Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 898: Where is the half apprentice!


Glance over!

That table of monks is gone!

The weakest monk at that table is also a true fairy!

This Nima!

Is this kid downstairs a predecessor who concealed himself as a pretender? Still said that he is a peerless arrogance, although only through the robbery repair, may kill the real immortal or even mysterious immortal!

But anyway!

This kid must be a ruthless man!

Immediately wipe out the opponent with one shot!


Really **** cruel!

"Who caught my half of the apprentice."

When everyone was silent, Chen Zheng asked lightly.

" are really Grandpa!"

Upon hearing this, Fairy Menglin showed excitement, and her whole body was shaking!

She was originally in the Tianhai City branch of the Holy Spirit Realm, and was summoned a few days ago, saying that the Yunshen Food God Mansion was in a big disaster, and the Master Food God and several other brothers were arrested. She hurried back to the Yun Realm and wanted to stabilize Living in Shishen Mansion, I learned that Master Qian and several brothers were captured by the powerful family of the Thousand Worlds.

She had thought of Chen Zheng in the Holy Spirit world before, because Chen Zheng was very similar to the person on the wood carving carved by Master. Although Master had never said who the person was, he and some of his brothers guessed it. It is the teacher of the respected master, that is, the ancestor of the Shishenfu!

At this moment, when I heard Chen Zheng uttering the words Tuer in person, Meng Lin confirmed Chen Zheng's identity. When I thought of Chen's doing something against the heavens in the Holy Spirit world, I saw the hope of the God of Saving and several brothers!

"Lying trough! Tuer!"

"You... are you the teacher of the God of Food?"

"Isn't it? You are so young, and there is only the period of the robbery, but the **** of food is the late, you, are you hiding cultivation behavior?"

The shouting monk froze for a few breaths both inside and outside the shrine.

"Fairy Menglin just said what you know."

Chen Zheng looked at Meng Lin fairy again.

"This..." Meng Lin groaned slightly, and then gritted her teeth: "Return to the ancestor Master, Master Zun God and several brothers were captured by the Chu people from Xianwu Great World. I heard that it was Xianwu Great World. The Chu people are going to make a fairy banquet, so they come to the Yun Realm to catch people! The Chu people are a strong family of thousands of worlds. It is said that the Chu people have an ancestor named Chu Zu, and the cultivation is extremely terrible!"

"The Chu people of Xianwu Great World, what a coincidence!"

Chen Zheng heard a chuckle.

"The grandfather has seen the Chu people?"

Meng Lin asked subconsciously.

"Several deaths."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


When the monks inside and outside of the shrine heard it, they suddenly fell silent!


Did this young man who called the **** of food eat half of the apprentice who had killed the terrible family of the world!

This young man will not brag about it!


This young man just wiped out a few true immortals at a glance, maybe he didn't brag about it, maybe the youth was just his surface, maybe the teacher of the God of Food took the house or was reincarnated!


Since then, everything makes sense!

The young man in front of him is definitely a reincarnation!

"That grandpa..."

Fairy Menglin froze and asked in a low voice.

"Shishen Mansion is temporarily closed. I will first take you to Yunzhong Yucheng. As for your respect for my apprentice, I will go to the Chu family of Xianwu Great World. The Chu family wants him to be a feast of ascension. He temporarily There is no danger to his life. If he is killed by the Chu family, I can also bring him back to life and incidentally let the Chu family of Xianwu Great World bury him."

Chen Zheng casually said.


Listen to all the people!



What a big tone!

Let a tyrannical family in Daqian World be buried!

Isn’t this the world’s ancestor?

"This..." Fairy Menglin was hesitant and swept through the food court, and she could only nod: "Everything is subject to Grandpa's arrangement!"

"Go, go to the feather city in the cloud."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and went away with the fairy light of Meng Lin.

Inside and outside the Shishen Mansion, a group of monks looked at each other, and suddenly there was a feeling of being abandoned.

"He...really the patriarch of Shishen Mansion? Why have never heard of it?"

"Can he believe it? Will it be disguised as a devil and evil repair, deliberately to deceive Menglin fairy, after all, Menglin fairy is also a first-class beauty!"

"Yun Clan in the Cloud, that is the holy place of the Clan Clan. Listening to his tone, do you still know that Yu Huangfeng and Fei Fei are not successful? How does this feel a bit fake, Meng Lin Fairy will not really be deceived!"



Outside Kunlun Mountain.

"Teacher, he finally arrived at Yunshen Shishen Mansion. Unfortunately, I was caught and I couldn't see the teacher. It's really difficult to see the teacher. I haven't been able to see the teacher for thousands of years."

A man in white sighed.

"Cloud Realm...Dad Chen has arrived in the Cloud Realm..."

Lin Zhengming also looked at Kunlun Mountain with some emotion.

"Xiangong gave birth to a change again. The owner of Xiangong was An Jing. After the last change in Xiangong, An Jing had succeeded in the robbery. After this change, I don’t know where I would go. I really envy Dad Chen’s woman. If I were a beautiful woman, I could practice in the fairy palace."

Xiao Peng was also there, and at the moment looking at the fairy light over the Kunlun Mountain, he was also extremely emotional.

During the time Chen Zheng left the earth, Lin Zhengming Xiu is considered to be advancing by leaps and bounds, and has reached the late stage of Huashen, but compared with An Jing, the owner of Kunlun Immortal Palace, compared with Su Orange Zuo Qinghong, who is practicing in the Immortal Palace, it is still not bad. less. At this moment, the Xiangong was born with another vision. Without thinking, An Jing Xiu Wei had to improve a lot.

It was also because of the Xiangong vision that the man in white could not leave the earth, because the Xiangong vision cut off the bridges between the earth and the outside world. The man in white is a thought of the **** of the cloud world.

"Kunlun Immortal Palace and Qingyun Realm are all layouts of Chen Daxue. The Immortal Palace is hidden with heavenly majesty, and An Jing may be the emperor of the world in the legend of the spirit world... As for the Qingyun Realm, Ye Qingcheng, the Sword Body In addition to the top-level Daoqi Wushuang sword, half-step true immortal can cut Xuanxian immortal, which is really scary. And this is only the case where You Jue sword body has not been fully controlled. If you have complete control of Yu Jue sword body, if you cross If it became a true immortal, wouldn’t it be true that the immortal Xiu could cut the golden immortal... Jian Xiu, especially the sword Xiu with a strong sword body, is really terrible."

Lin thought a little more positively.

Although it is not possible to spy on the situation of the spirit world, there is a spirit soul of the spirit family in Jiang Boyue, the old man of the Jiang family, which can communicate with the upper realm, so they know a lot about what happened after Chen Zheng went to the spirit world~www For example, the destruction of several denominations and the destruction of a spiritual dynasty and the like. And like the situation of Kunlun Fairy Palace and Qingyun Realm, they are always concerned about it. After all, this is the layout of Chen Chen.

"There is also Athena, the goddess of Brother Chen, who is said to have gained a lot of power. Many of the gods who forcibly descended on the land of Europa were killed by Athena! The goddess of war and wisdom is really terrible, it should be It is currently the most powerful **** on earth, I heard that it is already a **** king! The **** king in Western spiritual practice is equivalent to our heavenly emperor!"

Xiao Peng added.


At this time, the thunder on Kunlun Mountain shook!


I saw the fairy palace changed!


The thought of God of Food, Lin Zhengming and Xiao Peng were all surprised, because the fairy palace at this moment resembles the heaven of mythology!

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