Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 891: Yunzhong Yucheng! Chen Zu returns!

  Yuncheng in the cloud!

   Yuzu Holy Land!

   This is a huge city in the sky!

   exudes an ancient dignity!

   But now!

   Someone came to challenge the majesty of Yucheng in the cloud!

   Someone wants to break through this imperial imperial city!



  Three giant hands bombarded the cloud city in three directions, and the terrible loud noise shook the whole cloud world! These three giant hands are the magical means of the ancestors in the world!


   This method is terrible!

  Can't be banned in the cloud, too!

   "Can't beat long!"

   "Damn! How could the feather city in the cloud be so strong! The three ancestors' supernatural powers are coming, they can't open the ban!"

"Yuhuang Fengfei, at most Dao Xiuwei, I can capture her with one hand! It's just that she got the treasure left by Yunzu, and even the treasure opened the big formation. If it wasn't for this big formation, the district Yuhuang would have been Prisoner!"

   Around the feather city, there are mainly three parties, one is Futu Gate of Futu World, the other is Yanyang Temple of Xianwu World, and the third is Supreme Hall! The people headed by the three parties are all quasi-holy. In addition to the quasi-holy, there are also Heavenly Emperor and Daojun! As for those Jinxian Xuanxian and the like, there is no qualification to speak, in fact, even Dao Jun is not qualified to intervene at the moment!

"The Divine Son of Heaven...actually left the Cloud Realm...Because the previous Fengming in the south failed, was the owner of the Golden Page on the Tianzhu of Fengcheng forced the Divine Son of Heaven to retreat? Ladies and gentlemen, although the three ancestors laid down an enchantment to block this area, but if the owner of the golden page comes, you still have to beware!"

   A monk at the Futu Gate bloodsense sensed something and suddenly raised his eyebrows.


   The blood-dressed monk just opened, and the enclave on the outside layer broke open at once, only to hear a fengming, a real phoenix rushed in!


   The giant hands transformed by the three great supernatural powers suddenly stopped bombarding the feather city in the cloud and turned into three virtual shadows. At this moment, they stared at Chen Zheng on Zhenfeng's back!

   "True Phoenix!"

   "Dao King Realm? But so!"

   "That kid is the owner of the gold page? During the robbery? This is the owner of the gold page? Ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

This area of ​​Yunzhong Yucheng is covered by a large enchantment, and Chaofeng City is thousands of miles away, so most of the monks here do not know what happened in Chaofeng City. Some Xuanxian Jinxian glanced at the back of Zhenfeng Chen Zheng, seeing that Chen Zhengxiu is only in the period of robbery, immediately taunted!


   Next moment all these monks shut up!

  Because one of the three phantoms stared at Chen Zheng and said indifferently and relentlessly!

"Chen Zheng, the sword you raised cut off the magical power that was cast before this seat. No matter how terrible your sword is, you can’t use it again in a short time! Now the incarnation of the magical power of this seat, the incarnation of the ancient ancestor of the powerhouse, and the fairy The Wuhu World Yanyang Temple Tianhuo Ancestor Avatar is incarnate, and the three Ancestral Ancestral Avatar are here. What else do you have to cut this seat!"

  East Saint Supreme!

   That phantom is the incarnation of Dongsheng Supreme Supreme Supernatural Power!

  Eastern Supreme Supreme said that the owner of the golden page during the robbery period recently cut off the magical power of Eastern Saint Supreme!

   lying trough!

   A sword can cut the magical power of the Eastern Supreme Supreme!

   Isn't that a sword that can kill Heavenly Emperor or even a sage!

  Eastern Supreme Supreme's words, not only silenced the monks present, but also a few stuns in the hearts of the quasi-holy emperors!

   But okay!

  East Saint Supreme said that this kid has used that terrible sword!

   This kid should not have that kind of terrible combat power now!

"Dongsheng Supreme, Ancestor Picking Stars, Ancestor Tianhuo.... You three can't see clearly, or show your true face to let me see what you look like, and then I will go to Daqian You don’t have to waste too much time looking for you in the world, what do the three think?"

On Zhen Feng's back, Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   The three monks immediately opened their eyes again!

   lying trough!


   What a **** maniac!

   A monk during the robbery!

   In front of the incarnation of the three ancestors!

   even whispered that he would go to Daqian World to kill three ancestors!

   This kid is crazy!

   "Chen Zheng, haven't you recognized the fact that you have been reincarnated and rebuilt? You in this life are different from your abyss in the past, do you still regard you as the invincible Chen Zu?"

   Dongsheng Supreme Incarnation sneer!

  Chen Zu!

  Zhong Xiu heard this title, and once again showed his astonishment. After looking at Chen Zheng for a while, he secretly said in his heart that he understood it and now he understands it all!

   This young man!

   This gold page owner!

  His previous life is also an ancestor in the world!

   No wonder that the golden page posted on the Tianzhu of the Chaofeng City, even Zhunsheng, could not be taken off. Obviously it was the means of its previous life, so everything made sense!

"Since you think I'm weak, why don't you show your true face, I'm so weak, and you three ancestors don't have to be afraid of me." Zhen Feng smiled and glanced at Dongsheng on his back The Supreme Incarnation turned his gaze towards the Star-Plucking Ancestral Incarnation: "Fu Tumen, Star-Plucking Ancestor, right? You can show me what you really are, and you will not lose a piece of flesh. Let me see how. "


   Picking Star Patriarch incarnation snorted, the first half of that unclear face was clear at this moment, and a pair of profound deep pupils stared at Chen Zheng!

   "Huh? Did you expose the upper half of your face? Since it's already exposed, why don't you show it all?"

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense! Dongsheng Supreme, Star Picker Ancestor, our three incarnations joined forces, can't we suppress him? He's a real Yuanxiu in this life is not a transitional robbery period. One step! Hurry up and stare at Yunjie, not only our three, but if others come, the treasure left by Yunzu from Yunjie may not fall into our hands!"

   This time!

  Tianhuo Ancestor avatar burst into tears!


  God of fire!

  Ten Huo Ancestor!

   is undoubtedly a temper tantrum!

   "Do it!"


   Dongsheng Supreme Incarnation also burst into shock!

   "Destiny Jiuxing Town Red Dust!"

   Almost at the same The star-plucking ancestor incarnation with half of his face also shot!

  Nine stars appeared!

   A mysterious force rushed to Chen Zheng!


   "Take him!"

   "Can the three ancestors of Ancestral Avatar still be able to suppress a period of robbery!"

  Three monks!

   All yelled at this moment!

   "Chen Zu..."

   On Zhenfeng's back, Su Youyou frowned slightly, just shouted two words at the beginning, and the enchanting face froze!

  Chen Zheng!

   Step out!

   Break away from Zhenfeng!


   happens to be in the middle of the three ancestral avatars!



   Hear a chuckle!

   At the moment when the three ancestors' magical incarnations came, Chen Zheng's body released a terror force, and his flesh suddenly rose to a thousand feet! On the body of a thousand feet, there are ancient ornaments as if they are sacred, dire, and cruel!

Not only that!

  Chen Zheng even has a pair of sharp magic angles on his forehead!

  Suyouyou and the three monks were amazed, the ancestor picking star shouted violently!


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