Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 890: Are you not a chaotic body! Don't slip!

   Chaofeng City!


Do not!

there's noise!

   Bang Bang Bang!


   City host Zhou Xianglong is still madly kowtowing to Chen Zheng!

It was also Zhou Xianglong's kowtow sound that made the Cultivators awake. When the Cultivators saw the headless corpse of all creatures in the sky and the golden snow splashed by the old ancestral supernatural powers just cut off, the Cultivators shook uncontrollably. !

   "You... broke the innate **** rune... cut off the Eastern Holy Supreme supernatural powers... killed all creatures..."

  The Divine Son of Heaven grabbed his eyebrows, and the transcendence that seemed to be able to crush everything with chaotic bodies had completely converged, and some stuttered.

   It's a pity!

   Unfortunately, Chen Zheng is too lazy to look at him!

   This time!

Zhong Xiu saw this scene, and no one said Chen Zheng was crazy, because everyone knows that the reason why this man is so crazy, and the reason why he does not put the heavenly Son with chaotic body in his eyes, is that this man really has that confidence to ignore Divine Son!

   It's true that the Divine Son has a chaotic body!

  The current cultivation of the Divine Son can break the Eastern Holy Supreme Supreme Supernatural Power!


   Obviously not!

  Heavenly Son can't do it by chaos!


   That man did it!

  The man Zhenyuan Xiu was only able to survive the robbery period, not to mention the real fairy, not even half a step of real fairy! But it was the man who first broke the magic rune, and then cut the Eastern Holy Supreme Supernatural Power, and then pinned everything to life!


   This method is not only as simple as the sky!

   I dare not think about this method!


  The chaotic body proud of Heavenly Son is a chicken neck compared to this man's method!

   "Everything is born......Jinxian............Jinxian don't wander in front of me anymore, it's easy to die."

On the back of Zhen Feng, Chen Zheng, who had killed everything, was indifferent.


   this sentence!


  People were shaking when they heard it!


   Is this warning everyone!

   In the phoenix city, the native creatures in the cloud world are a little better. The creatures from the Thousand Worlds, especially some monks in the Yanyang Temple and the Supreme Hall, wish to turn around and run away at this moment, but they dare not have any movements, fearing that they will be wiped out in one move!

   "How did he... do it..."

  Bai Feihu opened his mouth and asked.

"I have reminded you not to mix with some stinky fish and prawns. You should be thankful that you did not actively provoke him. If you voluntarily provoke him, even if you are the bloodline of Lord Baihu’s heir, even if it is guarded by the Holy Beast, you are also a dead body. There is one."

  Su Youyou smile, this smile is extremely charming!

   If it was before, Bai Feihu would indulge in the faint charm of the secluded world, but at this moment his body shivered, and the fear flashed in his eyes.


   seems to have made a mistake!

   It seems that the owner of the gold page is very big!



   There was a violent shaking on the sky dome!

   I saw a giant face emerge!

   "East Saint Supreme!"

  The sky-raising son raised his head and saw the giant face, and he was shocked!

   "Okay! Very good! If you kill me, then I will kill you woman!"

   That giant face was a roar at Chen Zheng. After this roar, the giant face was directly destroyed, but it was also the next moment. A sudden loud noise came from the northwest land! And that direction is the Yunzhong Yucheng of Yunjie Yuzu!

  Do it now!

   The ancestors of the Thousand Worlds have started their hands in the cloud city!

   "East Saint Supreme!"

   "The ancestors of Daqian World shot!"

   "Not only Dongsheng Supreme! It seems that there are ancestors of other great worlds!"

   "Is the feather city in the cloud going to be broken!"

   "Can the treasure that Yunzu left in the first place hold the cloud in the feather city!"

   In the Phoenix City, the native creatures of the cloud world raised their heads, all looking towards the direction of the Yuzhong City in the cloud!



   Loud noise!

   One after another!

   At this moment, the spirits of the cloud world know that it is the means of the ancestors of the ancestors of the Daqian world. Although the ancestors of the Daqian world have not come, the great magical power that can be used across the border is also terrifying!

right now!

  Who can stop the magical powers of the ancestors of the world!

   Could you just watch the feather city in the cloud be broken!


   In the Phoenix City, the eyes of the native creatures in the cloud realm moved, and they all looked at Chen Zheng!

   "Beginning the owner of the gold page to save the feathers!"

   "Sir, save the Emperor Yu, if there is no Emperor Yu, Yun Realm will have fallen!"

   "Yuhuang Kindness, we can prosper in the cloud world!"

   Then these native creatures in the cloud world kneel at Chen Zheng!

"Dongsheng Supreme...He may come to break through the cloud and feather city when he comes. Now, this method can't break through the cloud and feather city. I don't have to worry about it. As for those who besieged the cloud and feather city. Now that I have written a golden page that tells all beings in this world, I will naturally kill them all."

  Chen Zheng spoke lightly.


  The native creatures in the cloud world are a bit ignorant at first.


   And those creatures from a thousand worlds heard this sentence and shuddered involuntarily! Although the young man on Zhenfeng's back only spoke lightly, they all heard the murderous intention!

Is this man trying to slaughter the souls that attacked the cloud city in the cloud, or is it not only that, not only to kill all the creatures that entered the cloud realm to attack the cloud city in the cloud, but also to the Futu Gate, the Supreme Hall, the Yanyang Temple, etc. This kind of big world tyrannical sect is about to be slaughtered?



   The dazzling eyes flashed in the eyes of Shengdi Shengzi, and the whole person turned into a black awn.


  Cultivation of the people in the place!

   Divine Son!

   He actually slipped!

   "The Son of away..."

   Bai Feihu froze for a few seconds before recovering. Some couldn't believe it and stuttered.

   Divine Son!

   recognized as the most qualified person to win the treasure left by Yunzu!

   He actually slipped like this!

   lying trough!

   Divine Son!

   You are the chaotic body of the first ten bodies!

   How can you just slip away!

   "Chaotic body... Running is really fast."

  Chen Zheng chuckled and glanced at the foreign creatures in Chaofeng City.

   "Adults spare their lives!"

   "I have to wait!"

   "I haven't done any evil when I come to the cloud world. Please also open up the Internet!"



  Everything, the person brought by Master Beishan kneels on the spot to beg for mercy!

   "Zhou Xianglong!"

  Chen Zheng shouted casually.

   "The last will be!"

   The crazy lord Zhou Xianglong heard Chen Zheng's cry as if he was awake! I saw Zhou Xianglong praying to Chen Then the whole person turned into a evil jiao, and instantly crushed all the creatures and the people brought by Master Beishan!


  Chen Zheng shouted casually again.

"here I am!"

  Suyou quietly smiled and responded.

   "Follow me to Yunzhong Yucheng."

  Chen Zheng said lightly.


   Suyouyou smiled, swept over and landed on Zhenfeng's back, and then saw Zhenfeng's wings flutter and flew across thousands of miles!


  Fear of the creatures in the Phoenix City looked at the sky, suddenly a Yin Xie laughter sounded, this Yin Xie laughter was no one else, it was the city owner Zhou Xianglong, at this moment he had a face of Yin Xie evil, his body twisted strangely!


  In an instant!

  Zhou Xianglong divided another evil body!

   One face to face!

  The non-cloud native creatures in Chaofeng City were all torn by him!

   "Dead! All must die! Whoever provokes him! Whoever has to die! I am one of his dogs! I let him kill who I kill!"

  Zhou Xiang Long Yinxie smiled and raised his head to stare at Bai Feihu!

   "Mom's crazy! All crazy!"

   Bai Feihu yelled at the spot with a low curse!

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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