Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2493: Can you come out at the beginning?

   "It's not terrible to be on the airborne list. The terrible thing is that the airborne is the sixth. It directly squeezes the Taihuang to the seventh! Taihuang Taihuang, the first person in the era of the Taixu overlord, is there no face!"

   A sigh of emotion sounded!


   At this time!

  The **** list has produced a change!

   The Emperor Tai has moved up one rank!

  The Emperor returns to the sixth place!


"Sure enough, as the first person in the era of the overlord, the emperor still has a temper. The emperor must have gained something in the broken land, but he has not improved it! It is now overwhelmed by people, and there must be a signal. Come out! Taihuang Taihuang, once the first person in Taixu, how proud!"

"But the Master of the Heavenly Demon Dao should be only the disciple of the legendary Lord of the Great Devil, and the ultimate evil seems to be only the evil cut out by the Lord of the Great Devil. Now the Master of the Heavenly Devil will be resurrected. The Devil Lord has also been resurrected, and must be ranked first in the list?"

  Taihuang returned to the sixth place, and many creatures in Taixu showed a happy look. After all, Taihuang was regarded as the facade of Taixu's native creatures!

at last!

   Still found a little face!

   "Look, look, the original demon palace above the demon cave is gone!"


   someone exclaimed!


  The **** of the world stared at the past!

   This view found that the original magic palace is indeed gone!

   You can see the Fengmo Caves now!


  Dare to infiltrate Shennian!

   "Where is the faceless face?"

   "Faceless Demon, Red Bean No. 5 on the list, this should also be a big figure in the first era"

   "The family of Fengmo Caves should not exist anymore. The demons in Fengmo Caves have also been released. Does Fengmo Cave still make sense?"

   "The first **** was still suppressed in the beginning"

   is also a variety of whispers, but no matter how the mind is communicated, these creatures and spirits still dare not cross the Leichi half a step, and dare not infiltrate into the Fengmo Caves to explore!

   "Too early to go up"

  In the ancient holy court of the ancient city of Yinlong, the Taichung Tianlong shook his head again and sighed.

   "Can you still see the heavens appearing in the beginning"

  Yin Tianwang couldn't help but sigh.

   Strictly calculated, the inheritance of the ancient Yin dynasty was actually derived from the Taichung Tianlong, not the Yin ruins of the Yin people. As for the inheritance of the Taichung Tianlong, it came from the God of the early days, so in this way, the Yingu Holy Dynasty is also the inheritance of the early days.

  Of course he hoped to be released in the beginning, but now he knows that this is probably just a luxury.

at the same time.

  The third outer circle of the broken land.

   In front of a huge ancient stone monument.

"Now I am completely sure that God was suppressed in the Fengmo Caves in the early days. Master, do we really not take any measures at the beginning of the Tao, don’t we dare to even try a little? Master, you named your disciple the King of the Land, Do you really want your disciples to go to Hongmeng to heaven to grab the king of that man and ignore our ancestors of Kaishan?"

   A middle-aged man knelt on the ground, now looking at the golden robe Daoist sitting on the ground under the stele.

"It's not that my Golden Daoist didn't save the God from the beginning, but that my Golden Daoren really couldn't beat the faceless demons, and now the Master of the Dao Dao Dao has resurrected. The sixth and seventh positions on the list. No matter what, they are not opponents without the face."

  The golden robe Taoist sighed.

   "This is our first Taoism as the most orthodox inheritance of the first God, should we keep succumbing like this forever!"

   The middle-aged man took a deep breath and asked again.

"Suffering? God in the early days is one of the five congenital gods, and it is also recognized as the first **** after the birth of the first era. However, since the first era, the **** was suppressed in the early days. It has been suppressed to the present! The past has destroyed 11 In the era, the world has heard the name of God from the beginning of the world, but has never seen the appearance of God from the beginning of the world. Do you think that the beginning of the world is suffocating? What is our suffocation?"

  The golden robe Taoist shook his head gently.


   Middle-aged people are temporarily speech-blocked.

"At present, the top of the list of the reincarnation of the Great Devil Lord in Taixu, the second incarnation of the future incarnation of the Lord, is ranked third in Li, the fearless sky in the fourth, and the fifth faceless demon. , The sixth heavenly devil, the seventh emperor, the eighth eternal dragon, and so on.

The ultimate evil outside the Taixu, the Eternal Night Emperor, the master of the corpse, the **** of creation, the Lu Muyue of the Chaos Lu Clan, and the flow of the heavenly evil Lord in the chaotic prison, and then count as the ultimate supreme monarch and robbery master of this era In fact, they are not really the ultimate supremacy.

The real ultimate supremacy, only that one, Li, the third in the list, the supreme true demon in the ten, the former ten-day lord of the sky, and the **** of creation outside the Taixu. It was just that slave disciple. In my heart, only that one is the ultimate ultimate supremacy, that one can kill the souls of the extreme level of Hongmeng.

   So don’t look at the top of the supreme list in the ruins of the Taixu, slashing the supreme creatures at will, as if dominating everything, but the era of supremacy is just beginning. Waiting for the awakening, the return, is the real robbery. What era will rob the future robber is not worth mentioning in front of that one.

By the way, the Emperor Taiyou appeared a few days ago. At its peak, it should be the same level as the creature I mentioned, but respecting his Lord will never have a good ending. It is better to go to heaven to fight for the king. To take advantage of Hongmeng’s situation. "

  The Jinpao Taoist said something more.

   "How could this be the kind of creature, then what is his name?"

   The middle-aged man's eyes widened.

"It is she who is not him. I don't know what that person's name is. I heard these things from the early gods in the first era. One point, you go to the heaven to fight for the borrow Hongmengzhi Potential. Stay in the broken land for the teacher, and wait for the day when you borrowed the power of Hongmeng, and it is not too late to return to the Taixu to save the early God."

  The golden robe Taoist replied.

   "This and that disciple went to heaven"

  Middle-aged man pondered for a moment, paid a deep salute to the golden robe Taoist, and swept away.

"The more I knew, the more I felt trembling. Fortunately, I only heard something from the God in the beginning. I didn’t hear anything about the unusual relationship between the Great Devil Master and that person. What does it really matter, That is total despair. Don’t think about it in the beginning. Those who can be friends or lovers must be on the same level as that one."

   For a moment of silence, the Jinpao Taoist said to himself, and then his body was hidden into the ancient stone monument at the rear.

at the same time.

   Seal the deep part of the magic cave.

  In the dark cave house where the Lord of the Devil's Cave had visited.

   "Teacher don't be fooled by the words from the beginning, this guy is not so honest, it stays in the coffin and there is absolutely no harm to the world."

   A slight laughter sounded.

Lan Ling only felt some scalp tingling. The faceless woman in front of her was the faceless demon, the fifth person on the list. The sister who had just shouted herself just now said that her gods were almost scattered. Now!

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