Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 884: once? All living beings are ants!

God Medicine Garden.

A glance at the past is all magic medicine.

"This time the situation should be stable."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"This is almost the essence of the Shinto world for hundreds of thousands of years. There are more than fifty supreme **** medicines. Any one of the **** medicines can create a quasi-holy or even an ancestor. It just has no meaning for us, we also It’s just hiding here that dog eyes are greedy."

There was a divine light in Princess Shenting's eyes, but in the end there was only a sigh.

No more magical medicines are used. The court of God has fallen. The Emperor of the Sky and the Princess of Court have fallen. Too many people died in that battle. Almost all the Protoss in the Shinto world died. Now all of these in the Falling God's Garden are like remnant soul thoughts, even without a complete physical body, so guarding the Divine Medicine Garden is just obsession.


Chen Zheng raised his right hand, grabbed the supernatural potions in the magical medicine garden, and a strain of supernatural potions flew over.


Princess Shenting was a little startled, but soon recovered. This man could even take out the Supreme Emperor's secret method, and almost destroyed the Divine Court with a touch of it. Although it was exaggerated to collect the magic medicine, it was reasonable.

"Kylin, Shenfeng, Zhenlong, immortality, fate, robbery, supreme, etc., have different power attributes and even conflicts. If seniors want to resume cultivation, or... um? Senior you! Nothing!"

The princess Shenting said thoughtfully, but only halfway through her words, her face changed again, because she saw Chen Zheng taking a mouthful and swallowed more than fifty supreme **** medicines in one mouth!

The princess Shenting opened his mouth wide, and the whole person was ignorant!



next moment!

A terrifying force broke out inside Chen Zheng!


God Medicine Garden collapsed in an instant!


The clothes on Princess Shenting's body are cracked!

She is not a real princess, but a thought left by the princess Shenting, so the clothes on her body are not real material, but the power of Yuanshen. The crack at this moment is the crack of her thought!

The princess Shenting was terrified, meditating on the mysterious method of the Shinto, and quickly withdrew backwards, which could withstand the spread of the terrorist power!




She can block that terrifying power!

The Divine Court couldn't stop the terrifying power!

In a tremendous vibration, the Divine Court burst into pieces!

"What happened!"

"What power is this!"

"How does this feel like a breath of magic medicine!"

Among the divine courts, those moments of remnant souls were also terrifying, all looking at the direction of the Divine Medicine Garden!


Outside the court!

Splendid divine light twisted crazy!

"Lying trough! What's going on inside? Isn't it the woman with whom the master did it?"

Dao bite exclaimed.

"This breath... I'll wait for the withdrawal!"

Luo Tian groaned and retreated!

"Destroy the world!"

Dongyue Shenji exclaimed, but also retreated!

"Lying trough! Wait a minute!"

The bite eater reacted and swooped hundreds of miles in an instant!

Standing hundreds of miles away looking at the direction of the Shenting at the moment, I saw a brilliant divine light madly twisted, and there was a terror divine light rising into the sky, but what made Luo Tiandong, Moon God Ji and others puzzled, that the sky rose from the sky In the divine light, how do you feel the breath of magic medicine!

That terror of divine light seems to be the power of the eruption of magic medicine!


It's just extremely chaotic!

As if chaos appeared!

More than a few of them, all the creatures in the **** ruins raised their heads at this moment, looking at the sky-shattering vision of the northern sky, and when they sensed the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, there was only one thought in the mind!


The **** market is coming to an end!





On the northern sky of Shenxu!

A glimmer of gray light appeared!

Only one blink time!

There are dozens of huge eyes above the sky dome!

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

"This breath is the heaven of the world!"

"Thirty-six punishment eyes!"

"My Dao Zun!"

"My God!"

All frightened!

Thirty-six heavenly punishment eyes appeared!

Unheard of!

"Lying trough! It's terrible! Is this the owner's introduction! The owner is too awesome!"

Hundreds of miles outside the court, the Dao bite widened his eyes.

Aside Luo Tiandong, Moon God Ji and others, at this moment, they were shocked to say nothing, looking at the thirty-six punishment eyes on the sky dome, only feeling that they moved, they will be ruthlessly killed!

Chen Zu!

What is the situation to break!

Actually attracted such a terrible sky-tribulation!

Inside the court!

In front of the God Medicine Garden!

"This... what kind of robbery! Why do you think this kind of robbery is more terrible than the ancestral robbery! He... is he not a Mahayana monk..."

A **** will tremble and ask.

"do not know."

Princess Shenting gently shook her head, her eyes retracted from the sky, and looked at the man standing in front of the Shenyao Garden. The man's body was still releasing terrifying powers. It seemed that those terrifying powers had attracted an unprecedented 36-day penalty.

The man swallowed more than fifty supreme potions at one time, causing a terrifying situation at the moment. Was he doing this intentionally?



Thirty-six heavenly punishment eyes hit the gray light at the same time!

The target is Chen Zheng!

"It's over!"

"He can't stop it!"

"This day's tribulation is terrible! Patriarch Tribulation! At least it is also Patriarch Tribulation!"

The gods will tremble!

This moment!

The princess of Shenting couldn't help but clenched her hands!

And at the next moment!

Chen Zheng, who had his head slightly lowered, suddenly raised his head!


Open your mouth!



A face-to-face!

Whether it is the terrible sky-tribulation that fell down or the thirty-six punishment eyes!



Princess Shenting and others have not yet reacted, and Chen Zheng swallowed with all his mouth, and the chaotic and distracting power released was swallowed by him!


Focus on him!

The ground is cracking at this moment!

Cracks spread instantly!

Only one thought time passed!

There is a lot of scars on the ground of God's Market!

As if the ruins of the gods would collapse in the next moment!


A world of souls!


A moment later, in front of the God Medicine Garden in Shenting, Chen Zheng nodded lightly and smiled softly: "Sure enough, it is a breakthrough, but it is still a little bit worse. It is also a trouble to be too strong."

"That... Senior... Senior is now in a robbery period?"

Princess Shenting felt it and asked with some uncertainty.

"I swallowed more than fifty magical medicines and let them collide and fuse. The effect is not bad. I finally broke a big realm at a time. It is now the middle of the crossover."

Chen Zheng nodded.


The princess Shenting blinked, her face exquisite.

The middle of the transition?

The middle of the transition?

How could it be the middle of the transition?

The robbery just now is at least the ancestral robbery!

This man robbed as soon as he roared!

How could this man swallow so many magic drugs at once to get through the middle of the robbery!

"The predecessor... how about the combat strength?"

The princess Shenting thought for a moment and couldn't help asking again.

"Ordinary means will kill Daojun, and extraordinary means will barely slash the Emperor of Heaven. If the ancestor of the saint stands still, let me kill me, but the ancestor of the saint cannot stand still. Let me kill. So if you take it together, it will still be reluctant."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"That senior...what fighting power was it once?"

Princess Shenting silently gritted her teeth and asked ever? All beings in the world are ants. "

Chen Zheng casually said.


The gods will kneel directly!


Princess Shenting opened her mouth a little, and wanted to say nothing. She now understands why this man is not interested in the supernatural power of Shinto, and even can easily come up with the secret method of the Holy Emperor of the Pangu Holy Clan.


This man has seen the scenery that the saint has never seen!

The man just said that all living beings, including ants, include saints!


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