Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 883: Divine inheritance? No interest!


Divine light is gorgeous!

This is the northernmost part of Shenxu!

According to Elder Wu Shen, among the splendid divine light was the divine court of the Shinto world. The divine world was degraded, the divine court collapsed, and the gods of the Shinto world were almost destroyed!

And the people who woke them in the middle of the night were actually just the demon servants of the gods, and the winter moon **** Ji was just the spirit beast raised by a princess in the court.

As for the goddess of Taiyin, it was also related to the princess of the original court, but it was not a native creature of the **** ruins, but an exotic creature. Dongyue Shenji also can't remember clearly, just remember that the goddess of Taiyin was brought back by Princess Shenting from other worlds.

For a long time in the past, they were immersed in the beautiful dreams woven by the Daemon Dream Monster, and regarded themselves as a Protoss. Even if they noticed some abnormalities, they were unwilling to wake up because their realm was real.

"In the **** ruins, I don't know if there are still alive clan. If there is, it can only be in it. It's just this place where the divine light is shrouded. I can't even enter the quasi-holy."

Wu Shen said, one step forward, one hand stretched out towards the gorgeous divine light, but just upon touching the divine light, Wu Shen was directly blown away by a horror divine power!


Several quasi-Saints are silent!

Chen Zheng just smiled at this and stepped into the divine light without any obstruction. Seeing this scene, Dongyue Shenji and others saw a collective silence again.

"Without comparison, there is no harm."

At this time the bite beast spoke.


Dongyue Shenji and others have nothing to say.

Within the divine light.

As soon as Chen Zhenggang came in, a great deal of supernatural power was pressed up, as if to crush Chen Zheng directly, but after the seven or eight supernatural powers came to no avail, the majestic supernatural power also withdrew.

"Eternal Palace of the Sky..."

Chen Zheng walked through a ruin and came to a hall with a cracked plaque above the hall. Several large characters were written on the plaque. He glanced at it, and the large characters seemed to turn into a **** of honor, staring at him indifferently and mercilessly, but when he stepped out into the hall in one step, the **** of honor would be stunned for a while, and then he would be destroyed automatically.

"you're so weird."

After stepping into the Divine Court, he walked less than three steps toward the front, and a figure appeared on the cracked Divine Seat. That's a woman in a palace dress, and the whole body is full of charm, that is the rule of Shinto.

"Princess Divine Court."

Chen Zheng glanced casually at the woman in palace dress.

"She fell back in those days. I was just the thought she left behind. This thought will not last long." The woman in the palace dress shook her head gently, her bright eyes looked at Chen Zheng again, revealing her doubts: " You’re really strange. It’s clear that only the Mahayana period is practiced, but it is not affected by the Shenting Great Formation. You can go in and out at will, as if the shenwei she left has no effect on you."

"Sage is not good."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The woman in palace dress was shocked when she heard it.

When Princess Shenting was alive, it was indeed a saint in the world of Shinto, and he still had the supreme saint. The woman in palace dress is actually a saint's thought. She wonders why the Mahayana monk in front of her can see herself through at a glance. Also, when this man said that the saint was not good, the tone of expression was completely from the heart, that is to say, this is what he thought in the heart.

So can't the saint get into this man's eyes?

"You...but come for the inheritance of the Divine Court? The inheritance of the Divine Court is the mysterious mystery of the Divine Dao, which is more tyrannical than the mysterious mystery of the Immortal Dao in the heavens. If there was no accident in that battle, the Divine Court would not fall , The world of Shinto will not degenerate." The woman in palace dress thought about it and said that she raised her hand a little, and a page of God appeared: "This is the supreme way of the Shinto inherited by the ancient heavenly court of the sky. Since you can enter the court, Destiny. I am a spiritual thought left by her. She asked me to wait for destiny, according to the rules. You only need to pay homage to the seat of the gods, which is the heir to the heavenly gods. You don’t need to revenge. , As long as this secret law is passed down."

"Inheritance of the Divine Court?"

Chen Zheng glanced at the **** page suspended in the hall, then shook his head.

"Shen Dao supreme law can't get into your eyes?" The woman in palace dress froze and murmured: "In that battle, the **** of the sky has surpassed the saint. If it is not too terrible, it will be out of control.. .... No matter what, this supernatural way of the Shinto is definitely more than the inheritance of the saintly tradition. Your physical body is so special that it is suitable for practicing the mystery of the Shinto. I believe that within a hundred years, you can surpass the saint."

"Cultivation? I don't need to practice, I just need the power of the **** medicine fairy spirit to fill my empty flesh. What's more, how do you think the Divine Way is supreme, how does it compare with the Pangu saint's holy emperor immortality? I There is a recipe for the Holy Emperor’s death, do you want it?"

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, lifted his right hand and shot a mysterious light towards the woman in palace dress.

"Holy Emperor's Undead Trick..."

The woman in the palace dress absorbed the mysterious light, and a very exquisite face was ignorant!

This man!

I really gave myself the Holy Emperor's immortality recipe!

It's true!

Real goods!

The Supreme Secret of the Holy Emperor!

There is more than one level to surpass the mysterious mystery of God!

"You... are you the ancestor of Hongjun, the Master of Zixiao Palace in Heaven?"

The woman in a palace dress took a deep breath, and she bowed slightly and asked.


Chen Zheng shook his head again.


The woman in palace dress was silent.

"I'm here for the magic medicine. There is a magic medicine garden right here. If you help me lead the way, I'm too lazy to break the ban."

Chen Zheng swept around and smiled at the woman in palace dress.

"Hum! Your Highness Princess! Mo is going to be fooled by this kid! This kid does not worship the Goddess of the Sky and is not eligible to enter the God Medicine Garden!"

At this moment, a divine light glanced from the outside and turned into a tall god. The **** raised the sharp gun in his hand and locked Chen Zheng!

"Princess Divine Court, I am too lazy to fear that I can't control my right hand. I accidentally wiped out your great court. When the great court broke down, Her Royal Highness should know the consequences."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Crazy! The saints of the Great Court can't be broken! Although your flesh is weird, but it can't be repaired as a mahayana period, you are just fooling your highness with the strange flesh! Your highness, princess, don't be taken by this... !"

God will sneer!

But the sound suddenly stopped suddenly!


Because Chen Zheng lifted his right at random, the horror tear sounded!

"I lead the way for seniors!"

The face of Princess Shenting changed dramatically, and she exclaimed quickly!

"So why is this necessary?"

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly, brushing it at will, repairing the crack.

"Senior please!"

Princess Shenting respectfully respected Chen Zhengyi and led the way for Chen Zheng.

I saw the divine light flashed, and the two left the Shenting Hall. There was only a tall general in the hall. The tall God was stunned for a moment before he came back to God. After he came back, he plopped and faced the seat. Just kneel!

"His Royal Highness! His Majesty the Emperor! If there was this person at that time! Was it rewritten after the war!"


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