Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2469: Thinking about the body 1 time!

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Just now!

Gently breathe!

Gu Sha was blown out!

Then Gu Sha was annihilated in extreme panic!


What magical means this is!

and many more!

Why did Gu Sha panic!

Could it be!

What Gu Sha saw on this man!

Or did Gu Sha recognize this one's identity!

The phaseless God Emperor, the white-haired God Emperor at the end of Baiyu Tianjie, and the old slave Jiang God, almost all had the same thought in their hearts!

"My dear!"

Chu Hongyi only froze for a moment. In her eyes, Chen was invincible and omnipotent, so she was not surprised. At this moment, she saw the mother, Princess Longxiang, she was looking for, fainted, and quickly flew over to help Longxiang. princess!

"My name is Zu Qiankun... My father is Linglong Sword Respected Zun Kunlun... My master is the first **** of Tianshen Tomb... My fiancee is the goddess of heavenly goddess of the ancient mountain. ...My body is not will destroy my will-incarnation..."

Zu Qiankun's will was transformed into a god, and he stared at Chen Zheng in surprise, and said something subconsciously.


He is scared!

Because his master said!

Within this Taixu!

It is impossible for someone to resolve the ancient evil planted in the body of Princess Longxiang!

Not even the top of the list!



I saw a guy with only three lines of domineering Godhead!

This guy extinguished Gusha with only one breath!

This subverted the ancestral cognition!

"Linglong Jianzong...Tianjin Mound...Eternal God Mountain... This force is linked... No wonder your ancestor Qiankun is so confident!"

The Emperor of No Phase stares at the will of the ancestor Qian Kun and sighs!

No wonder!

This ancestor Qiankun dare to murder Longxiang!

No wonder you just boasted it!

Because the three main roads behind it are extremely simple!

Except that Linglong Sword Sect's reputation is not obvious, in the eyes of Taixu spirits, in the eyes of palm heaven domains, Tianshen Mound and Eternal God Mountain are not weaker than the ancestral dynasty, and even Eternal God Mountain is even above the ancestor ancestor!

"This... The Emperor of No Phase understands this, and you should understand this too.........The so-called enemy should be resolved and not tied, otherwise, you will destroy my will incarnation , From now on, a grudge will be cancelled?"

The ancestor Qian Kun will incarnate and smile, without looking at the Godless Emperor, just staring at Chen Zheng at the moment!

He fears!

Really scared!

If not afraid!

It will not report all the backings!

He is not afraid of the destruction of will incarnation!

He is afraid that the body will be stared at!


At the moment when Gu Sha broke down!

He will destroy this will incarnate!

Suddenly found!

I can't destroy my own incarnation at all!

This avatar is no longer controlled by his own body!

"I came to take control of the Celestial Territory, and I want to destroy some of the Taoism. Among them are the Tenjinzuzu that migrated from the second largest territory. I almost forgot, that day the Shenzuzu should have been in the third largest territory, and later moved to the second largest territory. Soon I moved from the second largest domain to the palm domain."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Come to the heaven?

Want to destroy some Taoism?

Tenjinzu is one of them?

Is this an ambition or a task?

The phaseless God Emperor, Beiming God, the white-haired God Emperor, the old servant Jiang Shen, etc., shivered, and the phaseless God Emperor and Beiming God suddenly thought of the previous scene even more terrifying!

in case!

Just started it yourself!

I am afraid it has fallen!

It is even possible that the ancestral ancestral court will collapse!

Taoism collapsed!

Think of these!

The Emperor of No Phase only feels afraid after one!


The ancestor Qiankun will be stagnant!

He worshipped under the first ancient celestial constellation of Tianshenzuo. Of course he knew that Tianshenzua had migrated many times recently, but it was not clear why he had migrated. He thought that he moved into the domain of Palm Heaven to enter the broken land!

But at this moment he understood!

Not to enter the broken land!

The reason why Tenjinzuzu migrated was to avoid something!

Tenjinzu is hiding from the young man in front of him!


My master never told me!

"It turns out...Master, they are avoiding you..."

Zu Qiankun's will incarnation trembles, and then his face changes drastically, revealing a terrified look!

He understood again!

That is the terrible guy in front of me!

I have long been in control of this incarnation of my will!

I already knew the present hiding place of Tenjinzu through my own will incarnation!

My body is also in Tenjinzuka!

"So I should thank you. If it weren’t for you to jump out today, I still don’t know where the Tianshen Mound is hidden. I have to spend some time to check it. Your name is Qian Qiankun, son of Kunlun, Linglong Sword Palace, you Rest assured that when I find your body, I will give you a happy heart. You don’t have to worry about your father, Kunlun. I will give him a happy heart when I find him."

Chen Zheng gave the ancestor Qian Kun the will to smile again!



This smile!

In the eyes of these creatures in the court!


This is more than just destroying the **** mound!

This will destroy Linglong Sword Palace!

Also kill Linglong Sword Respected Kunlun!

"You...not a person!" Zu Qiankun's will incarnation took a deep breath, staring at Chen Zheng's teeth and groaning: "You can control my will incarnation, but not my body, and my body has already existed for you. I told my master and my father! My body, my master, my father fled into the broken land, I don’t believe I can’t escape you!"

"The gods of Tenjinzuka will not enter the broken land, nor will your father enter the broken land."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"How to say!"

Zu Qiankun's will incarnate for a moment, then Shen Sheng asked!

"One is that life is better than death as soon as you enter the broken place, and the other is that you still want to get something from me, and he won't be reconciled without getting that thing. So you can escape into the broken place, but you do Xiuwei has entered the broken land and should not live long."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"You... actually...!"

Zu Qiankun's will shuddered, and his face was panic-stricken at the moment!

Because his body has already received a response, Tenjinzu is indeed not going to the broken land. His Master is ready to awaken all the sleeping ancient gods and prepare to lay down the most powerful battle!

And his father did not go to the broken land, and now he has gone to Van Gogh Mountain, saying he is going to Van Gogh Mountain to borrow something!

This guy in front of me!

I guessed everything as if I could see the future!


Why is that!

Why is this so!

Master and his father have said When he met an opponent who could not beat him, he fled for the first time, but now why this opponent has not really gone to Tenjinzuka and Linglong Sword Palace, but the master and his father did not escape !

"Do you choose to be a coward or stand to die? You can think about this problem."

At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled, and the will of Qian Qiankun was broken!


The ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors such as the Emperor of No Phase, the Queen of the Northern Ming Dynasty, and the Crown Prince Longxie, this moment was inexplicably shaken, and this moment was also confirmed. This uncle of Chu Hongyi is definitely a giant devil!

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