Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2483: You can't escape for the world!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"You are the real master of all calamities!"

Ancient ruins!

Broken ancient ruins!

Old man in purple emperor robe without protection!

Suddenly blurted out after standing for a while!

"There is no such thing as the Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulation, only the Chief of Tribulation. Since you are here to kill this woman, then I am not robbed of the Tribulation Ruins! This Tribulation Ruins is one of the three major tribulation ruins. No. 1 supernatural power on the list!"

The black robe man sang in a deep voice!


The spirits at this ruined ancient ruin originally thought that the black robe man wanted to show the strongest magic power, and the blue spirits had secretly transmitted a voice to Yan Nu, so that Yan Nu could see clearly how much power the black robe man had the strongest magic power!


Black robe man becomes invisible!


Did not perceive any terrible avenue fluctuations!


Is this a prelude to the secret method?

Or did he say that he had run away?

Everyone is a little ignorant!

"go with."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and spit out a word casually. I saw a ghost sword shadow killing, and at once broke through the thick malaria that shrouded the ruined ancient ruins!


next moment!

There was a wailing cry from the sky!


The souls of the ruined ancient ruins are subconsciously looking to the sky!

A mouth cut through the ghost sword shadow!

See clearly a figure in the sky beyond the measles!


That's the market!

Robbing the ruins!


The robbery is ruined by a ghost sword shadow!


The crackling sound!

Robbery of the ruins of the ruins of several counties!

See also the fragments of the ring of the era spilled!


The people of the Yin tribe who shattered the ancient ruins shuddered. The old man in the purple emperor robe was one of the awakening ancestors of the Yin tribe. He thought that the existence of the ninth place on the top of the list, how can there be a fighting force, plus itself is the incarnation of the number of the world, how can you break free!


A sword!

A face-to-face!


Robbing the ruins!



Is it your turn!

You must be killed with a sword!

Is it!

Is it powerless?

Don’t you wake up for so long and step into the supremacy!

Is there no chance to escape!

Is it!

Top of the list!

Is it absolutely crushed to the creatures after the fifth on the list!

Do not!

Do not believe!

Also give it a try!

"I am the world!"


The purple emperor roar of the Yin ancestors roared!


The person disappeared!

"The ancestor!"

"The ancestor escaped!"

"The ancestor escaped with the ancient secret method!"

The people who broke the Yin ruins of the ancient ruins froze for a moment, then exclaimed, and after that exclaimed it was a trembling!

This Nima!

The awakened ancestor escaped!

This is the first ancestor who abandoned himself and others!

The ancestor really escaped!

Isn't it a chance to wait for yourself!

"The first ancestor... really escaped!"

at the same time!

Inside the Yinxu Shenting!

A **** looking at the Yuzhu light curtain will tremble and ask!

No one responded!

At the moment, the rest of the people in the court were staring at the light curtain of Yuzhu!

"Do not!"


A wailing sound was heard in the Yuzhu light curtain!

That horrible ghost sword shadow did not move!

It was the young man in the light curtain who only had the three ring tyrants, and he grabbed the ground with his hand, and innumerable fragments of ghost images were instantly caught!

The innumerable fragments of phantom condensed into one person, that person is the ancestor of the purple emperor robe who cast the ancient secret method and escaped from the world!

this is!

This is caught back!

The ancestor failed to escape!

The ancestor is about to finish!


The thoughts in the hearts of the people of the Yin tribe who shattered the ancient ruins of the ancient ruins just popped up. The purple primordial ancestor fleshed out the primordial spirit, there was no blood, only nothingness, only the fragments of the era ring!



It is impossible to escape by using ancient secrets!

The ancestor was caught back!

It was squeezed into nothingness at once!

too horrible!


Another spike!

This combat power is really scary!

"Shit... It's all spikes... how can I learn this... I won't learn anything, I have to wait until when I can wake up... ..."

Ruin the ancient ruins, Lan Ling blinked wildly, and he couldn't help but burst a swearing!

Won't learn!

This really can't be learned!

This is impossible to learn!

Uncle let yourself learn!

How can you learn this!


"The first person spares his life!"

"Although I and I are also members of the Yin tribe, I waited like ants in front of our first ancestors. We have to obey the will of our first ancestors!"

At this time!

The Yin people who destroyed the ancient ruins have come back to God!

Kneel down one by one in the air to beg for mercy!



Chen Zheng did not do it!

The expressionless Yinxu **** raised a hand now!

A look at the Yin people!

The people of the Yin tribe are extinct!


Lan Ling's eyes moved, and he quickly stared at the Yin Ruin God, but his eyes were swept away, and the Yin Ruin God's form disappeared!

"Uncle is helping her. Even if she doesn't agree with her, it's okay to say thank you to the uncle, right? Just picking up the head and leaving, would it be rude?"

She frowned slightly, and disappeared after saying nothing to the Yinxu god!

"After the Yinxu God, her flesh is special."

Chen Zheng collected all the fragments of the scattered era ring and sent them into the Taisu stone egg. The ghost sword shadow was divided into two at this moment, and turned into a female sword child sword, the child sword turned into a person, and the female sword flashed coldly. Cut off the shackles of Wan Jie.

"Huh? Is this the spirit of the Excalibur?"

Lan Ling showed her curiosity, but Zi Jian didn't respond to her, and didn't even look at her. Zi Jian made a salute to Chen Zheng, and turned into a gloomy flare out of the turbulent malaria that enveloped the ruined ancient ruins.

"Where is the spirit of the Excalibur?"

Lan Ling asked again.

"the host!"

Without the yoke of the shackles, the moment came, and fell in front of Chen Zheng to respectfully worship!

"First enter the world inside the Tao map to restore mana, wait for the head of the robbery to be found, and then get back your belongings."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The look of ten thousand tribulation was solemn, and there was a very respectful response. At the same time, Nether Sword Shadow also flew into Chen Zheng's body.

"Which... the spirit of the The Spirit of the Excalibur is so beautiful. Isn't Uncle worried that the Spirit of the Excalibur is being targeted? By the way, Uncle, you just said The queen’s flesh is special, is it a greedy body? If so, the taste of the uncle is really strange!"

As soon as Lan Ling's eyes moved, he opened his mouth to ask questions.


Chen Zheng raised his right hand and pointed at Lan Ling's forehead with a flick of his head: "What I think, I let you look and study hard, not to make you think about it. In half a month, if there is nothing to understand, I will send you into the road map. Heaven and earth, let the Seven Princesses teach you."

"Woo, woo, people know that they are wrong. They used to be naive and kind. Recently, they did not follow the uncle to watch the uncle and scan the picture. This is not because I have learned something and learned something before I start to think about it... ..."

Lan Ling whined over his forehead.

"Master, actually the disciples are also curious about where Zijian went."

Then Yan Yan asked with a smile.

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