Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 882: Horror dream!


"The horrible monster fell from the **** city!"

"That monster is dead?"

The creatures outside the Shencheng heard a huge rumbling sound, and when they looked in the direction of the Shencheng, they just saw the dream monster's huge monster body fall down.


In the temple of the ancestral god, the eyes of the bite beast lit up and rushed out at once. At the sight of the huge demon body of the dream demon, there was no transparency at all, and he quickly took a bite and swallowed the strange demon power to dissipate!

"Cool!" Swallowed the demon power of the dream demon, bite the beast with a smile, flew back to the ancestral temple, and shouted at Chen Zheng: "Master, master, the power of the monster I swallowed, I can devour the dream. Now!"


Luo Tian, ​​Dongyue Shenji, Taiyin Goddess and others, don't know what to say at this moment.

Avenue Dream Demon!

An ancestral creature!

Just glanced at Chen Zu Yuanshen because of his will!

Then inexplicably scared to death!

So what Damen Dream Monster just saw in Chen Zu Yuanshen just now can actually scare an ancestor to death, which is too exaggerated!


That is not the ancestor of the general family!

That is the powerful creatures with saints in the world, who have penetrated a complete road!

"No... Impossible... How could an ancestor be scared to death... Fake! Eye-blocking method! This must be the eye-blocking method! That adult... . But the Dream Monster!

Yao Kun, who was kneeling on the ground, shuddered, and his face was full of unbelief. However, no one had paid attention to him.

"Chen Zu...what did the dream demon see?"

Luo Tian regained his breath and asked, slightly lowering his head.

"Dragon Dream Monster, the power is really special, I saw something that I didn't know."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Luo Tian stunned.

I saw Chen Zheng's right hand lifted up, a random touch, a light curtain emerged, and a dream-like scene appeared in the light curtain. It was just this scene that everyone else in the Ancestral Temple shook their eyes in horror, and they all couldn't help but step back.

"Mother! Who is she!"

The Dao Beast also screamed, a purple hair stood up instantly, swooped behind Chen Zheng, and secretly revealed his small head, fearing looking at the scene in the light curtain.

In the light curtain!

There is a woman!

A woman carrying a strange short knife!

Can't see the face of a woman!

Because only the back of the woman in the dream!

In front of a stone platform, a woman could vaguely see a purple figure lying on the stone platform. The woman carried a strange short knife. The purple figure lying on the stone platform twitched. Purple blood was left on the stone platform. It's just weird, and it's even more horrible! Under the perception of Luo Tian and others, the dripping purple blood seems to contain thrilling and terrifying power!

Other than that!

There is also a row of torture racks behind the stone platform, and people are hanging on the torture racks!


That's not human!

Those creatures are not humans!

Those seem to be demon!

Although those gods and demons are closed their eyes!

But Luo Tiandong, Moon God, etc. only glanced at it, and felt that Dao Xin was unstable, Yuan Shen shuddered, as if Dao Xin Yuan Shen would collapse at any time!


Don't be disrespectful!

Do not defile!

Involuntarily want to worship!

Looking at these creatures seems to have seen heaven!


Elder Wu Shen was the first one who couldn't bear it, kneeled down on the ground as soon as his legs were soft, and then spouted a golden blood!


A demon face of the Taiyin Goddess suddenly turned pale, and she had to kneel down on the ground. Chen Zheng lifted her right hand at will, and the dream of the light curtain dispersed directly. The Taiyin Goddess was able to stabilize her body.


Ancestral Temple!

Except for Chen Zheng, everyone else took a deep breath, all with fear in their eyes!

What was in the light curtain just now!

Is that a dream or a reality!

If it is true!

That's too scary!

Who is that woman!

"I'm afraid, how could there be such a terrible dream in the master Yuanshen?"

The Road Beast trembles tremblingly.

"Chen Zu... Is that dream real or... unreal?"

Luo Tian also trembling and asked.

Dongyue Shenji, Taiyin miracles, Wu Shen, and Yelin are all looking at Chen Zheng at this moment. They hope to hear an answer, that is, the light curtain dream is just a dream, not real!

"This is not my dream."

Chen Zheng thought slightly.

"Ah? Whose dream is that?"

Luo Tian subconsciously asked.

"My old friend's memory, she spent the most lonely years with me. The dream just now should be a part of the past she stayed in my Yuanshen, the special power of the Daemon Dream Monster, which induced the dream in the past Come out."

Chen Zheng said.

"That...what kind of creature is that! The purple figure on the stone platform in the dream and the terrible gods and devils on the scaffold are... what kind of creature! Why is every one terrified, every one It’s as if it’s like heaven or even more...terrible!"

Luo Tian's voice was extremely low.


At this time!

Yao Kun, who was kneeling on the ground, spewed out another blood, and then heard a crackling sound, his head tilted to the ground! His eyes widened, although there was still a breath, but his eyes had lost the light! Its body cultivation was degraded in an instant, and the body of the human-sized monkey demon also shrunk, shrinking into a baby monkey!

Dongyue Shenji and the other two elders, seeing this scene, their brows locked in an instant, and then shook their heads! I'm afraid no one would think that Yao Kun, one of the five elders in the **** market, was completely abolished!


Compared to the scene where the old ancestral dream demon was scared to death!

It seems nothing more!

Yao Kun collapsed!

"Some things don't go deeper. If you don't go deeper into those things, it's easy to collapse."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Luo Tian got it!"

Luo Tian took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Zheng.

"Young people get it!"

Dongyue Shenji, Taiyin Goddess, Wu Shen, also worshipped Chen Zheng at this moment.

"Shen Ruin..." Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking out of the Ancestral Hall, and at the northern part of the Shen Ruin covered by the divine light, then he smiled and said: "Dao Daomen Knitted A perfect dream, it is a pity that it can only cover the 90% place of Shenxu, and the most northern part of the area of ​​divine light cannot penetrate. Luo Tian, ​​what is the most northern part."

"The northernmost area... this Luotian is not very clear."

Luo Tian showed shame.

"There... it should be the place where the Shinto world fell." Wu deeply thought about it and responded: "The real supreme **** medicine in the **** market should be in it. There should be at least a few in it. Ten Supreme Medicines."

"Really, it seems that this is where I should go."

Chen Zheng listened and nodded.


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