Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2484: Rebirth of Sword Palm

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"Zi Jian? Wasn't the young lady just the sword spirit?"

Lan Ling blinked.

"found it."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously, Yan Nu and Lan Ling just showed curiosity, and the three disappeared.


Inside the Yinxu Shenting!

Yin Taixu and others all stared at Yuzhu!


Yuzhu is still there!

But the light curtain is gone!

The moment the ancestor of the Yin emperor's purple emperor robe was erased!

The beam of light disappeared!

"The voice of the announcement... When did it sound... Did he... want to come to our Yingu Shenting... Do you want to completely destroy the Yinxu God? Chao! Is he able to destroy the Yinxu divine dynasty with a sword!"

God will tremble!

Yin Taixu, the National Teacher, etc. are also very uneasy!

"The Yin tribe Yin Fanyun fell, and hereby tells the Taixu world!"

"The Yin clan's Yin tide is declining and is hereby announced to the Taixu world!"

"The robbery of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins is hereby announced to the world of Taixu!"


The announcement sounded!

Everyone in the court was shaking again!


I'm afraid the next ghost sword shadow will appear above the gods!

The gods outside the divine court are also trembling!

Suddenly realized at this moment!

Within an hour today!

The Yinxu Divine Dynasty fell three supreme beings!

If you count the ruins of the ruins of the number, it is the four supreme beings!

And within the last three days!

It seems that at least ten supreme beings have fallen from the Taixu!

"This... is still the great power of the overlord era such as Tai Huang, Tai Xuan, Tai Yin Lord, Supreme True Demon, and Eternal Dragon. After Tai Ru entered the Supreme Age, so far, these overlords None of the prestigious creatures of the time have fallen! By the way, there are Hong Kong of the ancients, Yi Qianhan of the killing road, the master of the cathode palace, and the queen of bliss, etc. Although they are ranked in the 20th place, they are still all Alive!"

"The newly emerged supernatural beings, those declining souls, are basically infamous in the age of overlords. Is this because of the lack of heritage? Has it fallen? Master Master, the heritage should be enough, even robbery. The masters have reached the fifth place on the list, but they have fallen!"

"The master of the robbery mountain... to be honest, the reputation was not obvious in the era of overlords, maybe the voices of the prestigious eras of overlords, such as Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord Taiyin, and Vanguard Dragon, I learned something in advance in order to Avoid some things, so the body entered the broken land!"

In the palm of the world, many ideas are exchanged!

"The Lord of Taihuang, Taixuan and Taiyin, of which Taihuang and Taixuan can be determined to be God, the first God Taichu I followed, is now suppressed in the Devil's Cave, these fallen supernatural beings, and me Compared with the mentioned creatures, it is actually nothing. If one day Tai Huang, Tai Xuan, or the early days I followed fell, then it would be truly earth-shattering."

In the ancient holy court of the ancient city of Yinlong, Taichung Tianlong shook his head gently.

"Isn't it... more than 90% of the fallen supernatural beings are the ones who are annihilated..."

Yin Tianwang was also there, opened his eyes when he heard this, and lowered his voice to ask.

Although Taichung Tianlong said nothing, he nodded slightly. King Yin Tian was originally like an old tree, and he couldn't help shaking at the moment.

After a moment, he sighed and gently shook his head to close his eyes.


Palm domain.

There is an ancient land boundary called reincarnation.

This land is just north of the ancient ruins of the ancient Yin Dynasty.

This land boundary belongs to an immortal tradition.

"The Taishang Reincarnation Hall... This Taoist system is not as prestigious in the age of hegemony as the eternal Taoist sect, the vertical and horizontal killing road, and the Cathode Magic Palace. Except for the hegemony of the hegemony. In the era of hegemony, it is not that Taihuang dares to provoke anyone, but nobody dares to provoke Taihuang.

In the past, the ancient ancestors and the killing road called Taixu first, but it could only be called Taixu first in the world, and Taihuang's Great Chaos Sword Palace was called Taixu first in the world.

But in the age of supremacy, the ranks of the ecumenical masters and the killing Taoists have always been on the top 20 list. It is reasonable that this ranking should not be the right one. I don’t know if it was deliberately hidden. Since entering the supreme age, Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan are gradually forgotten by the world, and no one mentioned it, which is also strange. "

Before Taishang Reincarnation Gu Shan, Lan Ling frowned slightly, looking at the Taishang Reincarnation Gushan in front of her, she suddenly thought of something.

"Master's Zijian has found Taishang Reincarnation Hall, Zizi is probably related to this Taishang Reincarnation Hall."

Yan Jin flashed in your double pupils, swept the Taishan reincarnation ancient mountain, and then the color of surprise flashed in your eyes. I thought this Taishan reincarnation ancient mountain was just an ancient immortal mountain gate in the Taixu, but at the moment she merged the heavenly magic weapon and found that things were not simple.

In front of me, this ancient reincarnation ancient mountain seems to be something beyond heaven!


Could it be!

This Taishang Reincarnation Hall is in the same vein as that of the Divine Deity!

It is also a chess piece laid by a transcendental person!


Chen Zheng hasn't responded yet. The Taishan reincarnation in front of the ancient mountain suddenly has a huge phantom pattern emerging!


Lan Ling was startled, staring at the huge phantom, only to feel that the mystery was extremely vast, and there were some broken floating glimmers in his mind vaguely!


I saw a woman!

A woman who is very indifferent after she grew up!

Is it!

That is his first chaotic goddess!

Lan Ling used Yuanshen to try to see the broken glimmering shadow, but the huge six reincarnation ghost shadows on the ancient mountain of Taishang suddenly expanded, and instantly shrouded the territories where the three people were. The broken glimmers in her mind disappeared!

"Oh shit!"

Lan Ling was unhappy instantly!


This is the moment!

A figure in the ancient reincarnation of Taishang flew out!

This figure flew to the huge six reincarnation virtual center!

At this moment, it is like taking charge of six reincarnation!

The breath of the original supreme level skyrocketed wildly!

In an instant I reached an extreme!

"The main lord was just a few months a will will be incarnate under the eight ancient wilderness abyss, and slammed you with words, you don't need to do so much to destroy the main lord!"

The figure stared at Chen Zheng and snorted at the moment!

"Uncle knows this guy? Um... this seems to be the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall, and it is said that he also lived for many eras and is also a big figure...damn! I am still a reincarnated chaotic goddess, The title of my chaotic goddess sounds louder than his name, the lord of the reincarnation, I am afraid of what he does!"

Lan Ling glanced at the figure, a little panicked, and suddenly thought that he was also a reincarnation of the great figure of the first era, and there was an uncle standing beside him, so he immediately raised his head!

"Why doesn't the main body of the main hall even have the qualification to make you look at it!"

The Lord of the Reincarnation Hall saw Chen Zhengkan didn't even look at him. He looked dull and asked again!

"I see, it turns out that Zijian palms reincarnation."

At this moment Chen Zheng said with a smile.

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