Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 859: This man has killed an era overlord!


Several people present!

Tian Yao, Lu Wuxiao, and Mo Ying, at first glance at seeing that huge figure, all felt a little stunned! Lu Wuxang's madness in the phaseless demon in the body generates power, and the phaseless demon is warning him!

This gigantic figure of nothingness!

Could it be the owner of the giant palm!

What is the origin of this figure!

Why is it so terrible just a projected figure!


And this phantom is still a bald head!


Ruthless cold noodles!

Without any human emotion!

This guy must be a ruthless and ruthless generation!

By the way, there is a **** decoration on his body, why does it look terrifying, it seems that it is the killer of the terrorist, the blood left by the blood of the terrorist!

"This...I have never seen such a character when I was in Taixu! But I have seen the decoration on his body. Lord Ji Shi mentioned this kind of decoration. This kind of decoration is a terrible race. The embellishments that will be left after the eralords are exterminated! There are three embellishments on his body, that is to say, there are three... three eralords died in his hands!"

Mo Ying took a deep breath and shouted with trembling!


Lu Wuxia's eyes widened!

Tian Yao was full of horror!

Kill... Kill three era overlords!

This is really unimaginable for them!

"This guy should be an alien king."

Chen Zheng smiled. At this moment, he remembered the alien king who was suppressed under the prisoner's tomb. The will of heaven, the tomb of heaven and the chain of nine days of stars could suppress the alien king.

The strange king's combat power is already immortal. This means that the owner of the giant king is bald and indifferent, and the clothes are similar. It should be the strange king. As for the fighting power of the alien emperor, being able to kill the era overlord is definitely the top power among the era overlords.

"Alien Emperor...!" Mo Ying heard these three words, shaking and shaking again: "It seems... there seems to be an alien kingdom in the deepest part of Taixu , That family is very special, the weak is no different from mortals, but it can be arrogant compared to the master Ji Jilu! The stranger emperor is the supreme emperor of that family, the strongest warlord! So... this is a giant Palm, is it the hand of an alien emperor! Then... who cut the alien emperor's hand, why did Ji Ji's master still put this hand into the realm of the closed land In the ground?"

"That... is there a stranger?"

Lu Wuxia asked subconsciously.

"The kingdom of strangers, the emperor is already in the extreme state, and the emperor is just a legend. The alien emperor is already the level of the era overlord. If there is an emperor, then it is the situation of the master of Ji Ji! But even if that situation really exists, It should not be easy to appear, because I have followed the hundreds of millions of people in the Taixu, and I have never seen the master of Ji Ji!"

Mo Ying whispered.

"Huh? Billions of spring and autumn? Then you are also very promising? Where were you before?"

Lu Wuxiao asked again.

"I can't miss the Lord of the Eighth Realm!" Mo Ying raised his head, revealing a look of pride, but shook his head at the next moment: "Once it was, once brilliant, now I'm just a spirit that preserves the will. Body! There was a strange treasure in the Taixu world. When I went to fight for it, I met an era overlord. I was shot to death by that era overlord. It was Master Ji Shao who reshaped my primordial spirit and sent me into a ban. The land. The overlord of the era, even Master Ji's, is not willing to provoke it, so it can only be considered bad luck for me! Alas!"

"Lying trough! The Supreme Demon is not willing to provoke her, how bad it is!"

Lu Wulu was surprised.

"Because that era overlord is too mysterious!"

Mo Ying read a name incomparably low.

"Tai Xuan God... This guy seems to listen to the name is very unusual!"

Lu Wucao was shocked again.

Too profound!

These four words seem to be born above all beings!

"Tai Xuan God... what is this guy's relationship with Taichu."

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"In the beginning!"

When the magic shadow heard, it was another trembling. In my heart, Master Chen Zheng was really extraordinary. Even if I can’t remember the past, I can talk about Taichu and Taixuan casually. These two names are in Taixu, but both It's a terrifying existence, and it's all terrible creatures that Ji Ji will not easily provoke.


Among the large population of Chen Zheng!

It seems that Taichu and Taixuan are like that!

What exactly did Lord Chen Zheng ever be... Which supreme in Taixu!

The magic shadow flashed over and over again, calming his thoughts and saying: "In the beginning, it was recognized as the first god. How strong it is is unclear, because there have been several eras that have never appeared in the world! Taixuan God is also God, I just remember the difference Tai Xuan Shang Cang appeared once in the world, but I don’t know anything about the Taixu in the future! But one thing is for sure. In the beginning, Shang Cang Tai Xuan Shang Cang, these two gods are stronger than the Wan Gu Sect Master Hong Wan Gu! At one point, Tai Xuan had terrible magical powers. That was the horror magic power that crushed the heavens, the earth, and the nations! It can suppress the gods of the early days and the gods of the heavens. I am afraid that only Master Ji Ji’s master!"

Speaking of which, Mo Ying stopped and glanced at Chen Zheng.

In fact, he didn't finish his sentence, and there was one sentence that wasn't spoken, but that sentence was just a guess. When he was at the peak of Chen Zheng's guess, he should be able to suppress the beginning of the heaven and the heaven of the heaven!

"It's over, I can't listen anymore! When I listen to it, I just feel that I'm getting smaller and smaller, and I feel the Dao heart is unstable!"

Lu Wu shook his head violently for a while, listening to these things mentioned by Mo Ying, he really felt that his heart was a little unstable, and those things were too far away, too illusory, and too scary!

Mo Ying claimed to have been the eighth realm of immortality, and guessed that it was the realm above the saint, but the creatures of that level were slapped to death by a slap in the sky!


Even if you cultivate yourself to restore to the peak of the previous life, even if you have become a saint of heaven, you will not be slapped by those guys. Is there any point in cultivation? At the thought of this, Lu Wucao felt that his Dao heart was about to crack!

"Don't listen to this guy blowing, and wait for Lao Tzu to fully awaken. In the beginning, Tai Xuan was a chicken neck! Take this hand Lao Tzu needs to research and see if he can transfer this hand To other creatures!"

At this time!

A girl's voice sounded!

"Which one?"

Mo Ying stunned and asked carefully.

Although it was just a girl’s voice, you can hear that tone and you know that it’s a big one, and it must be an extraordinary character!

Chen Zheng didn't explain. He lifted his right hand and pointed it at the giant palm of Zhitian Ju. The giant palm of Tianjian zoomed out and flew into his Yuanshen.


Tian Yao blinked. She heard the voice of the little girl for the second time. The last time was in the enchantment of her Jiuwei Tianhu. The little girl said that she and her brother Chen Zheng would be practicing... At the thought of Shuangxiu, Tian Yao's pretty face turned slightly red, and she looked at Chen Zheng with a small voice in her heart. If the little brother thought, he was still very willing...

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