Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 858: Mysterious fingers

How to do?

What should I do next?

This guy could kill Jinxian with a move!

Is this guy going to kill?

Before the giant palm!

Cultivation of the public!

"You know what to do."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved and he looked at the magic shadow. The magic shadow took a deep breath and focused on his head!


"Master Mo Ying spares his life!"

"Master Lord Mo Ying let me wait to leave!"

Seeing this, the cultivators begged for mercy in panic. Some monks directly turned into magic lights and wanted to escape, but they flew out hundreds of meters and burst into blood mist directly. I saw the black awn flash in the eyes of the magic shadow, those real demon slaves All turned into dust and fell into the ground! As for the monks who entered the land of inheritance in the spiritual world, those monks who became golden immortals with the breath of the real demon also burst into blood mist in the blink of an eye!

After all, Moying is a Daojun, and a large piece of it is extinguished as soon as he shoots. At this moment, he refers to the surrounding giant palm. Before coming to kill Chen Zheng’s public cultivation, there was only one Hongtian demon left. !

"Huh? You have a magic weapon!"

Mo Ying glanced at Hongtian Devil and raised his eyebrows.

"Dao Jun still can't kill me, I am also a person of inheritance! Lord Mo Ying, I don't know if you have heard of the cathode magic palace!"

The black light circulated on the devil of Hongtian, and he responded indifferently!

"Cathode Mogul? You are the person of Cathode Mogul? Do you want to press me with Cathode Mogul? Huh! When the Lord of Cathode Mogami sees my Lord, he also respectfully shouts Lord of the Living True Demon, Cathode Mogul 'S name doesn't scare me!"

Mo Ying frowned, but then raised his hand and cast a secret method, grabbing at Hongtian Devil!


Hongtian Devil's flesh collapsed!

"You can ruin my body, but you can't kill me! I entered the land of exclusion, it is indeed for the inheritance of the supreme demon in the land of exclusion! Although I lost today, I will repay today's revenge! Chen Zheng! Hongtian remembers you, I hope you also remember Hongtian, will definitely give you a big surprise in the coming day! Haha! Hahaha!"

Hongtian Mozi Yuanshen suddenly smiled at Chen Zhengyinxie, the next moment he heard a loud sound, Yuanshen exploded!


Mo Ying looked at Chen Zheng, revealing hesitation.

"It's nothing more than the cathode magic palace has the treasure, can reshape the spirit."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Then... wouldn't it kill you?"

The magic shadow pondered.

"Destroy the treasure will not be finished."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Destroyed the treasure..." Mo Ying whispered, looked at Chen Zheng, and bowed: "My lord has something to do with the lord. The lord must have been an epoch overlord, even above the epoch overlord! However, the adult reincarnation and renewal, although driving the anti-natural flesh in the Mahayana period can kill the golden fairy, but it is really necessary to destroy the cathode magic palace... I still need to wait until the adult restores the cultivation!"

"Oh." Chen Zheng smiled again, paused and asked casually: "Then the most powerful guy in the Cathode Magic Palace, can't compare to Hong Wangu."

"Hong Wangu!" Mo Ying instinctively shivered when he heard these three words, and quickly lowered his voice: "Everyone in the cathode demon palace is not as good as Hong Wangu. The top overlord! My Lord, the Supreme Demon Lord, can only barely suppress Hong Wangu! There are two super powers in the Taixu, one is Hong Wangu’s Dharma, and the other is Yi Qianhan. Let’s kill! Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan, although they are not the most terrible era overlords, in general, as strong as our lord, they will not take the initiative to find these two troubles!"

"Yi Qianhan..."

Chen Zhengyi shook his head.

"Why do you shake your head?"

The Mo Ying asked subconsciously.

"This name is not very good. It is not in the same grade as the name of your master, Supreme Demon Ji Ji."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"This..." Mo Ying froze, opened her mouth and could only reveal a bitter smile: "Only adults can dare to comment on the Supreme Demon Lord, and the name of the Daoist killing, and the small one is even thinking. I dare not think about it!"

"Since there is a cathode palace, is there an anode palace?"

Chen Zheng thought about it and asked again.

"Anode Temple!" Mo Ying nodded immediately: "There is indeed an anode temple in Taixu, and the cathode magic palace is the opposite of life and death. Among them, the anode temple hall is the top three beauty of Taixu... .Hmm? This... Adults suddenly mentioned the anode temple, could it be that they remembered some past?"

"Chen Zu! I'm coming! Chen Zu are you okay!"

at this time!

A phantom came from the west!


This figure is Lu Wuxia!

"Huh? Wanmo? Damn it! Wanmo?" Lu Wuzhao swept around and saw only Tian Yao and Mrs. Green Pearl who were tragically supported by Tian Yao, but none of the other spiritual monks from other regions When he arrived, he stared at the magic shadow: "You guy, dare to pit Chen Zu, really looking for death!"

"Please punish me!"

Mo Ying ignored Lu Wuxiao and was kneeling at Chen Zheng!

"This... what's going on? Old Master Zhong? Master of the Three Wonders? Lord of the Fairy Mansion? Hongtian Demon? What about people?"

Lu Wuluo froze.

This Nima!

How to get rid of the suppression of the supreme true devil's breath!

Ran over to help Chen Zu kill some stinky fish!

Why are the smelly fish and shrimps gone?

"Meow meow meow?"

Seeing no one responding, Lu Wu blinked in confusion.


Yixiang time passed.

"So is this the same thing? There is actually a hostess in the Supreme Demon, and that hostess knows Chen Zu and kisses Chen Zu and the world will collapse... This Nima.... Taixu Taixu...that was really the place I used to hear only..."

Lu Wuxiao found Tian Yao to understand what happened in front of Zhi Tian Ju's palm, and he was very emotional at the moment. In his previous life, he was a phaseless old demon, and also a phaseless demon ancestor in the big dark sky. He dared to go to Taishangtian to find Yuanshitianzun fighting method. After retrieving the non-phase magic species, you can have Daojun's combat power in the fit phase. There have been some signs of expansion before, but it can't expand at this moment.

Because the will of the supreme demon can overwhelm him, even he at the peak!



I must enter Taixu in my life!


It's just the end point outside Taixu!

Among the Taixu!

Is there a real chance of immortality!

"Adults are interested in these giant palms? This refers to giant palms, which is thrown into the land of inheritance by Lord Ji'er. It is not clear what the origin is, but it should be very simple. It may be a hand that was cut off by an era overlord!"

Mo Ying sees Chen Zheng staring at the giant whispered for a moment.


In Chen Zhengmei's heart, the seven-color light flashed, and he swept at the giant palm of his finger!


Zhi Tian Ju Palm seems to be alive suddenly!

I caught Chen Zheng!

"Master, be careful!"

"Little brother be careful!"

"Chen Zu be careful!"

Three exclamations!


Chen Zheng didn't move at all, and the seven-color divine light went back to the mountain, and the giant palm of the finger that he caught was set in place! And at the next moment, the seven-color divine light projected a figure, which seemed to refer to the figure of the original owner of the giant palm!

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