Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2494: Who is the most threatened!

  After the magic!

   Although the name is red beans!

   Although the name sounds harmless!

   But this is indeed the real devil!

   The sarcophagus behind him suppressed the God from the beginning!

   The first god!

   So many eras in the past have been suppressed in this sarcophagus!

   I can imagine this!

   The terrifying faceless face!


   This competition is too big!

   My first chaotic goddess is definitely not the opponent of the faceless demons!

   Or you won’t be reincarnated!

   And this man has lived from the first era to the present!

Thoughts flashed quickly in Lan Ling's heart, and at this moment she couldn't help holding Yan's arm. The secret of Yan's sister was lucky, didn't it mean that there would be good luck with Yan's sister, why did you see so much today? Competitor!

   "I never thought I would release it."

   Chen Zheng glanced at the sarcophagus.

  In an instant!

   The sarcophagus is insane!

   "Save me! Save me! Save me!"

   The hoarse voice inside the sarcophagus sounded again!

"Your thing is lying in the coffin honestly, even if the teacher promises to save you, even if it is on the top of the list, it may not be able to hold me, so I completely dispel your thoughts. Your thing should be very clear, It wasn’t my teacher who caught you, but the one who caught you."

  The faceless woman chuckled.

  In an instant!

   The sarcophagus has no changes!

   The **** in the sarcophagus seemed to be scared!

   "Which one?"

   Seeing the Blue Spirit, I couldn't help but whisper!

   "When did Heavenly Sister wake up and know who that is when. But I still recommend Heavenly Sister to be a cute little one in this life, don't think about the past is better, after all, some memories are really terrible."

   The faceless woman looked over.

   is said to be faceless, in fact there are no facial features, but everyone can still perceive which direction it looks in.


   Lan Ling shuddered, her small face showed a panic look, if the average person said such a sentence, she would not be afraid, but the one in front of him was different, and the one in front of him was the fifth red bean demon on the list!

and many more!

   Is it!

   Is this why Uncle hasn't awakened himself!


   She thought of another point!

   Then I fell into contemplation!

"Taiyou Qinghuang’s woman should be the teacher’s biggest opponent in Taixu. The woman and the woman are from the same place. The teacher must be careful of that woman. In addition, there is another woman, but I also I can't tell what her position is. My teacher came to Taixu Middle School. In fact, I just reminded the teacher of this. Now that I have to say everything, I should go to another place.

   Actually, I want to follow my teacher. Who doesn’t want to rely on it? It's a pity that it wasn't just the teacher who gave me the order, but also the one.

   Then teacher, we will see you next time. "

The faceless woman whispered, said to Chen Zhengyi, dragged the sarcophagus that suppressed the gods from the beginning, and walked towards the outside of the Dong Mansion. When she walked past Huntian Demon Dao, who is Yuer, she paused a little. , Took one of Yuer's hands and sniffed.


What does it mean?

   Yan girl and Lan Ling show a surprised look!

   "The taste of origin, You Er's flesh is really enviable, the teacher is indeed eccentric."

   The faceless woman gently shook her head and said, dragging the sarcophagus out of the dull cave, and dragging the sarcophagus out of the Fengmo cave!

"is her!"

   "It's that sarcophagus!"

   "Aren't the gods in it at the beginning!"

this moment!

   Staring at the creatures in Fengmo Caves with Shen Nian's eyes!

   Open your mouth to exclaim!

   "Too early!"

  In the Emperor Sect Patriarch's Hall, Tai Xiao's eyes widened, and she got up, but she just got up and nothing more!

   "Too high in the beginning!"

  In the ancient holy pilgrimage court of the Yin Dynasty, the Taichung Tianlong also got up suddenly, but like Taixiao, it just got up! There are many similar calls, but no one really moves one step!


  Dare not!

   Because of fear!

   Can't beat it!

  I can't beat it!

   I knew at that moment that the sarcophagus suppressed the first god!

   At this moment, I know that a faceless woman is the fifth red bean on the list!

  Who dares to rob the coffin!

  Who dares to save the first god!

  Dare not!

  Dare not dare!

   "Too early!"

   At the end of the third outer circle of the Broken Land, a person was engulfing the colorful **** crystal, and at this moment, he turned his head sharply and stared at the Sealed Devil's Grotto in Palm Heaven!

   He took a step, but only took a step, and then he did not move!

   "Next time, Tai Xuan will save you next time!"

  Like other creatures, he watched the faceless woman dragging the sarcophagus stepping on the air step by step, watching the woman dragging the sarcophagus out of Taixu, and then gritted his teeth!


   "Dare not move!"

"It's not that you don't move, but you dare not move. This is terrible. It's fifth on the list. The red bean after the faceless demons! I dragged a sarcophagus out of the sky and dragged it out of Taixu today. Again, no one dares to move that sarcophagus!"

"Where did she go with the sarcophagus and why she didn’t go to the broken place. Although she ranked fifth in the top list, she was not invincible in the fifth place. Don’t she want to go into the broken place to explore the opportunity to upgrade Why? Or that the broken land is not attractive to her, and she doesn't need to rely on the broken land to improve her cultivation!"

   "The red bean without faceless demon, its name disappeared from the top of the list, instead of falling down, it left the Taixu. Now the fifth place on the top of the list is the Master of the Heavenly Dao Dao!"

  When the name on the fifth place on the top list disappeared, the spirits in Taixu, especially the endogenous inspirations in the palm domain, were a terrible creature, a shadow that haunted them, and finally left Taixu!

   "So is this leaving Taixu related to the top of the list?"

   Someone whispered!

  No one answered!

   "Aren't Uncle looking for God or not leave that sarcophagus?"

  In the depths of Fengmo Cave, Lan Ling thought for a moment.

   "How can I give her face."

   Chen Zheng said softly.


   Lan Ling was stunned, thinking that after talking about the faceless devil, you can think carefully, this she is not a faceless demon at all, this she is the one she mentioned after the faceless devil!

   It seems that his first-generation chaotic goddess has fallen, and it has something to do with her, maybe even died in her hand!

and so!


The biggest threat is not Sister Yan, Sister Yanluo, Sister You'er, not the girl of Chu Hongyi, not the uncle of the uncle, not the disciple of the first life of the uncle, or the second on the list. The one who threatens the most is actually her!

   Sister You'er should be Uncle's first favorite disciple. Sister Yanluo is the most favorite disciple of this world. The top two and Uncle may not have distinguished each other for a long time, but they can't compare to her!

  Who is she?

   Thought of these!

  Although he is afraid, Lan Ling wants to know who it is!

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