Bionic Era

Chapter 131 Suspension

"No. 9, according to the time, you should meet us in the afternoon. What happened?"

"To deal with a guy who wasn't very likable."

Although there are many extreme weather in no man's land, when it is calm, the night is very beautiful.

The silvery moonlight shone on the ruins, adding a bit of haze to the barrenness.

It's not deep enough into no man's land.

At least another two or three days' journey can be called in-depth.

So Lu Wen and the others just found a place to rest temporarily.

"No. 9, our organization now has a total of 527 bionics, and more than 300 are housekeepers with limited combat power. If we encounter other organizations with malicious intentions, it will be difficult to organize effective resistance."

Huang Liang expressed his concerns.

The deeper you go into no-man's land, the more likely you will encounter a large organization of bionics, with thousands at every turn.

"Don't worry, the bionic organization outside Mowu City has now formed an alliance, and there will be no internal fighting for the time being."

The android organization has very little infighting.

There are fewer large organizations and more collaborations.

"They have been doing things in Mowu City recently, stirring up all kinds of public opinion, and they plan to get married tomorrow, which will arouse human sympathy."

"Marriage?" Huang Liang was puzzled: "How can marriage arouse human sympathy? It should make human beings fearful. They will realize that the bionics outside Mowu City have begun to form their own society."


Lu Wen agreed with Huang Liang's views.

"But the reason why you think this way is because part of your thinking angle is still from the perspective of human beings, so you can see the problem at a glance, and those bionics are different."

"They... do they want to gain sympathy through death?"

Huang Liang felt a little unbelievable.

He has lived in the chaotic city of Baker City for more than half a year, and he knows that sympathy is one of the most unreliable things in this world.

In a sense.

Mr. Yin Long's experiment was a success.

Whether it is Huang Liang or Lu Wen, when they think about problems, they will more or less stand from the perspective of human beings, rather than purely bionic people.

"Number Nine, didn't you stop them?"

"It was stopped, but no one supported me. Long before the rally, they had already made a plan and gave a plan every step of the way, so it didn't matter if I was there or not, so I came back."

Lu Wen shrugged.

"The possibility of their failure is quite high." Huang Liang said with certainty.

"Actually, what I'm most worried about is not their failure." Lu Wen shook his head.

"what is that?"

"I'm worried... Mowu City will pretend to agree with them to build the city, making them think they have succeeded, so they lower their guard and agree to many unreasonable demands, such as reducing force, for example, the city must be built near Mowu City, for example, they must give Out of Jiancheng address..."

"When the construction of the city is completed and most of the bionics outside Mowu City have gathered, Mowu City mobilizes the army to clean the ground with firepower."

Soldiers who, deception also.

A blitzkrieg could wipe out the assembled android organization.

It is very likely that the bionics disguised as humans did not have time to react, and the bionic organization in no man's land was wiped out.

"Number Nine, this situation..."

"Of course we can't sit idly by. We have to find a way to save these idiots. I'm going to Baker City in a few days to find someone. By the way, I'll take a look at the bionic forces in Baker City."

"No. 9, our organization has more people now, and some resources are starting to run short."

"Which ones?"

"Thirteen general-purpose blue optical components are missing, twenty-four left arms, and sixteen right arms..." Huang Liang showed it to Lu Wen, "These are actually not the key points, and it's okay if they are missing. To survive, the most scarce thing is... blue blood."

The idea of ​​the two guys, one tall and one short, was to dismantle the useless bionics.

Replace parts with useful androids.

Later, when Lu Wen was away, Huang Liang expelled those two guys, and he was upset if he kept them.

"How many people are running out of power?"

"Many, the only way now is to let the bionics with high blue blood concentration distribute a little bit to those with low blue blood concentration, but it's not a long-term solution."

"Understood, I'm going to Mowu City tonight."

In fact, Lu Wen's body is almost dead.

When it was first turned on, it was prompted that there was only a little more than two weeks of power left, and it has not been replenished.

"Send more than ten vehicles to this entrance tomorrow night to hand over supplies." Lu Wen projected a map of Mowu City, pointing out the entrance of a certain no-man's land.

"Number Nine, you pay attention to safety."

Huang Liang didn't ask Lu Wen how he got the supplies.

In his eyes, although Lu Wen is just a bionic person, there are many mysterious places, and his abilities are not weaker than those of humans, just obey his orders.


The urban area of ​​Mowu City at night is also quiet.

Xia Chuluo had already fallen asleep.

Lu Wen, as always, leaned against Ye Hei's window.

When I was clearing the dining table at night, I found a note.

"Tomorrow, you go out first and go to the third floor."

There are only these twelve characters on the note.

Xia Chuluo is going to attack Luo Ruyan.

And the time was chosen quite well, tomorrow is the wedding of the bionic person.

Now, almost all the executive officers in each region, whether it is the head office or the sub-bureau, have been arranged to the major wedding venues, waiting for orders.

The most arranged is still around the parliament building.

Numerous camouflaged vehicles parked around the building, and the executives changed into the clothes of ordinary people.

"Strange, are these bionics not moving at all?"

A colleague in the public channel is complaining.

It's been a week of high tension.

Everyone wiped their weapons over and over again, and adjusted their mentality, for fear that something might go wrong in the battle at the wedding scene tomorrow.

"It's abnormal. The bionic man announced in a very high-profile manner that he is going to get married, is it so silent?"

"Just wait and see, maybe there will be a lot of bionics who replace their identities exposed."

The people in the executive board don't know the plan of the bionic organization in no man's land.

Very confused now.

Lu Wen knew.

So he understands that tomorrow is just a show, a show about death.

Public opinion on the Internet has not stopped.

The news of Lu Wen's triumphant return remained at the top of the list, overwhelming countless hot searches.

His approval rate has also been rising steadily. If nothing else, Mowu City's first bionic councilor in history will fall on his head.

To the relief of many bionic people, A12's support for Lu Wen let them know that Lu Wen is a friendly group of bionic people.

"Vassily has not returned yet, everything is not yet settled!"

There are still many supporters of the fourth generation of Core Red.

The opposition is the long-term mainstream.

Lu Wen smiled.

Early the next morning.

The fog slowly receded, and the city began to wake up.

Colorful lights dotted the cold buildings.

People in District 10 rubbed their sleepy eyes as they walked on the dimly lit streets.

"What is hanging on the door of the executive board?"

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