reality, the goddess will only hear the name of her predecessor..."

Chunyu left envoy also said something.

To tell the truth, the moment she heard the name, she had a mess in her mind, and all kinds of thoughts were mixed together, but at this moment, she has recovered, knowing that this one is the top of the list, and it is not a coincidence of the same name and surname.

is also like this!

Everything makes sense!

No wonder this man is so arrogant!

Three slaps killed three supreme beings!

No wonder it is said that the era of Lei Zun, the ancestors of the Tianshou clan and the emperor Tianmu of the Tianshen Mound are not good!

The top of the list is pinned to the death of the top ten.

It can be said that it is no different from pinching dead ants!

"Oh? There is such a person, what is that person called?"

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"The mysterious man claimed to be the great dragon sage, but he was not a dragon. At that time, although the handsome man had not stepped into the supremacy, he also felt something. The handsome man said that the great dragon sage had a devil's breath, not ordinary. The gods and demons in the Taixu are not ordinary demons or the like, they are more like gods who confuse the mind."

Chun Yu left envoy quickly replied.

"It was indeed the breath of Heavenly Demon that was felt from the Great Dragon Sage Master. Although he was hiding very well, he was not as good as me at the time."

Feng Zi also nodded.

"Tianmo... I know what this great dragon sage is."

Chen Zheng thought and smiled a little.

"Huh? Chen... Senior Chen already knows who is the Dragon Master?"

Chunyu left envoy could not help asking.

"That fellow was transformed by the demon brain of the Heavenly Devil Ancestral Land outside Taixu. The Devil Brain is a creature associated with the original Devil. It also betrayed the original Devil a few months ago. I visited the Devil Ancestral Land more than two thousand years ago, see Pass that man."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The Demon Brain of the Celestial Clan... This... The Prophecy of the Great Dragon Sage..."

Spring rain was startled.

"Dalong Xianshi is afraid of Supreme Master Chen, it seems that he entered Taixu earlier than Chen Supreme. He also knows that Chen Shangshang will come to Taixu, so he arranged in advance... So the three predictions of Dalong Xianshi They all came out of fiction. That day he came to the big area of ​​the wind, it should also be for Xiang Luo, Xiang Luo's physique is very special... It turned out to be the case."

Feng Zi thought of something.

"Then... Big Brother won't eat me?"

Xiang Luo hiding behind the wind, her head popped out.

"There is a saying called tiger poison does not eat a child, your little girl's physique is special, and it doesn't appeal to me."

Chen Zheng glanced at Xiang Luo.

"Huh? Tiger poison doesn't eat children? Does this sentence mean that I have a blood relationship with Big Brother? Big Brother will not be the father of Xiang Luo?"

Xiang Luo's eyes lit up.

"The pure green lotus in this world is more or less related to a certain identity of my first life."

Chen Zheng thought of Dust Girl.

The origin of the pure green lotus in this heaven and earth should be the lotus pond in the Red Dust Fairy Mansion of Chen Nu, and the first person who planted the green lotus in the lotus pond must be the master of Chen Nu, It was some kind of identity in his first life. If the little girl Xiangluo traces the source, it must be the green lotus in the lotus pond in the Red Dust Fairy House.

"This... sounds a bit complicated..."

Xiang Luo frowned slightly.

"Feng Zi will lead Supreme Master Chen."

Feng Zi did not question, and applied an ancient secret method, only to see the green flash, a few people deep in the temple disappeared instantly.


next moment!

Several people showed up!

At this moment is no longer in the city of fallen leaves!

Now in front of a huge ruin!

"This is the morning wind fairy city that once dominated the domain of wind, but now only the ruins are left, and the eyes of the wind domain are under the morning wind fairy city."

The voice is soft, with emotion.

Morrowind Fairy City.

Once the first city in this domain.

It is also the city of domination.

Later, all the human races such as Chenfeng Immortal disappeared overnight.

Only then did the demon clan dominate the domain.

Now all doubts are solved.

Chenfeng Fengxian is the master of the immortal era.

Chenfeng Immortal Abandoned the Demon Race in this domain and left the Taixu with the spirit of the immortal era.

Waiting for the demon clan is just a family abandoned.

"The thirteen territories of Taixu have territorial eyes, but no one can really control the territorial eyes from time to time. Even when Taixu entered the supreme era, no one...Hmm? A figure appeared on the ruins... ...This is... Dalong Sage!"

Chun Yu left whispering while looking at the ruins of Xiancheng, his face suddenly changed!


A ghost appeared suddenly above the ruins of Xiancheng!

Isn't the ghost image the great dragon magi who has been in the wind domain for months!

"It seems that the primitive heavenly devil was still rescued by Chen Zu, which is really a pity. The primitive heavenly spirit is not dead. It would be too difficult and difficult for me to become orthodox. Fortunately, there is still a silver lining. Fortunately, my body is hidden even if it is There is no place for Chen Zu, who is at the top of the list.

Chen Zu, Chen Zu, when I first saw Chen Zu more than two thousand years ago, I knew that Chen Zu was already the first person in the Hongmeng universe. Two thousand years have passed, I thought that Chen Zu and Hongmeng fell in a battle, but I did not expect that that battle was actually Chen Zu victory. .

Things are like chess, I just want to get rid of the chessboard, do not want to be a chess piece, so I hope Chen Zu let go. "

Ghost said with a smile!



Destroy directly!

This is just a will!

Will to stay in the ruins of Chenfeng Fairy City before!

"Big Brother... once fought against Hongmeng Tribulation Master!"

Between the master of Feng Zi and Chun Yu's surprise, Xiang Luo blinked wildly and exclaimed, but covered her mouth in the next moment!


It's horrible!

In front of this one!

Have fought with Hongmeng Lord!

And it seems to be better!

"Magic Chen Zheng chuckled, a move, Zhengyue girl flew out of Yuanshen, Zhengyue girl saw Feng Zi three people, frowned slightly, then twisted After a little head, the body is directly transformed.


The dragon roared!


The creatures of the wind domain shudder involuntarily when they hear this roar!

Feng Zi, Xiang Luo, Chun Yu looked at the huge magic dragon and plunged into the ruins of the morning wind fairy city. It was even more shocking at this moment. This little girl turned into a magic dragon. This is like something like the emperor dragon emperor. Under the ruins of Xiancheng!

Is it!

This magical dragon will not be able to swallow the wind!

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