Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 846: Tiansha Lone Star Lu Wuwu!


This is a dangling **** giant mountain. There are nine huge **** palaces above the **** giant mountain, which are linked to the **** giant mountain. The killing dragon, which is condensed by the **** killing energy, is enough to make the quasi-Saints tremble!

This is the place where the Gate of Futu Gate is located, called the Futu Blood City, and each of the Scarlet Palaces corresponds to an ancestor.


At this moment, in the palace, only one cracking sound was heard, and the ancestors who picked the stars crushed a divine jade with their own hands!

"Fan Wu's life and death, someone erased the brand mark I left in the Seven Wonderful Swords!"

The voice of Ancestor Picking Stars is extremely cold.

"The unborn teacher is dead... The unborn teacher is in the exclusion, the strongest in the sealed place should be the quasi-saint. Although Liantai is not as good as the Seven Swords Divine Sword, the Wusheng Brothers have to protect themselves, and who can kill the Wusheng Brothers in the closed area?"

A young man was sitting in the hall, and a purple mark appeared on the young man's eyebrows, revealing the color of doubt.

"Who can be Chen Zheng besides him!" The ancestor picking the stars again said coldly: "Chen Zheng Chen Zheng, I have checked some things about him recently. He used to be a ruthless man, and he had also been to the world of Futuro before. , The Yin and Yang Taoist had contact with him, and the seven master sword masters were also related to him! Unfortunately, he didn’t come to Futu Blood City, otherwise we would have to suppress him with nine old things, and he had a real supremacy in him. Mystery!"

"Chen Zheng... The name seems to be very common, there is no strangeness."

The young man whispered.

"Awe-inspiring, you go to Yunjie!"

Ancestor picking stars thoughtfully.

"Cloud Realm? The Cloud Realm of the Yu Clan? Although the Cloud Realm used to be the Great Thousand World, it has long been degraded into the Middle Thousand World. Although the so-called Middle Thousand World with the deepest heritage, there should be nothing to make you respectable. ?"

The young man raised his brow slightly.

He is not interested in the Zhongqian World, even if it is the cloud world known as the first. The fight for the children of the heavens will begin in a while. He would rather stay in the closed retreat in the blood city of Futu, and increase some cultivation practices to prepare for the fight for the children of the heavens.

"Yunjie Yu clan has once been a big man, a guy who has to evade the match. Although this guy has fallen, he can leave the treasure, I have calculated that the treasure is about to appear, and the Supreme Hall has sent people to go there. You have also gone to the cloud world to fight for the treasure. In addition, I have calculated that the owner of the cloud world, Yu Huangfengfei, and Chen Zheng have an unclear relationship. If you can’t grab the treasure, take The woman brought the Budu Gate!"

A glance flashed in the eyes of the ancestors who picked the stars.

"Isn't it threatening the ancestors' reputation by using women to threaten them?"

Youth hesitated.

"Awe-inspiring, our Budumen gate is not a kind of kind! Ancestor can sit in today's position, can become an ancestor in the world of thousands, it is to use all kinds of fierce means to come to this step today! Picking the stars, this name is nothing but immortal wind bones, but I am a ruthless ancestor!"

The ancestors of star-picking are extremely fierce in an instant!

"Disciple... I see, so I will go to the cloud world!"

The youth looked sober, paid homage to the ancestor who picked the stars, and retreated.

After the youth withdrew, there was only one ancestor picking stars in the hall. The ancestor picking stars suddenly made a weird laughter, but soon recovered his original indifference!

"The sky and the sky, the reason why the teacher named you the sky is to hope that you can use all kinds of means to capture the creation of the soul, the creation of the heavens and the earth! Even if you are a chaotic body, you can only save the world's souls Only by completely robbing heaven and earth, can we truly override everything!"


Forbidden land.

In front of the ferry crossing the Wuxingmen Mountain Gate, but just across the river.

"Chen Gongzi, there was blood and rain in the sky that was closed a long time ago, but a saint fell in the world?"

Lu Wucao asked suddenly.

"The head of the Western Great World has fallen. The old man didn't continue to hold on. If he wanted to hold on, it would be no problem if he stayed up until he woke up, but he didn't want to hold it.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"The Great Western World...but that bright world?"

Lu Wulu froze for a moment, and thought of seeing a bitter monk claiming to be from the bright world before, that bitter monk was a good person, but unfortunately died under the poisonous wine of the Six Desire Sects.

"The Wuxing Gate is right in front of you. Why did you suddenly stop and suddenly change the subject. Flying over this river, just a few steps away is the Wuxingmen Mountain Gate. Compared with your previous life, the idea of ​​your life is really not enough. You dare to go to Yuanshi Tianzun to fight for a woman in your previous life. This life is just to return to a mountain gate of Golden Immortal Daoism. Should you be so tangled?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Looking for Yuanshi Tianzun's fighting method......" Lu Wuxiao froze, and then showed a bitter smile: "After all, it is still a shallow cultivation. If I really have a past life cultivation practice, how can it be tangled and bring terrible to the Zongmen Catastrophe. If there is a past life cultivation practice, what kind of son on the ancient star of Lagerstroemia, I haven't slapped him with a slap. It's just.........the things I remember about the past life are all intermittent. Memory fragmentation, and there is an indescribable fear, as if the more you think about it, the more you fear."

"Your non-phase magic species is lost, without the non-phase magic species, you old demon indeed withered. But your non-phase magic species is likely to be within the five elements."

Chen Zheng glanced toward Wuxingmen.

"No kind of magic...but Chen Gongzi is here, and I have nothing to fear! If the son of Ziwei Guxing comes, please ask Chen Gongzi to slapp him to death!"

Lu Wu thought for a moment, and then gritted his teeth to focus on his head, stepped across the river and landed in front of Wuxingmen Mountain Gate.


Lu Wuyao was just about to step into the mountain gate!


Five-color mysterious flash!

He was pushed out!

"Lu Wuxiao! You dare to come back!"

"Your disaster star, who provokes the big figure of Ziwei Ancient Star, has caused a big disaster to Wuxingmen. Don't you stay in the Yunshan mine to atone for it. Are you going to kill Wuxingmen!"

"Lu Wuxia, Lu Wuxiao, you still have a face to return to the Wuxing Gate!"

Within the mountain gate!

Four or five figures appeared!

At this moment, all were indifferent and stared at the landing without folly!

"Sure enough... is that so..." Lu Wuxu looked at the familiar faces, only to feel very strange, and could only shake his head and took a deep breath and whispered. : "I... want to see the deputy master."

"Your disaster star still wants to see the deputy master? Huh! The deputy master Zhaoxue said he won't see you again, and the deputy master Zhaoxue is mainly married to the son of Chen Chen! If it is not the deputy master Zhaoxue, the Wuxingmen has been destroyed. The deputy master saved us! In the future, the old house of Ziwei Ji and Wuxingmen will be relatives. You, the disaster star, have been removed from Wuxingmen three days ago!"

A disciple sneered!


Lu Wuxiao was shocked to the extreme with a face!

"Lu Wuxue, Wuxingmen has nothing to do with you anymore. Son Ji Chen spares your life, you can go."

At this time!

A woman's voice came from Wuxingmen Mountain!


"Vice...Vice Door Master..."

Lu Wuxiao heard this The body trembles, and the whole person seems to have fallen into the ice cellar and stayed completely!

"Have you heard!"

"The deputy master does not want to see you at all!"

"Humph! Master Ji Chen spares you a lot of life, you don't have to kneel down!"

Within Shanmen Xuanguang, several disciples of the Five Elements sneered again and again!

"What son of Wuxingmen and Ziwei Guxing became a family, you Lu Wuxie became a lonely family, Lu Wuxie and Lu Wuxue, you are still that Tiansha lone star."

Chen Zheng swept over and glanced at the people in the mountain gate. He smiled at the landing.


Lu Wuluo looked at Chen Zheng blankly and said a word, then he was silent, and the spirit and spirit all disappeared. Like a walking dead, his heart was dead!

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