Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2430: Whisper

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Too frost?

The spirits who came to the Eternal Life Banquet were shocked!

All the gods in the world have the surname of the ether, or that is a kind of title. Among the Taixu, there are the lords of Taihuang, Taixuan, and Taiyin, of which Taihuang and Taixuan are all gods! It is rumored that the first God of Heaven was also sealed in a sarcophagus in the domain of Palm Heaven, and was suppressed by a mysterious faceless woman!

So, the woman with the pure white and flawless metal body in front of her will also be a god!



Congenital Five Great Gods and Acquired Eight Great Gods!

I have never heard of such a title as Taishuang!

"I basically forgot everything about the first life, but I think she should never mention you."

Chen Zheng looked at the woman in the constellation and smiled.


In an instant!

The other creatures coming to the banquet instantly felt that everything around them was frozen!


This woman who claims to be too frost is angry!

Although there is a slight smile on her face!


After a moment, the woman on the throne gently shook her head, and the practitioners felt that the power of horror and freezing had disappeared, before she was relieved. The woman swept through the artifacts, and then looked towards Chen Zheng: "I know you are collecting these small things, the gadgets corresponding to the ultimate domain, except for the future robbery master, I basically help you collect all This time, I would like to find some guys to test your level. After seeing your real person, I know that there is no need to test. These small things are for you, you send me out of the Hongmeng universe. "


small things?

The Epoch Monument!

Guling the Lord!

That ultimate territorial eye!

In this woman's eyes, it was just a little thing!

The souls who went to the banquet other than the monk of the Immortal Immortal Gate heard this sentence, and their hearts were trembling, and the Epoch Monument was ranked second in the Taixu God's Different List. Such a precious thing, how could this be just a small thing!

and also!

The woman said she wanted the young man to send her out of the Hongmeng universe!

This young man surnamed Chen!

Is he really that person!

The mysterious woman is looking for herself and others to test this young man's cultivation skills!

This is not necessary before it starts!

Isn't it true that you and others are the same?

The call is coming!

Go away!

The creatures of the highest level, such as the immortality of the ten directions, frowned slightly, but they did not dare to have any changes at this moment, knowing that this mysterious woman could not afford them!

"The deal."

Chen Zheng swept over all the artifacts, and included the Age of God Monument and the Ancient Commander of the Lord of the Lord into the Yuanshen, and then shot a seven-color divine light in his eyebrows, hitting the woman on the seat of God.

this is!

What supernatural powers!

Shifang immortal and so on stared at the seven-color divine light, silently perceiving with divine thoughts, but as soon as they perceive, they are terrified. They instantly know that this is a power that exceeds their level!

"It really is this thing, I should have had this thing, but unfortunately, she... forget about what happened in the past, and it doesn't make any sense to be sour. Your own spirit is out of reach. I’m coming from my soul, I’m going to whisper something to you."

The pure white and flawless woman on the constellation smiled, and after a smile, her right hand raised to Chen Zheng.



Still going to her primordial spirit?

Is this necessary?

The ten parties are immortal and do not know why. At this moment, a jealous, supreme level of life is born. If it is the exchange of primordial gods, which one would need to go to another one!

"Whisper... well."

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, and Yuan Shen flew into the woman's eyebrows.



White light flashes!


Other creatures in this mysterious metal small world!

Only white light can be seen!

Can only perceive nothingness!

Can't perceive the existence of the gods and the mysterious woman!

For a while!

Can only be silent!

Can only wait in silence!



Among the nothingness!

Suddenly there was a cold hum!



This doesn't seem to be the voice of a mysterious woman!

This cold hum came from the young man!

There is another primordial spirit in that young man!

The souls outside the Yinxian Immortal Gate all looked toward Chen Zheng's body by virtue of perception.


The Yinhuangxianmen, the Queen of the Cloudy Yinxian, Wan Ji, Elder Qiushui, Sect Master Long Chu, etc., were also in consternation. The first time I thought that the cold hum was the little girl called by the Supreme Master Chen Shou in the Tiangou family, but the voice was right No, this cold hum is the voice of an adult woman!


It's so cold!

It seems that the world and the earth are frozen!

Who is this!

Who is the woman primordial spirit in the body of Supreme Master Chen!


Between their speculations, the pure white vanity light disappeared, and the mysterious woman on the constellation reappeared, and the mysterious woman smiled at Chen Zhengyan again: "This is the secret between me and you, but don’t tell others People especially other women say!"


How is this like spreading dog food in public?

Shifang keeps his eyebrows tightly locked, and he feels very uncomfortable at the moment. He knows that this woman has a big future, but unfortunately he hasn’t taken a fancy to himself, but the guy!


But there is no way!

That guy is too strong!

With a sigh, among the monstrous eyes of the monks such as Empress Dowager, Wan Ji, Elder Qiushui, Sect Master Long Chu, etc., there was no fluctuation in Chen's front face, and a seven-color divine light was shot again in his eyebrows!



The right hand of the woman in the throne lifted up and grabbed the puppet lemon and other puppets. These puppets instantly shrank to the size of the slap and all flew to her!


This scene is a bit weird!

Those puppets are really weird!

The ten directions are immortal and so on!

And at the next moment!

The woman in the throne suddenly gave Chen Zheng a kiss!


The ten parties are almost immortal and almost stagger to the end!


Just listen to a huge vibration!

I saw a flash of white light!

Everyone was instantly sent out of the mysterious world!


The sky above the ice and snow wasteland!

A crystal-like pure white giant ship hangs in the air!

This seems to be the true content of the mysterious world!


See also the seven-color flash of light!

The pure white giant ship rushed out of Taixu!

In the blink of an eye!

Turn into a light spot!

Then disappeared!

Above the ultimate domain!

Everything returned to calm as if nothing had happened!

"This...If it really jumps out of the Hongmeng universe, it is not detached, if it is detached, is it not this..."

An old man in gray clothes, a thought came out of his mind, subconsciously speaking, but stopped after half of the words, looking towards Chen Zheng!


Ten indestructibles are also waiting!

I want to ask at this moment!

Just dare not ask!


After a moment of silence, Shifang's immortal suddenly opened, and his figure was directly destroyed! He came with a Dao body, not an ontology, and can directly destroy the Dao body. This Dao body is no longer needed, leaving the other eight or nine supreme beings trembling!


Is this afraid that the young man who seems to be on the top of the list has traced his body!

So be on the go!

Self-defeating Dao body!

"That... I'll say goodbye!"


"Your peace of I will never reveal a word of my heart's oath after the immortal banquet took place today!"

The thought flashed over, and the rest of the supreme beings spoke one after another. They came also that the Dao body was not the body, but did not self-extinguish the Dao body. After a slight salute to Chen Zheng, all the people with them disappeared!


This ultimate great ice and snow wasteland!

There are only Chen Zheng, Yin Ji Xianmen Wanji, Zhuoyin Xianhou, Elder Qiushui and others!

"Too frost...too frost days...Frost sky giant ship..."

Under the gaze of Wan Ji, Empress Dowager, and Elder Qiushui, Chen Zheng smiled and read a few words. Hearing these words, Yin Huang Xianmen and others were startled!

This is too frost!

Why does it sound like heaven!

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