Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2428: This face is only for Chen Zu!

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The puppet spoke again.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and entered the light door. Behind him, Wan Ji, Empress Dowager, Bai Ji Niangniang, Sect Master Long Chu and others quickly followed.


As soon as he entered the gate of light, Sect Master Long Chu was stunned. How could this be crystallized... Eh? wrong! This is not crystallization, these are all metals, pure white like snow!



It has nothing to do with the legendary future robbery master!

Sect Master Long Chu quickly swept around and found that this is a space made of pure white and flawless mysterious metal. Although the aspect is not large, the aspect is only tens of miles, and even the small world can't compare!


The mind reads again and again!

I found that the space of tens of tens of miles seems to be boundless and boundless, as if it was expanding towards the infinite!

He was shocked in his heart, and swept across the other large domains in this mysterious space, and felt that there were ten supreme levels of breath in it, but it seemed not as good as the sky-hook and dry Cangdao people!

More than half of these supreme beings should be ranked after the twenty! As for the top ten people on the list, except for Supreme Chen, I am afraid that none of them came!


Tai Xuan!

Lord of Taiyin!

Supreme Demon and so on!

The deity should be in the broken land!


Ten people of Chen Zheng came in, also attracted the eyes of those creatures who rushed to the first place. Suddenly someone exploded a swearing!


Everyone stared at it!

"Why did Shifangjuxiong suddenly swear, could it be that he had a grudge against Yinxian Xianmen?"

A middle-aged man holding an extremely strange sword in his hand, glanced at the swearing man and asked with a smile!

"Everything is destroyed!"

Turbid Yin Immortal, Elder Qiushui, and Sect Master Long Chu were slightly surprised. It turned out that the man was destroyed in all directions, but it was rumored that he was wearing half a mask. Why didn't he wear half a mask today!

The reason for the sudden swearing of all of these ten parties seems to have seen Supreme Master Chen, could he have had a feast with Supreme Master Chen before!

"I am just a body, I haven't come, I am more than one person, the supreme beings who come to the eternal life banquet are basically like this, and there is only another one behind the cloudy heart immortal gate Such an honest deity came in person, that... Your Excellency should understand what I mean."

Shifangjumei did not respond to middle-aged sword repair, but stared at Chen Zheng lowering his voice!


Those creatures who stepped in first, such as middle-aged sword repairs with extremely strange swords in their hands, saw such a scene, and they all looked towards Chen Zheng!

"A young man with a focus on doing things.... Will you be afraid of such a young man if you destroy everything?"

Middle-aged Jian Xiu chuckled.

"This guy is called Gao Xingsu, from Hongyu Mountain Robbery. The sword in this guy's hand is called Time and Space Robbery, which can reverse the upper-level space-time avenue. Although this guy's body didn't come, this time-space robbery is the real thing. "

All the parties are extinct, not looking at the middle-aged sword repair, still staring at Chen Zheng in a low voice!

"Huh? Everywhere, what do you mean?"

Middle-aged sword repair face instantly cold!

The Yinhuangxianmen's side of the turbid Yinxian, etc., was slightly surprised, and looked at the middle-aged sword repair more.



Hongyu Robbing Mountain!

This middle-aged Jianxiu is a man from Hongyu Mountain Robbing!

Although Hongyu is not so wild in Taixu, it is not so wild!

But Hongyu is also extremely mysterious!

Because Hongyu corresponds to the twelve era!

Corresponding to Hongmeng Robber!

As early as many years ago, there was a saying in Taixu that Hongyu was related to the Hongmeng robbery master. Those Taoisms in Hongyu were the eyes of the pawns inserted in the Taixu!

Since the existence of Taixu, up to now, the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord has not entered Taixu. What is the reason for this, and Taixu's souls are unknown!


The Hongmeng Tribulator must be aware of the occurrence of Taixu through some means!

Those Taoist creatures in Hongyu are the biggest suspects!

The rest of the Taixu creatures are also afraid of the Hongmeng robber, knowing that the Hongmeng robber is the most tyrannical robber besides the future robber, so he is also a bit afraid of Hongyu’s top ethics!

It is also the first time that the monks of the Yinxian Immortal Gate, such as the Queen of the Cloudy Yin, the Sect Master Long Chu, etc., have seen the creatures of Hongyu Mountain Robbing!

"I don't mean anything, I just told this... this son, the time and space robber in your hand is a good sword, and that's all."

At this time!

All ruins responded to the middle-aged sword repair!

"Humph! All directions are destroyed, what do you come from, maybe others don't know, but I know very well! You want me to rob in space and time, you don't do it yourself, but you stir between words, you should know this kid Standing behind him is a powerful person, you are afraid of the person behind this kid, would you like to lead this seat into the game?"

Middle-aged Jian Xiu cold eyes stared at the destruction of all directions!

"Uh... you think too much, I was purely afraid of this son, the last time I ran into this son, I now tell this son that you have a good time and space robbery, and want to do a little compensation, Fix my unfriendly relationship with this son."

All directions will shake gently.

"Oh! It's not that your tails are extinct in all directions. You want to repair the relationship with this kid. You have a way to take the time and space robbery in this hand!" Middle-aged Jian Xiu smiled disdainfully, then moved his eyes, Staring toward Chen Zheng, the time and space robbery lifted up: "Young people, if you have a species, you can also come to take this time and space robbery! But you should not have that kind, or even if you have a species, the banquet of eternal life The master has also set a rule that no one should do anything in her little world! Young man, you dare to fetch the sword!"

For a while!


People around are silent!

As soon as they entered the mysterious Xiaotiandi, the master of the Eternal Life Banquet, they were told not to do it in Xiaotiandi, otherwise they would have no amnesty!

no doubt!

Gao Xingsu caught this and bullied!

of course!

It comes from Hongyu Mountain Robbery!

The forces behind it are also terrible!

and so!

This young man who treats everything with care and attention!

Even the terrible creatures are standing behind!

I certainly dare not make trouble here!

This child!

At this moment, the face is riding!

Can only silently happen as if nothing happened!

Except for the monk of the Immortal Immortal Gate, except for the destruction of all directions, the rest of the creatures coming to the banquet almost shook their heads secretly at this moment!

"Wan Ji, what do you think of this time and space robber."

And at that moment, Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


This kid?

What's going on!

Is this ready to fight back!


This should only be a counterattack!

Those who had never seen Chen Zheng were shocked!

"Sacred sword of supreme supremacy."

Behind Chen Zheng, Wan Ji swept through time and space, and responded softly.

"Huh? Why? Young man, do you really want to smile for the Bomei people to take this time and space robbery? You have to understand that although this seat is just a real person, time and space robbery is in this hand. The magic power urged by this seat is not much different from the body of this seat! Of course, if you really come to win the sword, this seat will praise you with a kind of sound. After all, if you really did, then you are the first dare to break the eternal life banquet. The master rules!"

Middle-aged Jian Xiu's mouth was slightly raised, and he stared at Chen Zheng with a smile on his face!

"My master said, this face is only for Chen Zu. Chen Zu wants to do it!"

It was also at this moment that a white light glanced in and turned into a puppet. This puppet is a puppet called lemon, which fell directly beside Chen Zheng. At this moment, a friendly smile!


What do you mean!

The host of the Eternal Life Ban allows this son to break her rules here!

Among the coming people, except for those who were behind Chen Zheng and the immortal fairy gate, the rest of their faces changed!

"Lord Lemon... Is there any misunderstanding!"

Middle-aged Jianxiu's expression changed, he asked in a whisper, but when he asked him, he suddenly gritted his teeth, and the time and space in his hand flashed, and his person instantly turned into nothingness, and shot towards the light door of the entrance of Xiaotiandi!

This is to urge the power of the Excalibur to escape!


Seeing the shadow of the middle-aged Jianxiu nihility flying out of the light door!

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed it The middle-aged sword repairing body was directly destroyed. The mouth of the time-space robbery sword flew over with a swish. Then threw it to Wan Ji!

"Master Xie gave the treasure!"

Wan Ji took over the time and space robbery, and looked so respectfully and respectfully!




The young man whose major is this ring!

Why so many titles!

The creatures outside the shadowy immortal gate, when they heard the title of the holy teacher, suddenly had doubts in their hearts!

"Congratulations to your Excellency for mentioning the time and space Excalibur!"

In all directions, the pupils of the pupils flashed, and then he smiled!

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