Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 895: Half the Daozu!


A flash of light!

Yu Palace is back to normal!


The beautiful woman in the palace dress and the butterfly are dumbfounded!


The first ancestor of Yuanfeng is gone!

The first ancestor of Yuan Feng disappeared!

Do not!


Phoenix butterfly's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng, one red lips, trembling and opening: "You...what did you do to the ancestor Yuan Feng..."


All the dumbfounded feathers also looked over!

"Good magic weapon, Chaos Beast can also be collected!"

Su Youyou looked back and looked at Chen Zheng with shock. The secret said in my heart this time that I saw Chen Zu a hole card, and that hole card felt more powerful than those of the saints in the Thousand Worlds.



There is also a bewitching power!

It seems that as long as you have that magic weapon, you can control everything, you can overlook the saints, and even step on the heavens!

What is that magic weapon!

"It turned out that it was only half of the Taoist ancestor level, and it was half a step away from the realm of the master of Zixiao Palace. It was far worse than the guys in Taixu."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? Master Zixiao Palace, isn't that the ancestor of Hongjun?"

Su Youyou subconsciously accepted the call.


Phoenix and other feathers opened their mouths and continued dumbfounded!

Chen Zheng didn't explain, the seven-color divine light flashed in his eyebrows, and he struck the emperor Feng Fei like a stone carving. There was a flame in the divine light, and the flame light didn't enter Feng Fei's brow, Feng Fei Suddenly opened his eyes!

This opened his eyes!

Feng Fei's eyes are exactly the same as Yuan Feng's eyes just now!


There is a horrified look in the eyes of the feathers such as Phoenix Butterfly!

Chen Zu!

This cultivated Chen Zu, who was severely degraded, really integrated Yuan Feng's first ancestor into Feng Fei's body, and turned Yuan Feng's first ancestor into Feng Fei's second Yuan God!

"Yuan Feng really became Yu Huangfeng's second yuan god? Will this efficiency be too fast? Chen Zu, will there be any sequelae like this?"

Su Youyou blinked.

"Sequelae? Unless Yuan Feng can reach the state of detachment, it will be Feng Fei's second Yuanshen in the future."

Chen Zheng smiled confidently.


Su Youyou whispered.


The Phoenix butterfly kneeling on the ground flipped her eyes and collapsed to the ground with a crooked head. She could not accept the fact that the first ancestor of Yuanfeng became the second **** of Fengfei!

"Come to help the Phoenix Butterfly Great Witch Festival go down to rest."

Chen Zheng shouted casually.

"Yes... Your Majesty!"

"Observe... obey!"

The feathered female guards kneeling on the ground shuddered and responded, holding the swallowing butterfly swallowed to the ground and stood up. When the gate of the feather palace opened, all the feathered female guards retreated!


The gate of Yu Palace is closed again!

At this moment, only Chen Zheng was left in Yu Imperial Palace. Su Youyou glanced at Feng Fei. Although Feng Fei opened her eyes, it seemed that she hadn't really regained consciousness. So she wondered and asked: "Chen Zu, Yu Huang When did Feng Fei wake up, you helped Yu Huang refine Yuan Feng into her second Yuanshen, with Yuan Feng’s strength, then wouldn’t it be extremely easy for Yu Huang to become an ancestor or even stand above the saint? ?"


The small bird-sized Zhenfeng also called out.

"Yuan Feng......." Chen Zheng looked at Feng Fei, who was still like a stone carving. He lifted his right hand and shot a mysterious light. As soon as Xuan Guang fell into Feng Fei's body, Feng Fei's son was shocked. It was almost the same as Yuan Feng. His eyes returned to normal.


Feng Fei came to see Chen Zheng at first glance, and it was a bit ignorant. She felt like she had taken a nap and had a strange dream. In her sleep, she seemed to have returned to the ancient mythological period, commanding the ancient Phoenix family and the true dragon family. And in his sleep, there seemed to be two fierce beasts, one was right and the other evil, one wanted to eat her, and the other was protecting herself.

" was just like this..."

Seeing this, Su Youyou took the initiative to open her mouth to tell what had happened in Yu Palace just now.

"The first ancestor of Yuanfeng... became my second elemental god....Will this be... a bit not so good..."

Feng Fei stared at Chen Zheng with wide eyes.

"She wants to erase your will. I saved her life. I just refined her into your second elemental god. I have already let her go. She will honestly assist you to rule the feathers and rule the cloud world. ."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Humph! Stop thinking! I have stood above the saint! One day I will break free!"

Another voice sounded in Feng Fei's body instantly, and that voice was Yuan Feng's voice!


Feng Fei opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Get rid of it? You think too much. You claim to have surpassed the Dao world and the Dao world. In fact, you have just touched the level above the saint. Whether it is called Dao ancestor realm or immortal realm, you just rely on With the power of chaos and the power of the people behind the scenes that brought you back to life, you barely stepped into that realm with half your feet. So your realm is half the realm of Daozu!"

Chen Zheng chuckled and said a little pause to continue: "Not to mention the ancestor of the Taoist ancestors, and the era of the overlord of the era, you can’t break away even if you become the overlord of the era. You want to break free unless you are detached, but not me I look down on you, and you don't have any chance of detachment when you practice another billion."

" a reincarnated and rehabilitated fellow who is not in transition, why... why do you know so much about the realm above the saints!"

In Feng Fei's body, Yuan Feng's voice sounded again!

"Why is this?"

Su You looked at Chen Zheng, and blinked again. The real phoenix that turned into a bird is also looking at Chen Zheng, and his face is full of curiosity. Although some do not understand too much, but it feels so profound and unpredictable, it does not matter whether it is understood or not.

"Why..." Chen Zheng thought a little, and then said: "Maybe I threaten those guys too much, let those guys appear out of control one by one, thinking they can scare me, in fact as long as It didn’t take the last step, what immortality, what vertical and horizontal killing, what elemental spirit, what scorpion master, what supreme, what shadowy sky and the like, no matter how powerful it blows, it doesn’t hurt me much.”

In a word!

Yuan Feng is silent!

She heard something from Chen Zheng!

As soon as she woke up, a voice reminded her that when she met some powerful guys, she must avoid There are a few words in Chen Zheng's words related to those guys!


But the words mentioned in that voice did not include the word Chen Zu!

right now!

My connection with the mysterious voice was completely erased!

Own a Phoenix ancestor!

Do you really want to be the second elemental **** to the blood descendants in the future!

"I'm reborn, then I should know that Zulong is also reborn! I can use this girl as the second primal god, but I have a request, you want to help me kill Zulong!"

After a moment of silence, Yuan Feng's indifferent voice rang again.

"Requirement? You are not qualified to make a request." Chen Zheng responded lightly: "But as long as Zulong dares to show up, then it can't escape. I still have a little girl here who needs its power to evolve."

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