Bionic Era

Chapter 132 Finance

Chen Jun is the chief financial officer of the Bilan Branch of Mowu City.

He has worked in Bilan for more than 20 years.

I started as a small accounting assistant and climbed up to where I am today step by step.

This middle-aged man in his forties has the characteristics that everyone in this age group should have, greasy Mediterranean, beer belly, and likes to snore when he sleeps.

He is not married.

So no one ever complained about the snoring.

He hired more than a dozen blue female bionics in the villa, and his appearance was adjusted according to the direction he was most satisfied with.

"Xiaolan, is breakfast ready?"

Chen Jun sat up from the big soft bed.

A few bionics beside him were still sleeping.

The middle-aged man rubbed his fat-filled lower back and sighed that he couldn't compare to when he was young.

He likes to get up early and check the latest news on his mobile phone.

Keep up with current events.

"Huh? The head of the fourth generation of Xinhong was hung at the gate of the Tenth District Executive Bureau? Didn't he go to the no-man's land to hunt and kill No. 9?"

Vasily had several interviews before going to No Man's Land.

Very high-profile.

So pretty much everyone paying attention to this election knows where he's going.

"It doesn't matter if he's dead. It seems that Lu Wenhui will become the first bionic councilor in Mowu City. It's not bad. A councilor who is friendly to bionics is very beneficial to the company's development."

Chen Jun flipped through other news.

After a while, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Xiao Lan?"

Chen Jun called again, but no one responded.

"Xiao Zi?"

The villa was eerily quiet.

Chen Jun frowned, and pushed the bionic man beside him.

Nothing happened.


The several female androids sleeping on his bed were all turned off.

"Could it be that the company has updated the system? No, I kept them all disconnected from the Internet. It is impossible to update automatically, and they should be restarted after the update is over."

A bad thought came to Chen Jun's mind.

He took a deep breath and stared at the position of the bedroom door.

Slowly stretch your right hand towards the bedside table.

"I took the gun from your bedside table. By the way, the gun has not been maintained for a long time. There are many fibers and dirt. Firearms must be maintained frequently. Of course, if it is just for self-defense, use a rotating wheel enough."

A young man's voice came from outside the bedroom.

Chen Jun's heart sank.

The gun is gone.

But he still has other measures, not yet at the most dangerous time.

The right hand that should have been stretched towards the bedside table slowly stretched towards a button under the bed.

"The security system of your home has been offlined by me. It is temporarily offlined. The button beside the bed is useless."

The young man outside the bedroom seemed to know what he was doing.

Chen Jun's face became ugly.

Double insurance, invalid overnight.

The other party seems to be very familiar with these things.

He walked out of the bedroom carefully in his pajamas.

The young man was sitting in the dining room, the morning sun shone on half of his body, there was a mechanical spider on his shoulder, and the spider's eyes glowed red.

"Number nine!"

"Oh? You actually know me?"

"E27 Volkswagen model, you just changed your hairstyle, skin color, and fine-tuned your face. After all, I have worked in Bilan for more than 20 years, how could I not recognize it!"

After listening to Huang Liang's report last night, Lu Wen understood that supplies were indeed scarce.

So starry night.

He rushed to the urban area of ​​Mowu City overnight.

Let the mechanical spider hang the head of the fourth generation of core red at the gate of the executive office of the tenth district, and then come here.

"what do you want?"

Chen Jun barely calmed down and sat opposite Lu Wen.

The bionic man named No. 9 didn't kill him directly, presumably because he thought he was useful.

"You also know that I have an organization in no man's land, and now there are more and more people in the organization."

"You want supplies?"

"It's easy to talk to smart people."

"How much supplies can save my life?"

Lu Wen was a little surprised.

According to the plot of the TV series, Chen Jun should have just shouted 'impossible' at this time, and then he had no choice but to agree painfully under his coercion and temptation.

The middle-aged man's answer was so straightforward that he was a little uncomfortable.

"Even if you don't give supplies, I won't kill you. I am a peace-loving person."

Lu Wen smiled.

The warm morning light shone on half of his face, making this smile look more genial.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a folder here, and some information is recorded in it. Let me think about it... what is the internal rot in Bilan, moths, etc..." Lu Wen projected the appearance of the folder, "Your name just happened to be in it , Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Chen Jun couldn't keep calm anymore.

Has the bionic organization in no man's land been able to obtain this level of information?

"Where did you get this folder?" he asked.

"This question is relatively simple. I think you can tentatively ask people you are familiar with, especially those friends who have worked together for more than ten or twenty years. I have an agreement here, so I can't directly disclose the name." Lu Wenxiao respond.

Chen Jun's face darkened.

Figures flashed in his mind.

There were many, but he couldn't be sure which one.

"How many supplies do you need before you are willing to delete this folder?"

"This question is not so simple... You know, the Internet has memory."

Lu Wen smiled and put away the projector.

"You want to get a batch of supplies from me every once in a while? No. 9, can you eat it?" Chen Jun looked up into Lu Wen's eyes and gritted his teeth.

This guy named Nine is not looking for a one-time deal.

He actually used that folder as a threat and regarded him as a source of growth.

And it still doesn't give money!

"You just get it, don't worry about whether you can eat it or not."

Lu Wen smiled and took out a folded material list from his arms.

After unfolding, hand it to Chen Jun.

"The Internet has memory, so let's keep the deal between the two of us on paper. Send these materials to the entrance of no man's land tonight. I believe that with your ability, the company will not notice."

"Burn after reading."

Lu Wen knew very well that by threatening his life, he could only get supplies once.

Next time, this guy will definitely upgrade the security of his home.

But he knew what this guy was most afraid of.

In fact, Lu Wen didn't have the so-called information, the folder was just for show.

I cheated on this middle-aged man.

very successful.

"No. 9, I can give you more materials, as long as you tell me who leaked the information."

The rot inside Bilan is already a tacit fact of many old employees.

But there are still a group of people who stick to the bottom line and principles and did not join them.

Chen Jun was the first to suspect these people.

"Being human... No, there are principles in being a bionic person. Since you have reached an agreement with the other party, you have to keep it secret."

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