Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2429: Too frost

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Hi mention?

Where is this discourse?

The creatures who came to the banquet for eternal life heard such a sentence that Ten Fang Undead suddenly came, and showed the color of doubt, but only a moment of doubt, and then began to seriously look at Chen Zhenglai!


No matter which aspect you look at!

Not really outstanding!


But dare to take action against the high star of Hongyu Mountain Robbery!

Dare to **** that time and space robbery sword!

And it really took it!

Although Gao Xingsu is not a deity, he is here!

But Daoshen can at least be on the top list, even if it is the countdown, there is also a superior level of combat power. It is reasonable to say that this ring is dominated by the major, it is impossible...

and many more!

These are compared with the sentence that the puppet named Lemon just said!

It doesn't matter at all!

The puppet named Lemon just said a moment ago that the master of the eternal life feast, the master of the mysterious eternal life feast that has not yet appeared, only gives this face!

Although the owner of the Eternal Life Banquet did not show up, he had already brought out a legendary ancient order of the robbery master, took out a pillar of eternity, took out ten supreme auras, and brought out the ultimate territorial era The stele, even the domain eye of the ultimate domain was captured, and the seal became a metal ball the size of an eyeball!

From this we can speculate that the cultivation of the master of the eternal life banquet is definitely far beyond the ordinary supreme being!



The Master of Eternal Life Banquet will give this face!

Countless doubts flashed!

These creatures fell into silence!

"That...If the host of the Eternal Life Banquet does not give this face, you should still do it..."

In the eyes of Shifang Undefeated, another flash flashed, and suddenly asked!

"you guess."

Chen Zheng looked at Shifang with a smile.


The puppet named Lemon also smiled at Shifang!

"Ah...this...when I didn't ask." Shifang unceasingly smirked, and then looked at the metal platform in front of him, and swept over a piece of suspended objects: "The ancient order of the Lord of the Lord, the ultimate monument of the Age of Territory, the pillar of eternity, the ten supremely breathable Divine Pills, and the eyes of the Ultimate Domain, the master of the Eternal Life Banquet is so generous that it is really scary. Only these gods... .... I should have no chance, other people should have no chance. Right now, I just want to see the owner of the Eternal Life Banquet and meet the owner of the Eternal Life Banquet."


No chance?

What is the meaning of the ten directions?

The banquet of immortality has not begun yet!

How come there is no chance!

The frowns of the living creatures before him frowned, and they also stared at the suspended supreme gods. At the moment, they were a little unhappy. They secretly said that you will not be destroyed in all directions, and they can still make the master of the eternal life banquet!

"Era God Monument, Ancient Command of the Lord of the Throne, Ten Supreme Divine Pills, Ultimate Great Territory Eye, Pillar of Eternity... Although I don’t know what the Pillar of Eternity is, how do I feel that these things are for Chen Wu Prepared on the..."

Sect Master Long Chu swept over the gods and grunted. The people from the dark and immortal gate here also nodded subconsciously. If these gods are present in other large territories, in addition to the domain eyes, the rest will definitely attract all the main roads to compete.


These artifacts suddenly appeared at this immortal feast!

And basically gathered the most top artifacts in a domain!

It is extremely rare!

And the reason why the Master of Eternal Life does this!

It should also be to attract Chen Wushang!


Who is the owner of the Eternal Life Banquet?

What does the Master of Eternal Life Banquet look like!

It should not be the future robbery!

"Chen Wushang... Chen Shousong... Sect Master Long Chu in the Desolate Immortal Gate, who are you calling Supreme?"

Many creatures heard the muttering sound of the Long Chu Sect Master. After a moment of silence, there was a man in a capable gown, who was extremely tall, and stared at him, staring at the Long Chu Sect Master and asked!


The rest of the supernatural beings also stared!

Chen Supreme!

That is not on the list!

It seems that only one person has the word Chen in his name!

Only one person has Chen as his surname!

"Of course this is..."

Sect Master Long Chu was stared by a strong man and stared by seven or eight other supernatural beings. At this moment, there was still a lot of pressure. After thinking about it for a while, Chen Zheng's identity would be revealed!


Just say a few words!

A woman laughed suddenly!


As soon as the woman's laughter sounded, all the creatures in this mysterious little world, whether they were puppets or people who came to the Eternal Life Banquet, all stared at the past!

"Master of Eternal Life Banquet!"

this moment!

The eyes are wide open to the extreme!

I don't seem to want to miss any scenes that follow!



There is no sign of a sign of Theo!

There is a woman above the throne!


This, this!


Why is this a woman whose body is like pure white flawless metal!

What race is this!

The Yinhuangxianmen and the Yinxianxian and others, who are immortal with the rest of the creatures who come to the banquet in ten directions, are now stunned!

This one on the pure white flawless god!

Will she be one of the top five on the list!

She could be Li, the third highest on the list!

All kinds of guesses!

"Meet the master!"

The puppets named Lemon and the puppets are so solemn at the moment that they pay a homage to the woman in the pure white flawless god!

"Seeing you yourself, I really match her lemon."

The woman in the pure white flawless constellation didn't look at the others, and ignored the puppets. At this moment, she only looked at Chen Zheng. After looking at it, she smiled and said something.

Although she was laughing, she had endless emotion in her tone.


Those who came to the banquet of eternal life outside the ghastly immortal gate were stunned!

What is her lemon?

"A bit familiar."

The woman looked at Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng also looked at the woman. This woman had seen it before, but it was slightly different from what he thought.

This woman had appeared in the strangest scene of the mysterious space changing in the deepest part of Jianyuan in the fifth largest domain. At that time, he thought that she was the same woman as that mysterious purple emperor, thinking that this woman had long been free from the Hongmeng universe. Back outside Hongmeng.


This woman is in Taixu.

And it's in the ultimate domain.

So in fact, the ultimate domain is a wild place in the eyes of Taixu creatures. It is essentially irrelevant to the future tyrant. It is this woman who has occupied the ultimate domain.

"I thought you came from the same place as me, now I see you, I know that you are different from us, if I came to the Hongmeng universe first, and I met you first, then our blood descendants I’ve been in control of the Hongmeng universe for a long time. Where else is there any Hongmeng robbery and future robbery. It’s a pity that I was a little weaker than her, and I was a step behind her to chase Hongmeng.”

The woman in the pure white flawless Sagittarius smiled and said but the tone was still full of emotion.


This one?

Why don't you understand?

However, for the rest of Xiaotiandi, listening to the conversation between Chen Zheng and the mysterious woman at this moment is almost like listening to the heavenly book. It is hard to guess!


I also heard something!

This mysterious woman does not belong to the Hongmeng universe!

This mysterious woman comes from outside Hongmeng!

She is a creature outside the universe!

"My title is too frost, has she mentioned me in the past?"

The woman on the pure white flawless god, the snowy eyes in the metal double pupil flashed through and smiled again!

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