Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 845: 7 Love Sect is destroyed!

Fan Wusheng!

Xiang Shang head flew out!


"The grandfather's head is flying!"

"The grandfather is cut!"

The monk Qi Qingzong froze for a few moments of interest, then screamed in horror, and couldn't believe it. The grandfather, who had two avenues, would be cut off! Didn’t the grandfather say that the seven ancestors had been branded by his ancestors to pick the star ancestor? Why did he suddenly break away from the grandfather’s control and cut the grandfather’s head with one sword!

"Did you die on the spot again..."

Lu Wu opened his mouth arrogantly, and at this moment it felt a bit unreal!

If Fan Wusheng didn’t lie or speak big words, the Seven Swords Divine Sword did indeed bear the mark of the ancestor of the Buddhism Gate of the World of Buddhism, that is, Chen Gongzi just opened the door just now, which resolved the brand that the ancestor of picking the stars left in the Seven Swords !


Does this really conform to the basic principles of the spiritual world?



The nine-level lotus platform mysterious light flashes!

Fan Wusheng's flying head was swept away by Xuan Guang, and he was about to fly back and reconnect it to his neck! Chen Zheng lifted his right hand a bit more casually, and the Seven Swords of Divine Sword were another move!

Zimang flashed!

The Ninth Lotus Terrace is cracking!

Fan Wusheng's head stayed in the air!

"I want to continue my life on Jiupinliantai, the children are already late."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"You..." Fan Wusheng's face was somber to the extreme, at this moment he stared at Chen Zheng. His head was cut, it seems that the Yuanshen is still there, it seems that it can move, but after a while, if the head can't return to the flesh, if there is no Jiupinliantai to continue life, he will be the power of the Seven Swords Torn up.

He knew this very well, so he wanted to take his head back to the flesh for the first time, but the Jiu Pinlian platform was cut off with a sword, which was equivalent to completely cutting off his vitality! At least at the moment in the land of exclusion, he has only one result left, which is death!

"My ancestor picking the old ancestor of the star is impossible to deceive me. He said that the brand of the seven masters of the seven master swords in the seven master swords was erased. It must have erased the brand of the master of the seven master swords. Chen Zu, how can you control your current state I got the Seven Swords! Tell me the reason, give me an answer, I only need one answer!"

After a moment of pondering, Fan Wusheng growled at Chen Zheng bursts!

"The ancestor of picking stars can erase the brand of Qijue, but not my brand. This sword of compassion and mercy was thrown to Qijue by me. I left a branding in it. Suppress him. Today you are lucky, just use this brand to send you back to the west."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.

"..." Fan Wusheng's face twitched, and his face stiffened for a few moments of interest. One face became extremely crazy, and he began to laugh wildly: "Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Chen Zu! What a great Chen Zu! No wonder Qijue's old thing is highly respected by you! I die in your hands, and I, the Son of Budu Gate, have no regrets! But Chen Zu, you have to be careful in the future, the ancestor of picking stars and other ancestors of Butu Gate, As long as you seize the opportunity, you will never let you go! Hey! Hey!



Fan Wusheng Yuanshen exploded!

Sword Realm Shock!


Sword world enchantment cracked!




At the top of Longya Mountain, monks of the Seven Love Sects all knelt down at this moment, trembling and kowtowing for mercy!

"Chen Zu Rao Fate!"

"Chen Zu Rao Fate!"

"Chen Zu, I'm wrong. I beg Chen Zu to let me go. I'm willing to revoke myself into a mortal! I'm not a bad person. I'm recognized as a good person in the spiritual realm of the closed land. I'm a good person!"

These begging sounds are more miserable than others!

"Good people... Fan Wusheng's seven emotions and seven secret methods are all regarded as secret recipes for killing you. You have cultivated these seven emotions and seven unique methods. How many are still good people."

Chen Zheng shook his head.

The priests of the Seven Love Sects begged for mercy instantly

"Ah! I fight with you! The immortal of seven loves and seven uniques!"


An old roar roared, and the whole person burst into shock, turning into a huge form of law, and slamming toward Chen Zheng!


Zimang flashed!

That huge phase and all the monks of the Seven Love Sects on Longya Mountain instantly became nothingness!

No blood!

No body!

There are no traces!


All gone!


Lu Wuxiao saw this scene, his throat stirred, and a flash of horror flashed in his eyes! He knows that Chen Zheng is not a evil demon, but looking at Chen Zheng at the moment, he suddenly has a feeling that Chen Zheng is much more terrible than those evil demon in Liuyu Demon Sect!

Seven Love Sects!

It's gone in a blink of an eye!

One does not stay!

This heart is really hard and cruel!

"Nine Pinnacles are already made, and they can be used by Zhengyue girls after repair! As for your newly acquired Dao Eater, this little thing is too sticky, and the nature doesn't like it very much. Pantianpantian, the name of the little thing It’s also annoying! By the way, the little thing in purple is even more annoying! Some things come to mind in nature, the most disgusting color is purple, don’t ask the reason, anyway, it is the most disgusting!"

The voice of a girl sounded out of thin air, and I saw that the Jiu Pinlian platform, which had been cut open, flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

"Which is that?"

Lu Wuxiao heard the voice of the girl and couldn't help asking.

"That's nature."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"good fortune......!"

Lu Wulu was very shocked when he heard it!

Chen Zheng raised his right hand, grabbed the Excalibur, and the Excalibur fell into his hand. After looking at it for a few times, the Excalibur suddenly dimmed!

"This... lost its charm?"

Lu Wuxiao asked with a wink.

"It's not that the charm is lost, it's that it wants to jump out of its original level."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? What's the solution?"

Lu Wuluo was stunned.

The divine sword is dim and dull. Isn't this the characteristic of losing the charm of the gods, how can it jump out of the original level? If it jumps out of the original level, shouldn't the divine light bloom?

"This sword was originally called the compassionate sword of compassion. I threw the sword to the master of seven unique swords at the time. This sword was also built by me, and its grade is a unique weapon. The brand I left in this sword determined that this sword was under my control. At the moment, it fell into my hand after slashing the enemy, but it was bleak. It was showing me that to break away from my control, and to jump out of the level of the unique Taoist weapon, this sword is an ambitious sword."

Chen Zheng explained.

"Sword with ambition...Does it want to turn into a human being?"

Lu Wuxia asked again.

"It does not want to be transformed into a human being, it wants to advance to another level, from being a master of Taoism to being a saint to treasure, from being created on earth to being eternal or even ultimate!"

Chen Zheng added another sentence.

"Sage's greatest treasure? Human creation? Eternal creation? Ultimate creation..."

Lu Wulu was taken aback, and then blinked again, a little dumbfounded. He knows the treasures of saints, but he has never heard of human creation, eternal creation, and ultimate creation.


At this time the dim and dull sword suddenly burst into light!

This is to show its ambition!

"You want to be a saint's If you want to get out of my control, first let me find the residual soul of the Seven Sword Master! I can't find the Seven Dead Swords, I'll abolish you!"


Chen Zheng suddenly snorted!

Excalibur shook!

Divine Light Converges Instantly!


Then swiftly turned into a purple awn rising into the sky, and vanished into nothingness in a blink of an eye! However, Lu Wuluo saw clearly that the direction of the Excalibur was the direction of Gou Chen Guxing!

and so!

Is the real seven master sword master on Gouchen Guxing!

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