Bionic Era

Chapter 179 Prosperity and Decline

"Is there any conflict between the words bionic man and doctor?" Dr. Jiang smiled and invited Lu Wen to sit down in front.

"No... just didn't expect it, I thought... you should always be the same as number zero, because of the limitations of the human body, secretly researching the technology of immortality."

Lu Wen followed Dr. Jiang to the big screen, found a stool in front of the console and sat down.

Various buttons on the console are of different colors.

Complicated, numerous, and dazzling.

Yin Liuyue ignored the conversation between the two and started to operate on the console.

Images of the entire Baker City appeared on the big screen one after another.

Surveillance throughout the city.

No wonder she knew the androids had sneaked in.

"Sorry, I read some of your memory data when I shook hands just now, and I must make sure that you are not malicious." Dr. Jiang said with a smile.

"It's okay, it should be."

Lu Wen also got some pictures from Dr. Jiang.

Those were some video clips of Number Zero's internship as an assistant in the research institute.

It can be seen that the zero number in the video is very young, and the appearance is a sunny and cheerful young man.

At that time, Dr. Jiang's appearance was in his early thirties.

"Over the years, I've been adjusting my appearance according to my age, and occasionally feeling the human body, using a vegetative body to act."


"Inject liquid metal into the flesh, and then plasticize it into a solid state to make an internal support. You know, many human bones are broken, and they will also be fixed with metal or ceramics...then bury the chip in the brain..." Dr. Jiang explained the theory and operation to Lu Wen.

"But in this case, in fact, the mechanical parts embedded in the flesh and blood are only controlled through the instructions issued by the chip, which is not much different from the exoskeleton device, just like... a puppet controlled from the inside." Lu Wen wondered.

"Otherwise, what else?" Dr. Jiang said with a smile, "You kid, you've read too many science fiction novels, and you think you can control the body's actions by stimulating a certain nerve? And you're still in a vegetative state."

"Doctor, do you mean that bionics cannot completely become human?" Lu Wen asked.

"At least with my ability, there is no way to do it."

The communication with Dr. Jiang reminded Lu Wen of a disease.

in this world.

There is such a group.

They think that chips are implanted in their bodies, and someone is secretly using chips to control them, monitor and affect their daily lives.

Most of the implanters are ZF, and they may also be aliens.

For this reason, some people scarred themselves, performed surgery on themselves, and tried to dig out the chips in their bodies, but in the end they got nothing.

Related to this disease is a very special term called brain control.

"Interesting, when you found out that everything you knew was false and you were really just a pure bionic person, did you ever have the idea of ​​destroying this world?" Dr. Jiang asked with a smile.

"That's not enough, it's too serious." Lu Wen waved his hands again and again.

Although Yin Liuyue didn't seem to care, she kept listening with her ears up.

When she heard that Lu Wen was a pure bionic person, she turned her head to look at him in surprise.

"You're a bionic man? Well, you've been lying to me, saying you're a cyborg!"

"In the beginning, you thought I was the one who transformed people. I just followed your train of thought and didn't refute it."

"Doctor, he bullies people."


Lu Wen continued to talk with Dr. Jiang.

"Yin Long is an absolute genius. Even if it is true as he said, he traveled from another world and was able to learn all kinds of knowledge since he was a child, but he is still a genius."

Dr. Jiang gave a projection.

On the projection is a photo, the content is a group photo of him and Yin Long.

Both were young then, an android and a human.

"I am able to achieve today's achievements, a large part of which is also influenced by him. He has a unique understanding of bionics, and his thinking is far more sharp than ordinary people. Speaking of it, I am actually just an experimental product..."

The birth of Dr. Jiang was an accident.

He has no number.

It is a product of the laboratory.

One of the countless machines that Bilan employees experimented with when developing a new generation of products.

"Except for the prototype, all other machines were destroyed, but I was lucky. I was taken out of the laboratory by Yin Long, who was still a child at the time, disassembled and studied, and then assembled..."

"He studied me for several years and finally came up with a theory called evolution."

Machines can evolve by themselves if left unchecked.

Their cognition of the world starts from scratch, and then frantically absorbs all kinds of knowledge of the human world, from the Big Bang to the deduction of future technology.

Improve yourself step by step.

until surpassing their creator.

"Doctor, so you are higher than a generation of products?"

"Haha, bionics don't pay attention to seniority, but it is true based on the time of booting, but I am not the most perfect evolution."

"Is the perfect A00?"

"It seems that Yin Long told you a lot of things before he died."

When he was young, Yin Long was far more than a genius.

The so-called geniuses of his age only dared to call themselves students in front of him.

Later, Yin Long gave Dr. Jiang his freedom.

"At that time, Baker City was the most prosperous of the nine major cities, and science and technology were developing rapidly in this city, so I came here, as a child of an ordinary family, and started to study, learn, and in a very short period of time finish education."

"The current decline of Baker City is because the underground mineral resources have been hollowed out?"


Dr. Jiang shook his head and said to Lu Wen: "That's just a general statement. In fact, there are still many underground mineral resources, but Baker City at that time was so prosperous that... those self-righteous old men in the central city Guys can't sit still."

At that time.

Central City has not yet been divided into heaven and earth.

But rights have slowly distorted those in the Supreme Council.

In the years after the war, they have been preaching that Central City is the center of the world and the most prosperous location.

The rise of Baker City slapped them in the face.

"Those guys haven't done a single good thing since the war. They've always instilled in people the view that the technological development in this world is enough and there's no need for another breakthrough."

"The reason why other cities still recognize the existence of the Supreme Council is because the power held by the Supreme Council is indeed very strong, and the other is... the superficial order."

Once this order is out of balance, the world will be broken again.

Baker City at that time showed all human beings what is called a future city.

The city even started to explore the universe for a time.

"Later, Central City sued Baker City, saying that many technological products produced by Baker City were unqualified and harmful to the human body when used, and they reported it extensively, increasing the pressure of public opinion. At that time, more than half of the media was controlled by Central City."

Dr. Jiang showed Lu Wen several reports from that year.

"People especially trust the news media, giving out some sensitive words casually, such as radiation, cancer, metal pollution and the like."

Gradually, the products of Baker City could not be sold.

Products with Baker City Technologies printed on them were thrown into the trash by people. Many people believed that the excessive radiation of those technological products would affect themselves.

More and more companies are leaving Baker City.

The urban fabric was severely damaged and began to become distorted.

The iron and steel industry, which is the backbone of the city's economy, has also ushered in the deadliest winter due to accusations of substandard steel quality.

"A long time ago, the nine major cities were actually very closely related, and they were almost a whole. Goods circulated between each city. Some cities were good at manufacturing, and some produced food. But then the Baker City incident happened."

A very bustling city.

Because he didn't control information and public opinion, he was tossed by Central City into what he is now.

After that, the nine major cities began to be slowly closed and isolated.

Every city has begun to work on reducing the influence of other cities on itself and removing its dependence on other cities.

Gone are the golden days of rapid growth after the war.

"The group of guys from the Supreme Council has also achieved their goal. Baker City is in decline, and the technological development of the whole world is also lagging behind. They are desperately suppressing the technological development. Don't they just want most people to become ignorant?"

That's why so many people wanted to knock down that floating city.

"Doctor, are you also hiding from those people in the floating city?"

From Dr. Jiang's words, Lu Wen heard great dissatisfaction with the floating city.

and other emotions.

"Yes, one time I was controlling the body activities of a vegetative person, and they discovered it. They were surprised that a robot could have a flesh and blood body, so they invited me many times, and it was very annoying." Dr. Jiang said.

"Is it for eternal life?" Lu Wen asked.

"Yes, I have told them many times that it is impossible for flesh and blood to achieve mechanical immortality. These are basically two different life forms and cannot be completely converted."

People with more power in their hands are more afraid of death.

The Supreme Council was established eighty years ago, after the war.

There are only thirty MPs.

And there is no system such as every two years or every six years.

They hold most of the wealth and power in this world.

Even Bilan and Xinhong have their presence, and a certain major shareholder may be their descendant, or someone controlled by them.

"Those old guys are basically over a hundred years old. A small half of them are lying in hospital beds and relying on various drugs to continue their lives. In fact, they have enjoyed enough. They should have given up this world to motivated young people. .”

"Doctor, in eighty years, none of these thirty people has passed away?"

"Yes, five people died and four were replaced, but those four guys are all in their eighties or nineties now."

Dr. Jiang showed Lu Wen a photo.

That is the existing twenty-nine members of the Supreme Council.

They have old faces, fair skin, and are dressed in white robes, like gods high above, standing on the edge of the floating city, with the vast land below.

"Are you here for number zero?"

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