Bionic Era

Chapter 109 Fireworks

When people get old, they always miss their youth.

Just like young people who have just left society, they will miss the beauty of the college era.

Duan Tiannan was sitting in the bar with loud music.

This middle-aged man with a beard and a small belly failed to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so he could only sigh while holding the wine bottle.

"What are you sighing for?"

Lu Wen found him.

This person promised to protect Xia Chuluo, but after leaving the slum, he just fooled around, showing no seriousness.

"I think back then, when I was young, even the princesses were fascinated by me."

"What's next?"

"Follow-up... that damn guy Xia Zheng is here, he...he looks a little bit more handsome than me, that princess fell in love with him again."

"Why didn't you see the red leaves?"

"She's gone to protect Xia Chuluo, don't worry, those little guys arranged by Luo Ruyan are not enough for her appetizer."

Duan Tiannan held the bottle and took a sip, and the whole bottle of wine went straight to the bottom.

He put the empty wine bottle on the table and complained: "The wine in the bar is expensive and tasteless. I really don't know why these young people like to come to this kind of place. I think back when I was young..."

"Just take whatever you want to drink, I'm treating you today."

"Huh? Did you win the lottery or were you adopted by a rich woman? With your pretty face, it seems that the latter is more likely, no... You couldn't have embezzled the donated funds from the congressman's campaign, right?"

"Hit the jackpot."

"Okay, I can barely trust you once."

With a smile on Duan Tiannan's face, he walked for a while, and when he came back, he held a lot of wine in his arms.

Lu Wen knew that this middle-aged man was not short of money, so he must have made enough money to retire.

"Let me guess what you want to ask, about Zero? Or about Xia Zheng? Tell me, for your sake, I can answer a few more questions for you today." Duan Tiannan lay comfortably on the sofa.

"How about I treat guests every day?" Lu Wen asked.

"It's a beautiful idea!"

It is indeed a technical job to get the cliché from the mouths of these half-spoken middle-aged people.

The longer you live, the more you know.

Duan Tiannan's rich life experience made him a walking knowledge base.

"If androids fight humans, can androids win?"

Lu Wen didn't know much about the situation in other cities. He only heard that the two cities in the north seemed to be more friendly to bionics.

"Oh, you actually asked this, let me think about it..." Duan Tiannan stroked his unshaven chin, frowning and thinking for a few seconds.

"The androids will lose miserably, the land will be wiped out by gunfire, and the androids in the no-man's land will be cleared, unless they escape to those polluted areas."

"But human beings will also pay a certain price. A small part of the price here comes from the frontal battlefield, and a large part comes from those bionics who have already sneaked into human society."

Duan Tiannan looked around, as if he was looking for something.

But it was not found.

"Human beings' biggest fear of bionics is the problem of work, and the other is the replacement of identity. They will be afraid that their relatives, friends, and everything they are familiar with will be secretly replaced by bionics, and they don't know it. It started a long time ago."

"Why didn't the parliament limit the number of androids?"

"It has been restricted a long time ago. When the bionic technology was replaced by the third generation, the two companies suffered the most serious sanctions and almost went bankrupt. That was the first time they joined forces. That is when they began to heavily fund those companies. Elected MPs, you know."


No wonder there are many members of parliament who are friendly to androids.

That may not really think that bionic people are good, but out of some kind of interest.

The law stipulates that each company has a cap on funding for a single parliamentary candidate.

But the two companies took advantage of the loophole. Since there is an upper limit for a single candidate, they will fund every congressional candidate, especially the poorer congressional candidates.

There is support on the surface, but there are other contacts in the dark.

Anyway, compared to the rich, no company can compare with these two companies.

"What else do you want to ask? I'm not very clear about Xia Zheng's death. At that time, I had already half-retired, but I can tell you with certainty that one Luo Ruyan can't handle Xia Zheng's death, and ten Luo Ruyans can't handle it." impossible."

Duan Tiannan shook his head, his voice was very calm.

"Although this little girl Xia Chuluo is smart, her horizons are still too low. She hasn't been to other cities since she was born. I don't know how powerful her father is. He is a ruthless person who dares to threaten the floating city."

"But her thinking is right. After more than ten years of fishing, Luo Ruyan was caught. It's up to her what to do next."

Before Lu Wen could ask, Duan Tiannan had already said everything.

The music in the bar was loud, but fortunately Lu Wen's hearing was more sensitive than ordinary people.

"By the way, I remember that Xia Zheng said before that when his daughter turns eighteen, he will take her to watch the fireworks below the floating city... the most beautiful fireworks in history."

Xia Chuluo was almost twenty-one, and that promise was destined not to be fulfilled.

Duan Tiannan then answered some other questions.

Let Lu Wen understand the world more thoroughly.

"No. Zero was killed three times in total, who were the other two?"

"I thought you wouldn't ask."

Duan Tiannan smiled, and took a sip of wine to moisten his throat.

"I found that you have changed a lot. Has something happened to you recently?"

"What changed?"

"I used to love hunting. Nothing ever escaped my gun. Do you know why? Because once you start to escape, you will define yourself as a prey. You used to be the same way. I never counted on you You are capable of crossing the zero number, but now you... look a little more like a hunter."

Duan Tiannan put the wine bottle on the table and looked up at Lu Wen's eyes.

"Fear, you will always be controlled by others."


Mowu City in early June suddenly became hot.

The weather in this world is always unpredictable.

Sometimes people can experience the feeling of four seasons in one day.

Two prisoners in the prison suffered from heat stroke, and some were mentally depressed.

Jiang Xiaonian's condition is not bad, he has a private room.

special treatment.

In order to prevent the problem of being provoked last time, now I look at him alone every day.

Moreover, the guards are different people every day, so as to prevent Jiang Xiaonian from seeing his weaknesses if the time is too long.

"Tsk, this damn weather, I said this little brother, it's fine for a prisoner like me to have no air-conditioning, why can't you enjoy air-conditioning?" Jiang Xiaonian smiled gently.

"Shut up!"

The guard was a very young man, so he came here.

He ignored Jiang Xiaonian.

"I'm very angry. It may be due to the weather. Don't eat too greasy recently." Jiang Xiaonian said softly, "Let me see, you ate at the noodle shop on Green Street at noon today, right?"

"How do you know... No, shut up, I'm not allowed to communicate with you too much!"

"Just talking." Jiang Xiaonian said with a light smile, "You have some sauce on your cuffs. In the thirteenth district, only that noodle restaurant has that kind of sauce."

"Have you ever eaten at that noodle shop?" the young guard asked suspiciously.

"Yes, because I was very poor before, and that noodle shop happened to be very cheap, so I often go there to eat." Jiang Xiaonian shrugged helplessly.

"A person like you is also short of money?" the guard asked.

"Of course, my family was very poor when I was young, and I couldn't even pay for school." Jiang Xiaonian shook his head and sighed softly.

"Oh, so is my family. It's all because of those damned bionics, which made my parents unemployed, and I still haven't paid off my student loans." The guard also sighed as some memories were recalled.

"But then I made a lot of money, do you know how I made it?"

Jiang Xiaonian smiled gently, like a harmless boy.


Good night, fellow readers.

Ah, lord.

I still owe sister Du Lala two more shifts, and sister Qiao Qiao four shifts.

What if...if I could have 48 hours a day...

Thank you book friends for remembering the glory of that time, book friends 20190621193143515, dream wake up drunk and happy, living cutie, Qi Tu, for their rewards.

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