Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 889: Patriarch can't save you!


   In the Phoenix City!

  Whether it is a native creature or a creature from a thousand worlds!

   All breathed out at this moment!

Went out!

   Zhenfeng’s kid on the back of the phoenix blasted a peak Daojun in the Yanyang Temple!

   This Nima!

  Why is his palm so horrible!

  Why is he really only alive during the robbery!

   lying trough!

   He didn't hide the cultivation behavior at all!

and also!

   And why did the palm he just blasted out have a horrifying tendency as if heaven came!

"Did you... think you restored some cultivation behavior, and you can run unscrupulously? Chen Zheng, you are far from your peak! The last time I lost to you, this time I I will not lose to you, I will kill you! I will kill you, my Dao Xin can directly enter the ancestor level!"

  Everything creates a gloomy face!

  Chen Zheng!

   The name came out!

   Bang Bang Bang!

   That madman, Zhou Xianglong, was crazy and kowtowed at this moment!

   Lord of a city!

   Lord of the second largest city in the cloud world!

   This moment seems to be a fool!

"Chen Zheng... his name is Chen Zheng? This is the real name of the owner of the gold page? Why don’t I remember that there is a big man named Chen Zheng? Sister, for the sake of our acquaintance since childhood, you tell your brother Golden Page The origin of the master, the brother exchanged a drop of real blood from the white tiger!"

  A white light emerged, and a monk appeared in the air.

   "Everything is about to die."

   However, Su Youyou still didn't look at Bai Feihu, only smiled.

"Huh? All things will die? Impossible! Why all things are also the great disciple of Dongsheng Supreme, known as the No. 1 seed of the Supreme Palace, he must have the ancestor-level life-saving means! This Chen Zheng means is no longer weird, and it is impossible to kill everything. What’s more, all creatures encounter the death of life and death, the Eastern Saint Supreme will definitely shoot! All creatures, but to represent the Supreme Palace to participate in the battle for the sons of the heavens!"

  Bai Feihu didn't believe it and shook his head coldly.

   "Chen Zheng?"

   "Never heard of it!"

   "This name is too common! But this person seems very unusual!"

  The spirits in the city also whispered at this moment!

  Chen Zheng?

   This name is very strange!

   But to kill the pinnacle of Daojun by crossing the robbery!

   is definitely not easy!

   Before many monks heard for the first time that the owner of the gold page only had to do it during the robbery period, they were not convinced that the owner of the gold page was the real gold page owner, and they were guessing that the real gold page owner still did not show up!

   But now!

   They have some letters!

  Chenzheng Chenzheng!

  The monk named Chen Zheng on the back of Zhen Feng is the master of the gold page!

   "Chen Zheng....So my lifeless brother also died in your hands."

   At this time, the Divine Son suddenly smiled.

   "You should not be able to run this time."

On Zhenfeng's back, Chen Zheng didn't go to see Heavenly Son, but looked at all creatures.

"Huh? Sure enough, even if you are reincarnated and rehabilitated, even if the cultivation is severely degraded, you are still very proud. Let me know it formally. I am a son of the heaven and the sky, and I am a master of the star ancestor. My physique is ten. The chaotic body in the body. I don’t know if my chaotic body can get into your eyes?"

  Deep Heaven Son saw it, and smiled again.


   Say these three words one by one!

   The dazzling Son instantly became the focus of the audience!

  Although it has long been known that the Divine Son is a chaotic body!

   But when the Divine Saint Son spoke these three words in person, the Cultivator still couldn't help focusing on the Divine Saint Son, because what the chaotic body represented was really terrible!


   The first of the ten Dao bodies!

   Devour the power of all things in the world!

   Devour the power of chaos!

   As long as this kind of Tao does not fall!

   The future is at least an ancestor in the world!


  Chen Zheng still didn't look at the Divine Son!

   "I will kill you as soon as I take a shot. What card do you have to take out directly, so I die."

  Chen Zheng just said something to all things!



  Is this directly ignoring the Divine Son!

  Isn't the chaotic body in my eyes at all?

   lying trough!

   Will this be too crazy!

   "It's crazy! Sooner or later I will kick the iron plate!"

   Bai Feihu frowned, and sneered!

   "Maybe I need my hands to crush the pride of your creatures!"

   The smile on the face of Divine Heavenly Son has also converged, and a face becomes cold! He sneered, and secretly said that he had just spoken the three words of the chaotic body. When almost all the creatures in Chaofeng City came to focus, the invisible sense of transcendence made him extremely enjoyable!


   It's just that Chen is really not giving himself a face at all!

   Such a powerful reincarnation is so proud!

  That's it!

   Then let yourself crush his pride today!

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Kill me? Do you want to kill me? You think too much!" Silenced all creatures for a moment, this moment opened his mouth with a laugh: "Master has told me your origin, you used to be really It’s terrible, but you can’t do it in this life! You can still support the scene by means of supernatural powers, but you can only meet the creatures of my master’s situation, and you are just ants!”


   In between!

  Everything creature made a move, and saw a flash of immortal light, a rune appeared, and the rune formed a formation, covering all creatures!

   "This is a congenital amulet, and it is difficult for the ancestors of the Thousand Worlds to break through! Chen Zheng come, beg you to cut me! Haha! Hahaha!"

  All creatures laughed and laughed!

   "Innate Divine Rune..."


   "A very strong guardian formation! All creatures deserve to be the eldest disciples of the Eastern Saint Supreme! With the innate **** rune protection, the saints cannot easily wipe out all creatures, this Chen Zheng cannot be stronger than the saints!"

   A city of whispers!

"Sister, this Chen Zheng kicked to the iron plate! The innate magical rune, the White Tiger ancestor came in person and could not be broken in a short period of time! Even if he is a little bit against the sky, he has a quasi-holy war, and he can’t hurt everything Nothing! Teachers and sisters, brothers and sisters, I have given you suggestions long ago, don’t let the heavens and the world run around, and connect more with the arrogance of these powerful sects of the world, and this is the one who deserves to know. !"

   Bai Feihu sneered!



  Chen Zheng's right hand lifted up against the innate rune at random, and the innate rune burst instantly!


this moment!


   Divine Son!

  White Flying Tiger!

   A city of spirits!

  Whether it is a native or foreign creature in the cloud world!

   Everything looks drastically changed!

   Only Chen Zheng and Su Youyou looked indifferent!

   "No! Master save me!"

  All creatures woke screamed in horror!


   Over the Phoenix City!

   A giant hand forcibly crosses the border!

   This is the means of the ancestors of the world!

  The Thousand-East Supreme Master in the Great Thousand Worlds exerts great magical powers to save all creatures!

   "Dongsheng Supreme...Hum!"

  Chen Zheng looked at the giant hand he caught, and snorted indifferently, a ghost sword shadow rose into the sky, and only the giant hand that had been caught was cut off with a sword! He raised his right hand and grabbed the head of all creatures!

   "No! Master save me! Master save me!"

   All creatures scream wildly!


  Chen Zheng grabs mercilessly!

   All creatures' heads exploded!

  Everything creature is directly erased!

   (End of this chapter)

   Update the fastest and hurry up to read!..

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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