Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2492: You're awake!

  The world looks to the sky!

   Staring at the top of the list!

   Waiting for the top ranking to regenerate!

   This quarter of an hour has passed!

   No change in the top three on the list!

  Relaxed by world talents!

   This Nima is really coming!

   If the first three regeneration changes, then I can't stand this kind of stimulation!

"So the existence of the top five on the top list. Before the top list, the creatures we had never heard of were actually far stronger than the top lists we saw! It can even be said that the creatures on the top list are at least Half of them are stronger than the ranking. If necessary, the cultivation base can skyrocket!"

"No! Not so! There should be only a handful of players with this kind of hole cards! As for the top five of the list, it should be certain that it is stronger than the sixth and seventh-ranking emperors, eternal dragons, the Lord of the Taiyin, etc. One position, the top five on the list is the most terrifying existence!"

   "I don't know if you have noticed one thing. At the moment, Li, who is ranked third, has actually surpassed the ultimate evil, that is, he has exceeded the level of the top of the list half an hour ago!"

   "This is terrible. If this is not their limit, it is really terrible."

   "Say so much, I just want to know who the top leader, second leader and third leader are!"

   A whisper sounded, and thoughts flashed, the world's eyes finally recovered from the sky, and now looked at the direction of Feng Mo Di Cave again!

   Under the investigation of God's mind, we can see the huge primitive demon temple. At this moment, the world guesses that the top and the second list are in the primitive demon temple, but no one dares to go to the primitive demon temple!

   "In the beginning, the gods suppressed the enchanted caves. The master of the enchanted caves said that he would release the gods in the early days. After suppressing the faceless demons, will the red beans appear today in the early days? Will the gods appear in the world today? Will Chen Zu release the gods in the early days?"

  In the ancient holy court of the Dragon City of Yin Dynasty, Yin Tianwang also stared at the direction of Fengmo Caves, and suddenly thought of a little, could not help asking!

"Although I haven't seen this red faceless faced red bean before, I have heard about it. She is a supreme disciple of the first era. I didn't know it before, but now I guess something vaguely, and his master should be Chen Zu. , So too early

   whispered to the sky.

   "What! The faceless demon is Chen Zu's disciple!"

   King Yin is instantly dumbfounded!


  In the original magic hall!

   The family of Feng Mo Di Grottoes has been dumbfounded. They are in the devil hall. They hear the most clearly. They have speculated from the two cold hums that they are the top two!

  List 2!

  The mysterious list 2 named thirteen!

   is a woman!

   The woman is right in front of this list!

  The top two of the list is one!

   "List 2 is really a woman"

  Lan Ling Xiao's face was full of shock. In fact, the last time she was in the world transformed by Kunlun, the ancestor of Linglong Sword Palace, she guessed that the relationship between List 2 and Chen Zheng was very unusual. Only now that List 2 is a woman!

Oh shit!

  The second list is integrated with the uncle!

  Who can grab her uncle with this?

   She sneered!

   Xiu forced the ultimate evil and the mysterious Li to go down for the inflation!

   This should be the most terrifying woman in this world!

   This competition can no longer be called stressful!

   There is no competition at all!

   Even if you awaken to become a chaotic goddess!

   certainly can not beat the second on the list!

   My own pet plan is completely ruined!


  Yan girl opened her mouth, then shook her head gently, secretly underestimating the future robbery, the future robbery snorted twice, and pressed down the Li who came up!


   Taixu creatures don't know who it is!

  Know who it is!

   That is the master of Yuanxu!

   That was the master of the Yuan Ruins outside the territory!

   That day was in Yuanxu!

  Li Ke gave Master a sarcophagus to suppress the second robbery master!

   Today, his ranking suddenly came up!

   Suddenly overwhelmed the future master!

   I am afraid it is just a small temptation!

   "These guys are already contaminated. Let me clean them up!"


   Crystal clear inside the dream stone egg!

   A woman's voice sounded!


   Frightened screamers who are kneeling on the ground!


   You mang flash!

  The family of Fengmodi Caves is extinct!

   "Who is this sister?"

  Lan Ling swiftly recovered, only at this moment remembered that there was a creature in this mysterious stone egg, and listening to the voice was also a very powerful woman!

   "Who am I? Who am I? I forgot, I only know this life, I was raised by my father!"

   In the stone egg, the woman's voice sounded, but the previous sentence was still the voice of an adult woman, and the next sentence became the voice of milk and milk!

   Lan Ling blinked unconsciously, and the crystal-clear transparent stone egg suddenly turned dark, turning into a ghost into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

   "Sister Yan, can you tell me secretly who this is?"

  Lan Ling was stunned for a while, and secretly sent a voice to Yan Nu.

   "Well, this is too reincarnated."

   Yan girl thought a little, and God read back.

   "Tai Su Shang Cang, one of the congenital five great gods, lying on the trough, playing with a feather, even if I wake up in this life, I can only stand in the back row"

   Lan Ling's small face stunned, then shook his head and whispered.


   It's so big!

   I still have a feather!

   The identity of Chaos Celestial Girl is compared with Tai Su, one of the five great gods!

   There is no way to compare!


   At this time, Chen Zheng pointed a little toward the sarcophagus in the hall. The sarcophagus cracked at once, and only a figure appeared.

   "Why is this Master Dao Dao Dao also a woman"

  Lan Ling looked at it and saw that she was a woman again. She suddenly felt her head big! It’s a woman who doesn’t really have a problem. The problem is that this sleeping woman, or this repressed body, doesn’t talk about her identity first, her appearance seems to be so much better than her appearance after she grew up!

   "This is the elder sister's flesh."

  Yanyan glanced at the figure lying in the air and said softly.


  Chen Zheng shouted casually.

"the host."

   A shadow emerged, bowed to Chen Zheng, then looked at the hanging figure, hesitated for a moment, and stepped in and out of the hanging Suddenly!

   You mang masterpiece!

   This primordial temple is shocked!

   The dark giant wood above the original magic temple shattered!

   turned into an endless black gas and poured down!

   all poured into the flesh suspended in the original magic hall!


   The flesh with its eyes closed opened its eyes!

   The original magic temple is shaking again!

   "The magic woke up!"

At this moment, the 13 great territories of Taixu, the rest of the heavens and the world, almost all demons, demons, and so on, as long as they are spirit creatures, they all felt a breath, and they saw a figure vaguely involuntarily. A cry!

   This shout carries the deepest awe from Yuanshen!

   Among Taixu!

   Brief silence!

   Then the exclamation sounded again!

   "Lying trough!"

   "No rebirth changes on the list!"

   "Hun Tian De Dao Dao, the airborne leader, is not on the list, ranking sixth at the moment, Tai Huang was squeezed to seventh!"

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