Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2583: Forbidden Ground

"Know everything between heaven and earth? I don't believe it!"

Lan Ling snorted, what the Daoist Daoist really jumped out to find trouble, the bricks of the Chaos Ancient City in his hand were not vegetarian!

The screams of his smashing!

"This... In a word, the original guidebook of Desperate Daoist is indeed a singular magic weapon, or don’t provoke it."

Liuhua City nun thought about it, in her view, this little girl is a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers, when one day really eat a big loss, naturally will know whether to avoid or avoid.

"Huh? This is... Taikoo Shrine summoned, leave first!"

At this time, the face of the Taigu Shencheng nun changed, and she gave a slight salute to Chen Zheng, her figure disappeared.

"Huh? The concubine also said goodbye!"

Liu Huacheng's face also changed, and she went away with a ceremony.




Several other female nuns also changed, but said nothing and left.


Just when Xingcha was puzzled by everyone, there was a sudden loud noise from the depths of Hengyu, and the Alien Emperor and the Alien Three Kings immediately stared at it!

"Invincible kill!"

"One of the forces is the power of the first king!"

"The first king fought with people!"

The three kings looked suspiciously and quickly looked at the alien emperor, while the alien dynasty looked like Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, Xingcha turned into a starburst, and instantly traversed some unknown chaotic area. After a few blinks, Xingcha passed through an extremely thick layer of chaotic fog, and then a huge mountain-like gray city came to everyone's eyes!


Is this the first day of Hengyu!

Is this a forbidden city?

Everyone was stunned, and Shen Nian swept away, and they all showed surprise. It was not because this gray city was more than a hundred times larger than the body of the ancient chaotic city, but it was Shen Nian's perception. Unspeakable familiarity!


Not familiar!

It should be intimate!


Ever passed this place!

Today is also the first time I have seen this gray city!

How can there be intimacy!




A stream of streamers emerged, without any stay, directly ignoring Xingcha on the crowd, and flew into the huge gray city ahead!

"These should be Taoism in the constant domain. Just now the female gods such as the ancient city of Liuhua and Liuhua suddenly left. They should have been summoned by their respective Taoism. Every avenue in the constant domain sent people to this gigantic city. The pulse should also be here."

Female Yan whispered, she just swept the golden pupil, the streamer was actually a fairy ship godship, and vaguely saw a dragon-shaped fairy ship with the figure of the female nun before Taikoo Shencheng.



There was another loud noise in the grey city!

The three kings of the stranger emperor and the stranger's face sank. At the moment, they were outside the giant city at the beginning of the day. Their perception was extremely clear. One of the breaths was the breath of the first king!

What kind of creature did the first king fight in the gray city?


They are also shocked!

Shocked by the solidity of this gigantic city!

The early king battles with a strong tyrant!

There was no shock in this giant city!

Inferred from this!

This gigantic city in the early days may be able to ignore the power of the creatures of the big chaos hierarchy in the so-called upper three realms divided by the chaotic master. The big chaos hierarchy is the real ultimate pole realm in Hongmeng, and the power of this ultimate pole realm , But could not shake the first big city!




Another streamer flew into the gray city!

"Several guys from the supreme realm are not too arrogant."

The alien emperor glanced softly. The creatures just now don't need him to shoot. Any one of the three kings should be able to kill those creatures.

At this level of supreme beings, they came to join in the excitement.

"I saw the ancient city of Chaos, I feel that I am the owner of the ancient city of Chaos, but when I saw this giant city of the first day, I did not feel that I was the owner of the giant city of the first day, I just felt that this thing was like a living creature. ....."

Lan Ling said softly.


Living thing?

The stranger emperor and the three kings looked over and thought of the giant claws that came before the ancient chaotic city. The murderous thing must be related to the first giant city.

After thinking for a while, several people looked at Chen Zheng, waiting for Chen Zheng to speak.

"The first day..."

Chen Zheng read these two words in a rather ethereal voice, and Xingcha turned into streamer again, and flew into the gray city.



"These are all heavenly puppets, and the combat power may not be too arrogant, but the body is extremely hard, and the supreme means can't be touched at all! If you can't kill these heavenly puppets, you can only take three attacks, as long as you have carried the heavenly puppets. Even if you hit the first level in three hits!

At the beginning of today, there is a great opportunity in the Forbidden Land. As long as you can enter the past Heavenly Palace, you will earn! Therefore, the monks of Taikoo Shrine have to hold on, and there are more people who entered the past Heavenly Palace than Liuhua City! Even if there is only one more, it is stepping on the head of Liuhua City! "


a mess!

The unifying souls of each avenue are stared at by a gray puppet!





Nine gray puppets appear out of thin air!

Stared at Xingcha and caught everyone!


In the next moment!

Heavenly puppets staring at other Taoist creatures all stared at Xingcha!



These days puppets are all here in a flash!

Surround Xingcha Group!


What is the situation?

The main creatures of the other avenues were stunned, their eyes also stared, and their faces were full of doubts. This is the fairy ship that entered the forbidden ground at first. Is it so hateful!

How did you lead all the heavenly puppets!

"Our hatred seems exceptional..."

Lan Ling frowned.

"Beware of Heavenly Puppets...these Heavenly Puppies will not die..."

On the fairy ship of Taikoo Shrine, the female nuns I saw before were also there. At this moment, Chen Zheng and others were recognized, and after a little thought, they still reminded!

Her mouth was stared at by the cold eyes of an old woman, she quickly lowered her head!

"Huh? Who hates so much, and Tianyue is all around? Hmm? It seems that hatred is on this little friend who is a master of the ten ring tyrants.

This little friend, you are in great trouble. These days are not too powerful, but they can’t be beaten to These days of puppets surround you, and the chances in the forbidden ground in the first day you are afraid to miss Too.

Otherwise, you lend me this fairy ship for a few days, and I will only study for a few days. I help Xiaoyou to stay in these puppets. What do you think of Xiaoyou? Xiaoyou, don’t worry, I still have some reputation in the constant domain of chaos, so I won’t lose the fairy ship of Xiaoyou. "

At this moment, an old man's voice sounded, and then he saw a person coming out of the huge gray stone door in front of him. The old man did not look at the others, only stared at Xingcha on Chen Zheng.

"Fighting Taoist!"

"Dreaming Daoist really came first!"

"Meet the dead Daoist!"

At first glance, the unanimous creatures of the other major roads exclaimed, and the old man was the Daoist Daoist mentioned by the female nun before.

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