Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 894: Suppress Yuanfeng will!

Beautiful woman in palace dress!

Throwing sound!

Invisibly released a coercion!

"Oh, is it so powerful, it will be more visible."

It's just that this coercion doesn't have any deterrent effect on Chen Zheng, but instead makes Chen Zheng show a hint of curiosity.


The beautiful woman in the palace dress stagnate. She thought Chen Zheng would have self-knowledge after listening, but her warning to this man seemed useless. The man didn't listen to it at all!

"Okay! Since Chen Zu did not give up, then I will take Chen Zu to see that one, but all consequences will be at your own risk, even if Chen Zu was kind to the Yu clan!"

After staring at Chen Zheng, the beautiful woman in palace dress turned indifferently and stepped into Yu Palace.


Zhenfeng made a cry and shrank it down to the size of a chick, which fell on Chen Zheng's shoulder. Su Youyou also followed into the Imperial Palace of the Feathers. She was also curious. Who is the creature in the mouth of the Phoenix Butterfly that transcends the Daqian World Dao and the Daqian World Law?

Is the fallen Yunzu resurrected?

It is said that when Yunjie was still in the Thousand Worlds, the ancestor of the Yu ethnicity, not under the name of the Feathers, but under the name of the Yunjie, had almost stood above the saint!

Therefore, according to Fengdie's words, the most likely one is Yunzu!


As soon as a few people entered the Yu Palace, the gate of the Yu Palace closed suddenly!


Su Youyou looked away and saw the woman on the throne above the palace of Yu Palace, and recognized the woman at a glance, who is not Fei Huang Fengfei! It's just that the Emperor Feng Fei at the moment seems to be turned into a stone carving, and the divine light appears in the eyebrows, blocking the erosion of the ghost!

and so!

Was Emperor Fengfei under house arrest?

"This is the order of the Emperor Yu Fei Feng Fei did not respect the purpose of the law, unwilling to turn into a new feather clan, abolition of the body of the Emperor Yu! After the great treasure power left by Yunzu is exhausted, Feng Fei can only be turned into a new feather clan! "

The court-dressed woman said coldly.

"Mandatory conversion of feathers to new feathers... will this be too cruel?"

Su Youyou raised her eyebrows.

"Huh! That adult's law, even Yunzu's resurrection must abide! The adult said, the heavens of the Ten Thousand Worlds Tribulation will start, and only the feather tribe can be found into a new feather tribe to find a life in the tribulation!"

The beautiful woman in court dress said coldly again.

"The big catastrophe will start..."

Su Youyou showed her thoughts, and she had heard it more than once.

"Where is that adult?"

Chen Zheng glanced back from Feng Fei and asked a little.

"Please show up!"

The beautiful woman in a kimono stared at Chen Zheng with a cold eye, then knelt on the ground, praying very piously!


Yu Palace!

A strange twist in time and space!

Then I saw a transparent creature of nothingness appear!

This nihilistic transparent creature is a phoenix!


As soon as this phoenix appeared, it turned into a chicken-sized true phoenix, and suddenly it shivered, screaming in horror, falling from Chen Zheng's shoulder, and paying a homage to the phoenix of nothingness!

Zhenfeng is afraid of this phoenix!

"This is... what a phoenix! This breath... how can it feel more tyrannical than the demon queen and the white tiger ancestor..."

Su Youyou only glanced at it, and then there was an urge to bow down and worship!

Papilio didn't seem to exaggerate!

The adult in her mouth seems to be the way and law that transcends the world of thousands!

"Waiyuan Yuanfeng Ancestor!"

next moment!

The phoenix butterfly kneeling on the ground shouted in unison with a group of feathers, and paid another respect to the transparent phoenix!

Yuan Feng!


"Yuanfeng...This is the Yuanfeng in the myth of the ancient gods? This..."

Su Youyou heard Yuan Feng's words, the Divine Son couldn't help shaking, her eyes were horrified. She really didn't expect that today she could see the oldest mythical creature in the ancient myth of Taishang!

Yuan Feng!


Ancestor Kirin!

It is said that they are chaotic beasts!

"Huh? Why don't you worship me?"

Nothing transparent phoenix swept across the entire hall, his eyes fell on Chen Zheng, and his brow furrowed instantly!

"Yuan Feng....... When I dreamed of the flood, Longhan and Han first passed, I haven't seen you, I haven't seen Zulong, and I haven't seen Shi Qilin. I've seen you today, just with me There are some discrepancies in the imagination."

Chen Zheng looked at Yuan Feng and said casually.

"Huh? Dreams into the flood? What do you cultivate as dreams into the flood?"

Yuan Feng showed hesitation.

"Dream in the wild..." The palace-dressed beautiful woman Fengdie kneeling on the ground stunned slightly, then recovered her coldness, and respectfully respected Yuanfeng Road: "Back to Yuanfeng ancestor, this Chen Zu used to be an ancestor in the world of Thousands of Thousands, and once had a kindness to the Yu clan, but he did not agree that Yuan Feng's first ancestor turned the Yu clan into a new Yu clan!

"The ancestor of Daqian World? Don't agree to turn the feathers into new feathers? It's kind of interesting, the feathers are descendants of my blood, do major events of the feathers need to be approved by aliens like you? Chen Zu, don't you think you control Was it too wide? Not to mention the ancestors of the Thousand Worlds, even if the saints came in person, they could not stop my plan! You, a reincarnated ancestor, may not have awoke!"

Yuan Feng looked at Chen Zheng several eyes, and then sneered again and again!



Yuan Feng's transparent vanity wings suddenly flew!

A strange and terrifying wind rushed towards Chen Zheng!

"Chaotic Wind!"

Su Youyou exclaimed!

"Chaotic Wind!"

Papilio is also exclaimed!


The real trembling phoenix on the ground sensed the death threat at this moment, even if it was suppressed by the blood of Yuanfeng, at this moment, he raised his head and whispered to Chen Zheng, reminding Chen Zheng that the influx of power was terrible!


Chen Zheng shook his head gently and swallowed, and the chaotic wind hit by Yuan Feng was swallowed by him!


Yuan Feng froze!

The swallowtail butterfly also froze!

The terrible chaotic wind that blew out all the creatures under the quasi-holy at will was swallowed by the man in front of him!

"Phoenix Butterfly Witch Festival, never try to guess how strong Chen Zu is, because that is a level you can't imagine."

this moment!

In the mind of Papilio, I recalled what Yu Fei Fengfei said to her!

Do not!


Isn’t Chen Zu the strongest person in the world?


And now it’s not so bad that it’s only a period of transition!

Papilio is very ignorant!

"Your physical body seems... special!"

Yuan Feng stared at Chen Zheng for several times, killing a strange man in the eyes of nothingness and transparency.

"You absorbed the power of chaos, it is much stronger than the legend, but it is still a bit worse than the Shennian avatar of some guys I have seen. So I am no longer talking to you, you are quite suitable for Feng Fei. Absorbed. Of course I will not kill you. After all, you are the ancestor of Phoenix. You will be the second elemental **** of Fengfei in the future."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at Yuan Feng.

"You said let me give my bloodline descendants the second primordial god? Haha! Hahaha! Your body is special, you can stop the chaotic wind, but you can do it during the robbery period, and you can suppress the seal. The chaotic Yuanfeng of the law!"

Yuan Feng was disdainful and burst out laughing!



A terrible breath was released


The great guardian team left by Yunzu's treasure opened up at this moment!


Almost all the feathers in Yucheng in the cloud are kneeling at this moment!

"Fuck! She is much stronger than the myth. In the myth, she can't beat the saint. Now she feels stronger than the saint!"

There are three forces circulating in Su your teeth!

"Sage? Huh! I said that Dao and Dharma have surpassed the world of thousands, and I am naturally above the saint!" Yuan Feng stared at Su Youyou, and then stared at Chen Zhengdao: "What do you use to suppress me!" "

"Meet you!"

Chen Zheng smiled back three words!


The seven colors flashed!

A crystal cube appeared in Chen Zhengmei's heart!


As soon as Yuan Feng saw the crystalline cube, he froze for a moment and then his face changed drastically. The terror released released instantly converged. The void and transparent body seemed to break away!

However, in one scream, the seven-color divine light swept again, and Yuan Feng was taken away!

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