Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2470: Look and study hard

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Then the question is coming!

Who is he on the list?

Is it the Lord of Heaven?

Wuxiang Shenhuang thought about it and thought of someone!

"Uncle ancestor dynasty anyway, I don't want to stay, send us back to the Emperor Sect!"

At this time, Chu Hongyi tragically supported Princess Longxiang who had not yet awakened, and shouted at Chen Zheng.


Chen Zheng nodded.



Wu Xiang Shen Huang subconsciously wants to speak, and wants to say something, but the words have not been spoken yet. Chen Zheng, Chu Hongyi, Princess Longxiang and old servant Jiang Shen, the four disappeared directly!


The Broken Yuanshen of the Northern Ming God was relieved, and the princes such as Longxie Prince and the ancestors of the royal family were relieved, and the strange and terrible guy finally left!

At the end of Baiyu Tianjie, the white-haired God Emperor thought for a moment, and said nothing, and turned into the Great Shrine. The Yuanshen, the other two great ancestors, took a deep breath and silently turned to the Great Shrine!

"The first ancestors missed a great opportunity."

After a long silence, the Emperor Wuxiang sighed.

at the same time.

The ancestors face east.

The deep abyss called the scale abyss

"Master Zun also has other ancient gods. Since he has been avoiding that guy, why didn't he escape into the broken land, this disciple can't understand this!"

Zu Qiankun kneeled in front of an ancient god, and asked with his head lowered in a deep voice!

"Broken Land... Any other race in this heaven and earth can enter, but the gods in our **** mound can't."

The ancient **** shook his head.

"This... why is this?"

Zu Qiankun looked up, his face puzzled!

"We first escaped from the Broken Land, the traitor of the Broken Land. The reason why the Taixu will enter the supreme age, the overbearing overlords such as the Taihuang, Taixuan, Taiyin Lords, etc. So being able to step into the supreme realm has something to do with the Broken Land, more precisely the one in the Broken Land has awakened. Although the name of the one is not on the list, but that one is invincible in the Broken Land ."

The ancient **** shook his head again.

"Then... since all of them are dead, it's better to escape into the broken land and lead the guy to the broken land. Even if he dies, he can be taken to be buried with him!"

The eyes of the ancestor Qiankun moved!

"We would rather be killed by him than return to the broken land. You haven't felt that kind of pain, it is really life is better than death. Moreover, this time we have set up a large formation, not to stop him, if he is really Here we are, our chance."

Gu Tianshen thought of something, flashed in horror, but quickly smiled.

"Opportunity...what opportunity?"

Zu Qiankun thoughtfully questioned!

"This large formation was stolen from the mysterious note in the broken land. This large formation has a long name, but it can be summarized in two words."

Ancient God smiled faintly.

"Which two words!"

Zu Qiankun asked again!


The ancient **** returned two words in a very ethereal tone.


Zu Qiankun's eyes widened!


Emperor Emperor Zong.

"It turns out that there is a treasure in the uncle's body, and the treasure has created a world where there are so many women... Those women can't just be the disciples of the uncle, remember the disciples and the like, there must be something unusual with the uncle. ......The average person is the Jinwu Zangjiao, Uncle this is to take the treasure to open a world to hide the Jiaojiao, the average person is really inferior to the uncle..."

Lan Linggang followed Chen Zheng from the inner world of Daotu, and went to see the inner world of Daotu. The creatures she saw, except for a big goose and a few worlds shrunk to the size of the palm, the rest were basically Women can't help but think of many.

"That's the world for Yan Luokai. As for the Seventh Princess, Feiya, etc., they are basically the people I once pointed out. Although they are not personal disciples, they are also half disciples. You don’t want to promote cultivation to be awakened. You should learn Chu girl and go practice with Princess Qi for a while."

Chen Zheng replied lightly.

"Cultivation? Tai Xiao said that I am a reincarnated chaotic goddess. As long as I wake up and definitely cultivate, I will explode. How can practice wake up quickly, anyway, I will wait for the awakening!"

Lan Ling shook his head, said a pause, and then said: "Yes, uncle, my mother returned to the blue clan ancestors, shouldn't there be any danger? Then what kind of blue clan, I haven't seen me for so many years Mother, my mother now leans on the uncle to step into the supreme realm, and the Lan tribe will come to the door, feeling that she is greedy for the supreme power that Tianlong gave me!

"Tai Chong Tianlong's supreme power is not something that anyone who wants to deprive can deprive. Since you want to awaken, then take a good look at my means of destroying some traditions. You can also awaken early if you enlighten early. Although you are a chaotic goddess Reincarnation, but I don’t have the physique of my fourth disciple, but I let her take you, and I can share your luck."

Chen Zheng smiled, a move, and a figure emerged.


This figure is the female Yan, the four disciples he officially received, had previously obtained two singular magic weapons in the ghost land of the rainbow, and now it is completely integrated with the two singular magic weapons.

Although she doesn't seem to be the overlord of the era, she can glance at both eyes casually, even if it is a general superordinate creature, she can see it thoroughly.

You can see all the mysteries, Shou Yuan, talents, combat power, physique, magic cards, etc. at a glance. In addition, you can copy mysteries and talents.

The two magic weapons she merged, according to the theory of Macross, it should be a special magic weapon created by a certain creator, which is specifically for the creator’s blood descendants. It may not have much combat power itself, and it can be a life-saving means. One, so extremely rare.

"Uh... this sister has just seen in the world inside Daotu, what is this sister's physique?"

Lan Ling looked at Yan Yan. She had seen it before when she entered Taotu, but she didn't pay much attention. Now she knows that she is a fourth disciple, and she can't help but ask.

"Good luck Dao body, lucky Dao body, no matter what kind of statement, in short, it can benefit from evil and bring good luck to the people around you. You will stay with Yan Nu in the future, it should not be long before you can awaken, of course, yourself It’s better to take a good look and learn."

Chen Zheng said casually, raised his right hand, and drew a time-space beacon. Lan Ling nodded subconsciously, and the three in the room passed silently!


next moment!

Three people appeared above the Great Abyss named Scale Abyss!


Deep in Scale Abyss!

The ancient **** raised his head violently!

"This guy!"

Zu Qiankun also raised his head staring out of the scales, a thought came out of his heart, that is, sneaking away! However, when he sensed that his master's breath of ancient gods began to skyrocket, in addition to the other five ancient gods coming out of the darkness, the breath was not weaker than his master!

He has confidence!

Oh shit!

Don't believe this guy!

Can kill six ancient gods infinitely approaching the top ten in the list!

Your own master teamed up with five other ancient gods!

Absolutely not weaker than the top ten or even the top five creatures!

Not to mention!

There is also a detachment!

Once Master's plan is successful!

I can really follow the Master to gain the way!

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