Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2499: Watch the dragon! The most powerful dragon!

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"The universe in the palm... this magical power not only looks overbearing, but also its name is so overbearing? This magical power is in love, and the uncle will teach me!"

When I know what the magical power of Chen Zheng is called, Lan Ling's eyes are brighter!

Chen Zheng sent the miniature oasis heaven and earth into the Daotu, and branded the mystery of the universe in the palm of the blue spirit Yuan, glanced at the depth of the desert, and then looked at the Shengtian Daoren: "You even supreme Can be stolen. You should know a lot of secrets in the palm domain. You can know where the eyes of the palm domain are."

"Domain Eye? Are you ready to send the first Moon Eye to devour the last Dominion Eye?"

Assuming the blue spirit of the mystery of the universe in the palm of my hand, I heard this sentence, and my eyes are bright again. It seems that the interest in the girl of Zhengyue is even more interesting than the mystery of the universe in the palm!

"Informing the master, when the young kid sneaked into the Ancient God Mountain and secretly wrote the mysterious scroll to the master, he happened to hear the conversation between God Xiaoyu and God Killing Master, and that time he heard the news from the eyes of Zhang Tian Domain!"

Shengtian Daoren looked solemn, lowered his voice and said that the key point suddenly stopped!

"Hurry up!"

Blue Spirit urged!

But Shengtian Daoren didn't say it!


Chen Zheng raised his hand at will and placed an enchantment to isolate the outside world!

"At that time, Yuxiao God mentioned the eye of the domain of Zhang Tian, ​​and mentioned why even if it is the soul of the domain of Zhang Tian, ​​few people know where the eye of the domain is!" Shengtian Dao Ren continued: "According to the God of Yu Xiao After the argument, the eyes of the palm domain are watching the **** city!"

"Huh? Guantian God City? Although it is called God City, it has long since decayed. Hongxian Pavilion is the most powerful Taoist temple in Hong Kong, and Hongxian Pavilion can only be regarded as first-class Taoism? Although it is the main practice of the Five Rings, everyone in the domain knows that it was licked from Hong Wangu. In the supreme age, the Hongxian Pavilion is ranked out of the top ten, and it can’t afford anything. storm."

Lan Ling frowned slightly.

"Watching the God City... When I went to the Ziji Holy Land outside the region and forcibly brought the disciples into the Taixu, wasn't that the person who claimed to watch the God City Hongxian Pavilion."

Yan Nu also frowned slightly, remembering something.

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, and also remembered what happened in Ziji Santing that day, the guy who came, boasting that the Lord of Hongxian Pavilion was the Lord of the Five Rings, how terrible it was.

"The people of Hongxian Pavilion have provoked their masters and small masters outside the territory?" Shengtian Dao Ren was surprised and thought for a moment: "In the age of overlord, Hongxian Pavilion Patriarch is also a character, plus Hong Wangu Relying on it, it is also natural to keep the secret of watching the **** city. In addition to the eyes of the heavenly domain, under the watch **** city, it also suppresses a big dragon and suppresses the watching dragon. It is said that it is the strongest dragon between heaven and earth. "

"Dragon? There is a dragon in the world? After defeating the dragon, you can absorb the power of the dragon. You didn't feel anything in the past. Why do you now have an inexplicable sense of sight?"

Lan Ling opened his mouth, only to slap his head, and secretly began to say strange words again.

Oh shit!

It must have been knocking his head in the desert before that unknown existence!

The unknown existence stuffed something strange into his head!

Oh shit!

Look for that guy later!

Be sure to beat the guy hard!

"Heaven and Earth Dragon, transformed by the power of the epoch, destroyed 11 epochs. There were at least eleven heaven and earth dragons between heaven and earth. A few months ago, there was a heaven and earth dragon in the sea to the east of the Cangqing domain. But listen The Emperor Yu Xiao said the same day that the rest of the world's dragons are not comparable to the one that saw the suppression under the city of Tenjin. It is said that this one is related to the most mysterious **** Taiyi."

Shengtiandao nodded and continued to lower his voice.

"Too easy? Hmm? This guy... is probably the ultimate villain of our Hongmeng universe, this guy is likely to manipulate everything behind the scenes! Uncle, let’s go to the Tenjin City and let the first moon be swallowed first. Zhang Tiandayuyu, and then release the Tianlong Dragon, maybe it will lead out too easy! Then the uncle will catch Taiyi and see what that guy looks like!"

Blue Ling's eyes are as bright as the pearl of night. She knows, or she personally believes, that the first of the five congenital gods, the most mysterious **** is too easy, is the biggest man behind the scenes!

She wants to see a scene, that is too easy to be screamed by Chen Zheng!


Yan Nu shook her head gently.

"Sister Yan is afraid? That is too easy to be mysterious, and certainly not an uncle's opponent. The uncle just said it himself. He is invincible, and the uncle can definitely defeat Taiyi to save the world!"

Lan Ling saw Yan female shaking her head, thinking Yan female was afraid, immediately cheered Yan female!

"This... let's go to the Tenjin City first."

Yan Nu shook her head gently again.

"Well! Let's go to watch the God City now!"

Lan Ling focused on the head.


At this moment!

Southeast boundary!

Suddenly came a roaring sky roar!




The palm turmoil!


The whole Taixu shocked!

Even the broken land is shaking!

"This...that the direction of watching the **** city. This roar seems to be the roar of watching the dragon. Can't the watching dragon stop it!

In the words of Queen Yuxiao, among the immortal Taoism in the Taixu, such as the Everlasting God Mountain, the Everlasting Dafa Dharma, the Longitudinal Killing Dao, the Wuji Qitianzong, the Cathode Demon Palace, the Anode Shrine, and the Bliss Immortal Sect. Looking at Tenjin City, is it time to gather to watch Tenjin City?

This should not be the case... First God, Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Abandoned Heaven Emperor, Catholic Palace Master, etc. It seems that the body has entered the broken This time it should be Send the will to incarnate...

But it seems that even the incarnation of volition is enough to attract the eyes of the thirteen domains of Taixu! I don’t know if Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord of Taiyin, Supreme True Demon, Eternal Dragon, etc. will separate the volition avatar. If all the volition avatars are separated, then watching the **** city will be ushered in its most brilliant time! "

Shengtian Taoist said with a tremble, he was not afraid, but excited. He thought of the famous creatures in the age of overlord. Both the body and the incarnation of the volcano will appear in the city of Tianshen today. This is definitely the history of Taixu. The biggest event!

Past the age of overlords!

There has never been such an event!

"All come... all come, the more you come, the better, the best mysterious Li and Wuweitian who are in the top five are also here, and the creatures on the list are all together, That way, Uncle can kill the Quartet to suppress everything, and give these creatures a big exclamation mark!"

Lan Ling's eyes were as bright as the pearl of the night, and he was very excited at the moment, just talking and starting to say strange words.

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