Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2582: Hengyu 10 hijacking

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and so!

This little girl is also related to the ancient city of Chaos!

I can't wait for a surprise!

And Lan Ling had just sat on the chaos throne, and suddenly felt that countless imprints came from all directions, and suddenly poured into his mind. These imprints suddenly exploded, and various memory fragments were flooded in his mind!

as if!

The mind is about to be split!

What are these!

Are these fragments of memory from Chaos Celestial Lady!



Lan Ling screamed!

Because I saw a hand!

I saw a white jade hand!

That hand grabbed towards himself!

I can't move myself!

Then nothing happened!


Lan Ling's eyes were full of panic. She knew what it was. That was the scene where her first chaotic goddess was killed!

That is a woman!

Although I just saw a white jade-like hand!

I didn't see who it was!

But you can be sure that it is definitely a woman!

That woman!

Probably the zero mentioned by the uncle!

Thinking of this, Lan Ling took a deep breath and calmed herself down. As the mark of chaos in her mind emerged, and as a force of chaos poured into her body, she closed her eyes and began to retrieve what the chaotic goddess had lost!


Three days later.

Lan Ling has awakened.

She got everything from Chaos Celestial Girl.

Including the ancient city of Chaos.

"It turns out that the ancient city of chaos is a magic weapon. See who is not pleasing to the eye, and sacrifice it directly to the ancient city of chaos...but this is too irritable, and it is not in line with the style of beautiful girls."

On Xingcha, Lan Ling flipped the brick-sized chaotic ancient city and said to himself.

"It seems that there is no other tradition in the chaos of the chaotic constant domain except the divine maiden and the ancient city of chaos, but is the chaotic constant domain not only allowed to enter or not allowed to go out, or is it that the news of our aliens inquiring the Tao is wrong? ."

If the alien emperor thought, he could vaguely perceive the breath of the first king, who was trapped in the chaotic constant domain.

Originally he thought that in this chaos, the creatures could not get out of the chaotic constant domain, but from the ancient city of chaos to the edge of this chaotic constant domain, Xingcha came all the way and did not encounter a lineage, which was a bit intriguing.

"As long as you can perceive the breath of your early king, then there is no problem."

Chen Zheng smiled, Xingcha turned into a starburst, and drove directly into the chaotic constant region ahead.





Immortal light and magic light around Xingcha emerged, and I saw the phantoms of women who were showing up at the same time, and then all kinds of sweet laughter sounded!

"Several adults are visiting Chaos Hengyu for the first time. Would you like to sit in our Liuhua City and keep a few adult books comfortably!"

"Special guide for Hengyu. How many adults do you want? The price is fair. Tongsuo is not deceived. Buying one is definitely a profit! Hengyu Fudi Forbidden Area, all roads, which places can go and which places can’t go, which way is provoke , The Taoist traditions are not to be provoked, they are all written clearly!"

"Several people have to join our Taikoo Shrine directly. All the souls of the Taikoo Shrine are collected. Joining the Taikoo Shrine is the best choice for the scattered people! A few Dao Youxiu are extraordinary. If you join our Taikoo Shrine, how can it be? Elders!"


One by one!

It’s like everything is being sold!

"A guide."

Chen Zheng grabbed one of the women, and the jade book held by the woman flew into his hand. The woman was stunned for a moment, and when she came back, she was about to speak, and a piece of black jade flew into her hand.

"Huh? This is... the deal!"

The woman stared at the Moshen Shenyu, and after a glance, her eyes lit up, nodded, and looked at Chen Zheng more, her figure disappeared.

"The Daoist is the pure ancient **** black jade at the first shot. I have known this for a long time. I also brought a few guides. The Daoist is at a loss. There are many copies of this guide, and only the originals are valuable. The originals can be updated at any time. The copy does not have that magical power."

A female stunned for a moment, then shook her head gently, and after a sigh, her eyes flicked and smiled: "We Liuhua City recently someone dug a piece of ancient stone carvings in the early days of Hengyu. The ancient stone carvings record An invincible boxing technique, whether or not Taoist friends are interested in boxing techniques, if you are interested, you may wish to follow me to Liuhua City."


Invincible boxing!

Hearing the four words of invincible boxing, the three kings of the stranger emperor and the stranger family couldn't help but think of the first king of their family. The ancient stone inscriptions of invincible boxing were mostly left by the first king!

The first king should be trapped in the first day of Hengyu mentioned by this woman!

"Some of us at Taikoo Shrine went to dig out stone carvings in the first day, and the stone carvings were squeezed in this invincible sword tactic. After they are made, they can be cut with a sword! The Taoist should be a sword repairer instead of a physical monk. I go to Taikoo Shrine!"

Some female nuns smiled and said with a move!

"Why don’t I give you a jade, you will send the ancient stone carvings."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept the two female nuns.

"This... the concubine can't do it in real life." Liu Xiu nun sighed: "The concubine body is responsible for pulling people to Liuhua City, and the ancient stone carved concubine can't be the master. Although the pure ancient **** black jade is rare, but Ancient stone carvings are even rarer, and the upper floors of Liuhua City had originally planned to take the ancient stone carvings out for auction in an attempt to exchange for something that would interest the Chaos Lu people."

Another woman from Taikoo Shrine nodded silently, and obviously could not make the decision.

"Chaos Lu Clan..." Chen Zheng read these four words, Shen Nian swept through the guide in his hand, and then continued to whisper: "Occupy the southeast region of the Chaos Constant Region, and the Ten Thrones in the Constant Region The hijacking, the three hijacking, and the five hijacking come from the Chaos Lu tribe, the first lineage of the chaotic constant region.

The people of the Chaos Lu tribe can enter and leave the first day of Hengyu at will, without any restrictions from the first day. Lu Muyue, the current head of the Chaos Lu tribe, is also well-deserved the first beauty of Hengyu. Even if it traverses the twelfth era, his appearance can be ranked in the top three.

The name of Muyue is extremely beautiful and wonderful. If you can see Muyue in person in this life, if you can say the last sentence with Muyue, you will have no regrets in this life. "

"How does this look like a dog lick?"

Lan Ling frowned! "Liuhuahe Nuxiu quickly looked over and reminded the little girl: "This guide is a compilation of Destiny Taoist. Destiny Taoist cultivation is unfathomable. It is also among the top five in Hengyu! As long as Mr. Desperate does not do excessive things, the Chaos Lu tribe will also face the Destroying Daoist! "

"Destroy the Daoist? How powerful is he? Which situation in the Big Bang destroyed the Great Chaos?"

Lan Ling hummed.

"This... The Daoist Daoist should be the level of destruction in the three realms of the supreme level. The hard power is not enough for the top five of the chaotic constant domain. The Daoist Daoist has the original guide, which is a very magical Magic weapon, seems to know everything between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the life-threatening Daoist with the original guidebook is considered by all avenues to be in the top five of Hengyu. For the ten thrones of Hengyu, it is also a life-and-death platoon. It is objective and fair and has great reference. "

Sister Liuhua City thought back a little.

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