Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2431: Blue Spirit

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Wind and snow.

getting bigger.

Chen Zheng stood alone in the wind and snow.

After the Yinhuangxianmen turbid Yinxian, the elder Qiushui, the Long Chu Sect Master and others, he returned to the Yinhuangxianmen with the secret method of time and space. As for Wan Ji, it was sent into the road map.

"I'm curious, who is the future emperor."

Chen Zheng's gaze recovered from the edge of the ultimate domain, and said that he had drawn a metal ball the size of an eyeball. This metal ball was the domain eye of the ultimate domain, and it was also one of the rewards Taishuang used to trade with him.


You Mang flashed.

Zhengyue girl appeared.

Zhengyue girl glanced at the metal ball, although some did not want to swallow, but she swallowed directly.

"This character does not know who the future emperor is, but this character can make your three disciples Yanluo the future emperor!"

It was also at this time that an indifferent voice responded, and this voice was the voice of the future robbery master.


The girl of Zhengyue originally wanted to enjoy the wind and snow. When she heard this voice, she immediately slipped back into Chen Zhengyuan's spirit. She used to be afraid of Chen Zheng, but not later. She is only afraid of the future robbery.

"It seems that Yanluolai is the future emperor."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Humph!" There was another cold hum, and the voice of the future hijacker paused for a second time: "Bencaihua is not interested in the whispers that the woman said to you. This is only telling you a little, maybe in the Hongmeng universe, you use the universe The cantilever can also restrain the nature of creation, but once you are detached and out of the Hongmeng universe, then you can also be a cantilever of the universe, and you can no longer restrain the nature of nature! So the day of your detachment is when you and I are cut apart!"

"It should be a while."

Chen Zheng still smiled.

"The little demon girl you saw just now is a disciple of the first identity of your first love emperor. This little demon girl was hit by the curse planted by the extreme creator!

As long as you are close to this little demon girl, take this little demon girl with you, even if it is sent to the world inside the road map to seal it, that Yuyu creator can perceive all your movements through the little demon girl!

Your physical body is indeed detached, and Yuan Shen Xiu is already a seven-level samsara level, but this curse cannot be solved! This nature reminds you, make a decision before you think about it! "

The indifferent and ruthless voice of the future robber sounded, and then disconnected!

"The curse planted by the creator of the polar realm... how does this sound like that one... The Word Promise Sky, which is stronger than the peak of Taishuangtian! But the Word Promise Sky has fallen on The battle of great annihilation is in progress... eh? Wait! Master, this future master is revealed at a glance, you just saw the situation of the little demon girl who is climbing up with difficulty, the future More than 90% of her master is the one who... I dare not say it! Once the master is detached, the universe's cantilever may not really restrain her!"

at the same time!

Chen's mind!

Macross Roulette Spirit!

Isolate everything else with mystery!

Said something that only Chen Zheng can hear except this moment!

It didn’t take long for Chen Zheng to be the master, and he began to doubt the identity of the future robber. In the past, he only speculated through some clues. At most, he was suspected of 70%. Although it is said that more than 90% is possible, it is actually 9%. Cheng Jiu doubted!

I was afraid that Chen Zheng thought it was provoking, so I said 90%, but not 90%!

"Do you think I can see the talents of the seven major reincarnations at a glance, and I, the flesh that can swallow even the ultimate Daoist, do you need to worry about this?"

Chen Zhengshen read back a sentence, which was only audible by Macross Spirit.

"Then...but... if the master is detached and takes her with her, she will return to the peak in an instant!"

The Macro Roulette was stunned for a moment, but still a little worried!

"That scene really happened, and I would force her to bind me again."

Chen Zhengshen read back.

"Forcibly bind...this and this...Since the master has said so, I won't persuade anymore. But one thing she really is right, the edge of the domain is hard The little demon girl climbing the mountain is equivalent to an eye of the Holy Word Promise in the Hongmeng universe.

The master can't crack the spell of the creator level of the polar realm at present. If he really helps the little demon girl and takes the little demon girl with him, then all the movements of the master in the future will really be spied by the Holy Word Promise. Although it is rumored that the Holy Word Promise Sky is a woman, although the Holy Word Promise Sky can't do anything to the owner, it can be peeped by a woman at any time, which feels strange. "

Qi Ling thoughtfully.

"Women....It doesn't matter, she likes to watch it, let her see it. Besides, it's just the trend. She wants to see it. If she actively communicates with me and wants to see something nice, I also greatly Fang Fang showed her."

Chen Zheng showed a smile.


After listening to Macross Roulette, he stopped talking and said nothing.

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step and disappeared directly into the wind and snow. When he appeared in the next moment, it was already a mountain front that was not high in the outer circle of the ultimate domain.


"Era Overlord...Hum? It turned out to be an overlord of the era. I don't know which big domain and what origin the adult came from. We are the monks of the Yunling Mountain in the Big Sky."

"That... Lord seems to be looking at our little master Blue Spirit in Yunling Mountain, our little master is digging treasure on the mountain, the lord also digging for treasure?"


Seven or eight eyes stared!

There are men and women who are all vigilantly staring at Chen Zheng!

"What treasure to dig."

Chen Zheng didn't look at these people. He just asked casually. His eyes followed the blue demon girl who had difficulty climbing up the mountainside. The blue demon girl pulled out a fairy pick and began to dig things.

"This... our Yunling Mountain Lord was stared at by a holy son of human race, forcing our Mountain Lord to serve him as a servant, our Mountain Lord would not escape from the power of burning the source....... Little Master Secretly ran out... Come and dig treasures in the sky, want to save the mountain..."

He asked these men and women to be more vigilant, but an old man in a yellow shirt still spoke back!

"Huh? You dug something, you got a piece of blood jade! Wow! This piece of blood jade seems to be very simple, so powerful blood!"


On the hillside in front that is not high!

A cry of surprise sounded!

not good!


These men and women are all sinking here!


This is the moment!

Regardless of whether it is on the mountain or the rest of the mountain, the rest of the souls move their eyes!

All stared at the position of the little blue girl in the middle of the mountain!

This moment is like a fierce beast smelling blood!

"..." The blue demon girl froze for a Eyes blinked for a while, and at this moment, she realized that there was trouble, and secretly cast a method to collect Blood Jade and Immortal Pick. Then, with a sly expression: "That...uncles and uncles and uncles, I am wrong because I am too low. No blood jade was dug, but a sweet potato was dug!"


Raise your little hand and spread it out!

An extra sweet potato comes out!

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