Bionic Era

Chapter 110 Research Institute

"Stop talking, I can't communicate with you too much."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

Jiang Xiaonian smiled and lay back on the bed.

Calm and cool naturally.

But the young man in charge of the guard outside was not very quiet.

Hot weather is one thing.

The sound of the fan is another.

Although there are electric fans, these fans that have not been replaced for more than ten years are too old and make a "clicking" sound when they are turned.

The young man found the sound very loud.

So he turned off the fan.

But soon the fan had to be turned on again due to the heat.

He walked up and down, feeling more and more bored, and various parts of his body became itchy.

"They all said that you are a genius, so you are very smart and can make money. Are you doing projects for others? Or tutoring?" The young guard couldn't hold back and asked.

Jiang Xiaonian smiled slightly and sat up from the bed.

"No, it's too slow to get money that way. I have a faster way to get money here."

"The method of getting money quickly is written in the law!"

The guard couldn't hold back his words.

"No, for mediocre people, the ways to make money quickly are written in the law, so they have to take risks." Jiang Xiaonian paused, "But for smart people, there are many ways to make money. do you know?"

"Forget it, I'm just an ordinary person, and it's useless to know the method."

"Don't be discouraged, belittling yourself is the most irresponsible performance of a person to himself."


"Actually, you are very smart, but you have never been discovered. Those people, they can't see your shining point, but I am different. I like to communicate with smart people. I know what kind of characteristics a smart person has. , and you... just happen to have those characteristics."

The young guard was stunned.

Many people say that the person who lives in this room is a genius.

Now this genius has given him recognition.

In fact, over the years, he has always felt that he is different from others.

From an early age he felt that he was different.

But the cruelty of reality hit him hard, dragged him into the quagmire with all kinds of debts, and made him live in the moodiness of his boss.

Jiang Xiaonian's words ignited a flame in his heart.

The young man who had died long ago seemed to be alive again.

"I... really have the characteristics of those smart people?" He hesitated and asked.

"Of course." Jiang Xiaonian replied with certainty, "Everyone is good at different directions, and the popular knowledge in Mowu City is actually to let monkeys and goldfish compare climbing trees, and only monkeys will win."

"You mean, I'm the fish?"

"Yes! You see, I realized it quickly." Jiang Xiaonian praised, "Your living environment should be a vast ocean, but you are bound and locked in a small fish tank. If you don't If there is no change, you will only be in this fish tank until you die, unable to see the outside world."

"But now I've..."

"Don't talk about your age. Some people even dare to start a business when they are seventy years old. You are only in your early twenties. Youth is your greatest advantage. You have countless opportunities for trial and error!"

Jiang Xiaonian's words seemed to have some kind of magical power, and they kept pouring into the young man's ears.

Young people seem to see someday the future.

He took off this uniform, suit and leather shoes, and was respected.

"They said you were imprisoned for murder. I can't believe your words." Fortunately, he had received some training and did not fully believe Jiang Xiaonian.

"Do you know why I want to kill people?" Jiang Xiaonian asked.

If Lu Wen is here.

He must be able to react, and can't follow Jiang Xiaonian's topic.

"Why?" asked the young guard.

"Because it's not fair."

Jiang Xiaonian's voice became more stable.

"Smart people like you and me should have received more resources, but the reality is that they don't." He spoke slowly, trying to make every word extremely clear.

"If you sit in a high position, you can create more value than those pig-like idiots, but now you can only live in this kind of place, without even an air conditioner, and burn your youth every day to serve those things, you Are you willing?"

"Actually, I just want to make more money." The guard said hesitantly.

"Money brings desires, more and more money, desires will be endless, never be satisfied with the status quo, even if it is only a minute, you can take it out and change yourself."

"Then... what should I do?"

"Let me help you discover your potential, come closer."


in the bar.

Lu Wen chatted with Duan Tiannan for a long time.

"Dr. Jiang?"

"Yes, he is the second person who has killed No. 0, and he fought head-on. He killed No. 0 in an upright manner. That time No. 0 was beaten badly."

Duan Tiannan said the person's name.

Also told that story.

"Normal people want to kill No. 0, they have to go to great lengths to find his base camp, and he has always been secretive, hiding his head and showing his tail, but that time was different."

"No. Zero took the initiative to send it to Dr. Jiang's research institute, and that night, the entire research institute came alive and became a huge mechanical monster. The bionics controlled by No. After tracking to the lair, the mechanical monster crushed the clone left in the lair with one foot."

Duan Tiannan took a sip from the wine bottle.

"It was really cool that time, I beat number zero so badly!"

"The research institute... turned into a mechanical monster?"

"That's right, Dr. Jiang is a very interesting person, but he is very busy and doesn't meet guests easily. If you want to see him, with your current influence, you can't even enter the door of his research institute unless he also thinks you Interesting."

"where is he?"

"Baker City."

Another big city in the south.

Lu Wen heard from Huang Liang that the public security in that city was not very good and the economy was in decline.

"Why did Number Zero go to Dr. Jiang?"

"Hehe, do you know who learned Zero's skills from?"

"Dr. Jiang? The two masters and apprentices beat each other?"

"Let's put it this way, when Dr. Jiang was recruiting an assistant, he didn't know that the young man he recruited was No. Copying number zero of data."

Duan Tiannan restored that period of history to Lu Wen bit by bit.

Dr. Jiang was very angry that time, but he just kicked number zero out.

Until later, No. 0 became more and more famous.

Only then did Dr. Jiang become vigilant and began to transform his research institute.

This also made Lu Wen more sure of one thing.

"So number zero isn't smart?"

"It depends on how you understand the word smart. His skills are actually learned from others, but he can play some so-called geniuses around. Sometimes, smart or not does not determine the upper limit of a person. .”

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