Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2412: Congratulations!

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Between the surprise of the three girls!

Among the ruins of Morrowind Fairy City!

Suddenly there was a horrible roar!


Immediately afterwards, I saw the light of blue light!

"That's... the eyes of the domain of the wind!"

Chun Yu exclaimed left!


At this time!

Another roar!

A huge head raised in the ruins of the morning wind fairy city!

When the three girls saw this scene, even the supreme creature such as the Lord of the Wind was shaking, because the huge head swallowed the domain eye, and swallowed the wind and the domain eye of the domain!

This dragon!

This little girl called by the Supreme Master Chen turned into a magic dragon!

Just now, I feel far from the highest level!

But at this moment, he swallowed the domain eyes that the supreme creatures in the Taixu could not control!



The dragon burps!


The dragon becomes a ghost!

Fly into Chen Zhengyuan God!


The three girls looked over and looked at Chen Zheng, all dumbfounded at the moment!

"The domain of the wind... The domain eye has already been obtained. The lord of the robbery has seen it. The era is not related to the ancient order of the lord of the robber. The domain of the wind is of little value."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept across the wind, and when he smiled, the person disappeared.

"Big brother!"

Xiangluo reacted and shouted quickly, but got no response.

"Come without a shadow, go without a trace, this one is too mysterious." Chun Yu whispered to the left: "For example, today the ancestor of the clan family, Emperor Wujiang, is dead, and the era Lei Zun, who is staring at Xiangluo, was also killed by Senior Chen, as for the **** Mizuka shouldn’t come to the Fallen Leaves City to find our troubles. Tenjin Mizuka should be very afraid of Senior Chen going to find them."

"Chen...Supreme Supreme has a status that should be Lord of Phaselessness. The secret method I got is the inheritance of Lord of Phaselessness. It was incomplete in the past, but now I have received a complete inheritance from Supreme Master Chen. People like Lei Zun, I have placed a large array of no phase, should be able to resist."

Master Feng Zidian whispered, she looked up to the north, the north is the second largest domain, she had a hunch, the man went to the second largest domain. And that man will definitely go to the first largest domain, the Tiantian Domain, which is the 13th largest domain in Taixu.

the first!

Palm days!

At least eight of the top ten Taoisms in the Taixu are in the palm heaven domain!

In the top ten of the list, there are at least seven statues that have inherited Confucianism in the domain of the palm heaven!

One more thing!

The domain of the palm sky is the closest to the broken land among the 13 domains of Taixu!

The domain of the wind, the domain of the sky fire east of the domain of the wind, the domain of gods and demons east of the domain of the sky fire, and the domains further east, such as the floating, six desires, rainbows, blues, and quiet capitals, compared to the palm domain. The location of the big domain is at the core of Taixu's geography, but in fact it is nothing but a wilderness!

More than 90% of the Taoism in these large domains is because they really have no strength to compete for territory and no living space in the palm domain. They moved to other domains!

The palm domain is the core area of ​​Taixu!

"It seems that the Lord of Phaselessness is just one of his first identities... The top-ranking immortal Taoism of Zhang Tian Da Yu, I am afraid that it is more or less related to his first life.. ...."

The thought flashed, and the gentleman shook his head gently!

I thought I had become the supreme being, and I have stepped into the most top-level circle in this vast universe, but now I understand that this circle is even more different, and this circle is more cruel, and there are truly invincible creatures in this circle. presence!

"I thought... Big Brother's previous life was my dad... woo woo... Big brother doesn't want me anymore... People cry and cry... ...."

At this time!

The demon girl Xiang Luo cried!

Chunyu left envoy can only sigh!


The second largest domain.

Dark Demon floating sand valley.

The **** murderousness turned into substance.

There are at least ten forces in the valley at this moment in chaos.





and many more!

At the moment, fighting for the life and death of an ink bead dug in the valley!

"Indescribable fairy gate Wan Ji? Huh! You woman, I know you have been in Taixu for thousands of years. I have spent more than two thousand years in the ancestral ancestry. Taixu has entered the supreme age, and you have also become the overlord of the era, but it is a pity that today you will be completely planted!

Do you think that the old woman who used to shelter you can protect you? Ha ha! You don’t even know that the old woman will usher in the birthday of Shouyuan tomorrow. No one will protect you after today. What if you become an overlord of the era? Our sect master has been greedy for you for more than two thousand years. !

Our patriarch from the young patriarch to the current patriarch, to the current Jiuhuan overlord, will finally get you after today! Haha! Hahaha! "


A demon with a fish-headed body and scales grabbed the ink beads!

Ignoring the rest of the forces and the creatures is a wicked smile at a nun!


"Wan Tu Yao Zong Zong mainly comes?"

"This...he came to Fusha Valley, isn't that a broken rule!"

The rest of the creatures changed their faces when they heard it!

In this dark demon floating sand valley, all major forces follow a default rule, that is, the creatures above the level of the five-ring overlord must not come to blend!

At this moment, the fish head human demon said that there are creatures above the level of the Five Rings Overlord, this is not a violation of the rules of Fusha Valley!

"Huh! There must be a big change in the second largest domain. You second- and third-rate forces are still guarding the floating sand valleys, and what rules are still being guarded! The ancient evil Taoism such as the Yinxian Xianmen may not be guaranteed in the future, You idiots still care about this thing, your vision is really low!"

The fish head demon coldly swept the creatures of the major forces, and suddenly showed the color of great joy, looking upward!


The demon flashes!

A middle-aged man in a purple robe appeared!

"Silver Sovereign of the Wan Tu Yao Sect!"


"This and this, the rules are broken!"

The faces of the major forces have changed, and their looks are beautiful, and the female disciples next to the cold and immortal female Sisters have also changed their complexion. I did not expect that the lord of the ten thousand Tuyao Sect really came!

This time!

In trouble!

"Congratulations on the arrival of Lord Sect!" The demon Yutou bowed to the middle-aged man in the purple robe, respectfully presented Mozhu, and then looked at him, staring at the cold sister: "Master Sect, you have waited for more than two thousand Years have finally waited until today, once today, this Wanji is at your disposal! Subordinates congratulations to the master, first concubine!"


The faces of the female disciples around the cold-faced female nun suddenly sink!

"Wan Ji..."

"It's a bit lively here."

The man in the purple robe glanced over and smiled, but only after shouting the name of the cold female nun, he was interrupted by another voice. He looked cold for a moment and looked up!


The remaining forces in the floating sand valley also looked up subconsciously!




This kid appeared out of nowhere from above!

Didn't this kid know that it was dangerous here!

Almost all creatures frowned!

"Congratulations to the Master!"

And the cold-faced woman After seeing the body of the person slowly falling down, a step forward and respectful respect is a worship!



Which saint came out of the corner of this corner?

The creatures of all major forces, including the female disciples beside the female cultivator, were stunned to see this scene!

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