Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 899: 7 The origin of the princess! Beyond the sequence!

Yucheng in the cloud.

Yu Fei Feng Fei's Tianfeng Palace.

A fight between men and women has just ended.

"If Phoenix is ​​not a special physique, this is the case. The effect of double cultivation is far less than that of the nine-tailed fox physique, so I suggest you find more women with special physiques. The yin and yang harmony is more significant than simply swallowing a source of origin. You have to understand that no matter what era in the past, even the era of the quiet city, is called the dark era, and there are also days and nights. The sky is the sun, the earth is yin, and the yin and yang are shared by all living beings except for a few races. Features. The Yin-Yang Avenue goes to the extreme. Although it can’t be detached, it is enough to restore you to repair."

Feng Fei had fallen asleep, and Chen Zheng's mind sounded the voice of a little doll, but this voice was not the voice of a baby girl, but the voice of an adult woman.

Chen Zheng just smiled at this, and Yuan Shen sank into the world of treasure map.

Inside the road map.

Hanging over the continent.

In front of the Purple Emperor Temple.

Chen Zheng’s three disciples Zi Yanluo sat with his eyes closed, his body circulated, and different phenomena of fate, causality, time, space, five elements, killing, etc. emerged. Normally, many Dadao laws are mutually competing. On Yan Luo, these laws are perfectly integrated.

From this point of view, several females, such as Fairy Fairy, Yin Xue, and Feiya, could only sigh. Yin Xue is a disciple of the celestial witch, and one of the celestial deities. At first, she thought that Yanluo was a holy body, but now the holy body is not suitable for Yanluo's physique.

"No physique... This physique is beyond physique or beyond physique. In Hongmeng, only teachers and Yan Luo girls should have this physique. No matter the chaotic body, the physical body is not as good as this physique. "

The seventh princess glanced at Chen Zheng with some emotion. She recently remembered some things, but there are some contradictions in her heart. Do you want to tell those things to Chen Zheng? After all, it is strictly counted. She is not really a Hongmeng person.

"Maybe, just not encountered."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Huh? Master!" And at this time, Zi Yanluo opened his eyes, and when he saw Chen Zheng, he suddenly showed a happy look: "Master, Master, I'm about to reach the third level in the creation chapter, Master promised Once I practiced the third level, I took me back to Yanluojie to see my father. Master must have forgotten it!"

"Speaking of doing it, after you have made it to the third level of creation, I will take you to Yanluo Realm."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Master is so good!"

Ziyan Luo cheered.

Although she already has a powerful mana, the passive attribute of the same physique as Chen Zheng has been able to ignore any means of attack under the Heavenly Emperor, but she is actually a little girl in her tens.

"Chen Zu...Yin Xue might also be back to Buddhism World Sect."

Yin Xue thought for a moment.

"Ah? Sister Xue is leaving!"

Ziyan Luo showed a reluctant look.

"The sect of Sky Witch... No problem. When you go back, you just brought something to Sky Witch."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Xie Chenzu!"

Yin Xuejing paid respect to Chen Zheng respectfully.

"Teacher, I have something to say to you alone."

The seventh princess also thought about opening.


Chen Zheng smiled, and the next two disappeared from the Purple Emperor's Temple.

"Master Sister and Seven Sisters are going to talk privately?"

Yan Luo's eyes lit up, revealing a curious look.

"It should be something big."

Fairy Guanghan thought for a while.

"A big event? Is it a big event in life?"

Yan Luo asked.

In this regard, Fairy Fairy, Yin Xue, and Feiya can only shake their heads. Chen Zu and Princess Qi are definitely not talking about life. They actually feel that Princess Qi has recently become another person, or rather Awakened another personality! In that case, the Seven Princesses gave them a feeling that they were more terrible than Heavenly Dao, as if the Seven Princesses in that state could squeeze the saint!

and so!

This is what the Seventh Princess and Chen Zu should talk about!


Hanging above land.

The world inside Daotu has no space and time.

Chen Zheng and the Seven Princesses stood in the air.

In the eyes of the two people, the size of a piece of sand on a dangling land is negligible.

"Alas." After a moment of silence, Princess Seven sighed: "Teacher, I recently remembered something, something intermittent, and I think I know where I came from."

"Humph! Are you spying on yourself?"

At this time, the lotus seeds emerged, and inside the lotus seeds, the little dolls stared at the Seven Princesses. The voice of the little doll is not the voice of a girl, but the voice of an indifferent adult female, which is the voice of the complete form of the future master.

"Spy..." Princess Qi heard these two words, raised her brow slightly, and then shook her head: "I am from Hongmeng. According to the intermittent memories, I am from the place of transcendence. There are nine places in the place of transcendence. I am ranked seventh in the sequence, and the code name is the number 7. This is why when I saw the teacher in the first place, although there were some problems in my head, I still claimed to be the seventh."

"It really is a spy from outside the realm!"

The little chemical doll sneered.

"The place of transcendence, the nine sequences, you should be a person who transcends a family."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Beyond a family...maybe." The seventh princess stunned slightly, and then said: "Those memory fragments are broken and incomplete. I only vaguely know my approximate origin, and I can't remember many things. But there is one thing I know very well that my mission to Hongmeng is to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Huh! Are you guys outside the realm to plunder Hongmeng's foundation and annex Hongmeng universe? Still looking for someone? Nature will believe you!"

The little doll made another cold sound.

"My task is to find the No. Seventh Princess ignored the little doll, and at this moment looked at Chen Zheng confusedly, and his voice became illusory: "There are nine sequences in the transcendental world, yes, but In fact, in addition to the nine major sequences, there is also a zero, which should be the creator of the transcendental sequence. I don't think about who the zero is. It should be the most powerful one anyway. I don’t know why No. 0 came to Hongmeng. Maybe there is a reason for her to come. By the way, teacher, zero is a woman like me. It seems that the sequence of the nine major transcendences is not completely out of the first major reincarnation. Only the zeroth is really out of the first major reincarnation. They sent me to find the zeroth. It should be to find a way to jump out of the first major reincarnation. "

"Great reincarnation? Are you referring to detachment?"

He heard the word, and his brows were locked together instantly.

"In my broken memory, there is the concept of great reincarnation. Hongmeng is regarded as the first major reincarnation. However, Hongmeng is not the only first major reincarnation. In fact, the universe controlled by the transcendental world is equal to the level of Hongmeng universe, and it jumps out of the Hongmeng universe. One level of the universe is to jump out of the first major reincarnation, which is detachment. Nine major reincarnations, one weight is higher than one weight, but in my broken memory, it seems that there is only an instance of the first major reincarnation, which is the zero I am looking for. ."

Seven Princesses whispered for a while.

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