Billions of Years in the City

: 2500th This is the mountain guard?

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

"Eternal God Mountain Yuxiao God is here!"

"The immortal celestial queen of the immortal Zong Ji Le also comes!"

"Queen of Jade Flute! Queen of Bliss! I drop turtles! There is still beauty in Sanxu Taixu!"

"Vanguzong, Killing Dao, Cathode Demon Palace, Wuji Abandoned Tianzong, Anode Temple, and other strong crosses, immortal ship godships and the like have also arrived! It is not known whether Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Qitian Emperor, etc. are coming , I’m not sure if Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord of Taiyin, Supreme True Demon, Eternal Dragon, etc. will come! If all come, it’s really an unprecedented supreme event!"

"The Son of the Painted Pavilion is here..."

"Painting Pavilion? The first-class end of the line, a sacred son in every district, even today is not worthy of being mentioned, and it is not a cannon fodder today! In addition to the supreme creatures today, those who are qualified to be named are the top ten or overlords. Some very special ones exist, such as the top of the Tianjiao list."

Looking at the inside and outside of the God City, not to mention the crowds of people, it can also be regarded as crowded. This God City now has at least twice as many souls as it was an hour ago.

Not only do all the avenues in the palm of the universe come, but there are also creatures from the other twelve major domains. Everyone knows that watching the **** city today will usher in an unprecedented event. When the watching dragon is born, it is very likely that more than 90% of the creatures on the Taixu list will appear and compete.

Even if it's just to be an audience and an audience, this trip is definitely worth it.

"The Emperor Tai represents our native souls in Taixu and is the facade of our native souls in Taixu. Although he only respects hegemony in the era of overlords, I still hope that Emperor Taixu will get the dragon!"

"This... I'm afraid it's not that easy. The Emperor Tai's ranking on the top of the list is only sixth. It is said that the Emperor Tai's body has gone to the broken place. The body should not come, at most it will be the incarnation of will. ."

"Will the top leader come?"

The whispers continued, and the people from all major regions and avenues discussed while looking at the sky and watching the immortal light coming.

"The Lord Lord has kept watching the God City for so many years. Isn't it to suppress the dragon under the God City, but the Dragon hasn't really appeared, the Lord has given up, and has been doing it for others for so many years. After the wedding dress, is the Lord Lord really willing?"

In the inner hall of Hongxian Pavilion, an old man in gray stared at the master of Hongxian Pavilion, Shen Sheng asked!

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. I want to cooperate with Mr. Gui to conspire to watch the dragon. But who can think of the dragon roaring suddenly, leading all the top roads in the Taixu, I am not even in the supreme state. , How could it be possible to grab the strongest sky-watching dragon."

The lord of Hongxian Pavilion sighed.

"Viewing the dragon is related to the most mysterious **** Taiyi. Our ancestors have already calculated that the reincarnation of Taiyi is in Taixu, and this time he will definitely come to watch the **** city! If the patriarch trusts me , And join me in finding Tai Yi's reincarnation, even if it is Tai Huang, Tai Xuan or even the first person on the top list, I and the Pavilion Master can also grab the heavenly dragon and leave Taixu!"

The old man in gray lowered his voice and said a handful of strokes, with a slap-sized ink boat in his hand.

"this is?"

After all, Master Hongxian Pavilion was still moved, staring at Mo Chuan and asked in a low voice.

"This is a reincarnation treasure ship that can ignore destiny and cause and effect karma. Perhaps the patriarch thinks that I am exaggerating, and the patriarch can feel it by the soul."

The old man in gray smiled mysteriously.


The Master Hongxian Pavilion perceived it with Yuanshen, and in the next moment he showed a terrified color. After taking a deep breath, he lowered his voice and said: "Since Mr. Gui has such a mysterious treasure ship, why should he come to see me as supreme The Master of Hongxian Pavilion is not in the realm."

"It's very simple that you have the real blood of Hong Wangu, and people like Hong Wangu can't cooperate with us to urge this reincarnation treasure ship to be truly divine, but need the real blood of Hong Wangu, so the patriarch has become our vein Best candidate for cooperation.

The patriarch rest assured that the supreme being who came this time, what is the Jade Empress and the Queen of Bliss, is not a deity, not an avatar or a volition avatar, even Taihuang, Taixuan, etc. should only send volition avatars.

The only thing we need to guard against is the top of the list, and there is the reincarnation treasure ship, and the blood of the patriarch urges the divine power. We cannot beat the top of the list. After grabbing the big dragon, it is absolutely no problem to break away from Taixu for the first time. "

The old man in gray smiled confidently.

"Where does Mr. Nagui come from?"

The master of Hongxian Pavilion pondered for a moment, then asked in a low voice.


The old man in gray clothes returned two words.

When the Master Hongxian Pavilion heard it, his body shook, and after taking a deep breath, he said nothing and nodded silently.


At this time!

Under the earth!

A dragon roar!

Watch Tenjin Shock!

"come yet!"

"Are you going to appear now?"

"There is light! There is light underground!"

The creatures inside and outside the Shrine exclaimed. They were all staring at the underground at the moment, and they were also exclaimed. I saw that pure white light burst out from the underground. At this moment, almost all creatures can only see a piece of pure white!



Many students learned about the change of the world, and instantly lost their awareness of the Taixu's no ranking. At this moment, they couldn't help but panic, but just before they shouted, the pure white light that covered everything disappeared!

The sight is clear!


The sky is not the sky of Taixu before!

At the moment, the sky is gone!

At the moment, there is only endless void and endless galaxy!

"big dragon!"

"A big one!"

"Is that the sky dragon?"


Someone exclaimed!


Many creatures stared forward!

At this moment I saw giant mountains!

After seeing the huge dragon body winding through the giant mountains!


"Dragon grab!"

"Viewing the dragon is mine!"

After a moment of consternation, I saw a figure rushing away from the city of God. Seeing these sounds rush into the giant mountains in front of me, and I would surrender the giant mountain and surrender to the dragon, but the land suddenly twisted!


This twist!

Those figures that rushed past also twisted instantly!


Fly to smoke!


Look at Tenjin City!

All the avenues in all lands tremble!


Just in between their doubts!

A figure suddenly flew out of the huge mountains ahead!


Suspended above huge mountains!

One to one correspondence!

All of these hanging figures are expressionless!

But did not take the initiative to kill it!

It seems to just stay at the giant mountain!

"Looking at the dragon... can't we just look at it from a distance?"

"These creatures... seem to be supreme levels...just can't tell whether they are humans or by one without It looks like... a mountain guard..."

"The mountain guard... prevent us from crossing the mountains... The scene just now can be determined, the era of the overlord level is dead, it seems that this is to watch the dragon, the lowest Nothing is better!"

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