Bionic Era

Chapter 180 Reason

"Doctor, is number zero a human or a bionic?" Lu Wen asked.

"I don't know about this. When he came to my research institute as an assistant, I didn't observe carefully. I always thought he was a human being. But what happened later made me doubt, just like the memory Yin Long left for you. As it says in the book, he is special."

"Doctor, can you tell me what's special about him?"

"Contradictory, he is a complete contradictory body." Dr. Jiang recalled some content, "He seems to have extreme hatred for the human race and wants to destroy all human beings, so when I guessed his identity, I thought he was also a human being at first. , probably out of some kind of hatred for oneself."

Self-loathing extends to the entire group.

Then want to destroy the entire race.

Such people are actually quite common.

Hate everyone, hate the whole world, but very few can put it into action.

This kind of psychology may stem from the low self-esteem in childhood. When the low self-esteem reaches the extreme and the psychological defense line collapses, hatred will arise, and the spirit will change, and negative emotions will occupy the whole life.

Of course there are other reasons for this sentiment.

Human joys and sorrows are not the same.

"Some people feel uncomfortable and will cry a lot to seek comfort, while others will suppress it in their hearts. After a period of depression, they will wear bombs all over their bodies and go to crowded places and blow themselves up." Dr. Jiang told Lu Wenju An example.

Even if you die, you have to pull a few more people.

Whether those people are innocent or not.

Anyway, living in this world, there is nothing innocent to speak of.

This is the effect of ordinary extreme psychology put into action.

But to destroy the entire human group, one must pay years of action and accumulation.

"But he also has a redeeming side. When I interviewed him, I asked him a question." Dr. Jiang said, "I asked him why he wanted to learn technology."

"Actually, this question is very simple. I just want to see what kind of plans these people who come to interview my assistant have, and whether there are any evil intentions among them."

Really simple question.

There can be an infinite number of answers.

"At that time, I recruited assistants for the first time. There were many people who came, and there were many outstanding people among them. To benefit the residents of Baker City, and reduce the cost of transforming people... and number zero, he is very ordinary among those people."

In Dr. Jiang's description.

Among the group of people who applied for his assistant back then, the intelligence and skills of No. 0 can only be regarded as the middle and lower.

"He said... he wanted to save someone."

"Doctor, that's what Number Zero said, and the credibility is not high."

"No, that sentence is very sincere. I can feel that he is sincere. I was touched at the time. Although he is not capable enough, I can teach him slowly."


Zero, an unremarkable young man among his peers, was selected by Dr. Jiang to be his assistant.

Later the story is clear.

Zero was not satisfied with what Dr. Jiang taught him, so he copied the research institute's materials privately.

After copying it many times, Dr. Jiang found an abnormality and drove No. 0 out of the research institute.

"At that time, I actually couldn't believe it. Even if he didn't copy those technologies, I would teach him slowly in the years to come." Dr. Jiang sighed.

"Doctor, what kind of information was taken away by No. 0?" Lu Wen asked.



Lu Wen was shocked.

Even if Dr. Jiang was young at that time, the knowledge of a bionic person cannot be judged by age.

"He said that he wanted to save a person, and that was probably the only truth he told me from the beginning to the end." Dr. Jiang said: "Then I wondered if he might not be human."

"He may be a mechanical life. He used to have a good relationship with a certain human being, but that human being was killed by another human being, so he hates human beings extremely...but the one he wants to save is also human beings."


For a complex machine, this contradiction is easy to resolve.

But the contradiction shown in No. 0 is quite prominent.

death and life.

"The two instructions collided in his body, so that he hasn't made much progress for so many years. He may...not be a bionic man with advanced intelligence at all, but an ordinary machine with a low level of intelligence. The machine, through a certain degree of self-evolution, became what people now know as number zero."

The word zero itself has a great meaning.

before everything appears.

"He came back some time ago and returned to Baker City. Recently, there have been many unusual events in Baker City, including the death of the reformed congressman. He should be responsible for it." Dr. Jiang said.

"Cause a war between humans and bionics in Baker City?" Lu Wen asked.

"It can be said that if he wants to destroy the entire human population, Baker City is the best place to start, and the next target he will attack is the bionic congressman."

Several photos appeared on the big screen.

It was a photo of the death scene of the reformer congressman a week ago.

He died miserably, and all his limbs were torn off by powerful force, whether it was flesh and blood limbs or metal limbs that were later modified.

It was as if he had been torn apart alive by a ferocious beast.

This kind of power is simply impossible for humans to possess.

Both cyborgs and special bionics can have the power to shred their bodies.

But it is impossible for the reinvented people to do anything to their own congressmen.

That's why there are gossip.

It is said that those bionic organizations in no man's land acted, because this progenitor congressman stole the limelight from the bionic congressman.

"If the calculation is correct, in a few days, the bionic congressman will also die, and all the traces on the scene will point to humans."

At that time, whether it is right or wrong, true or false, there will be no need to argue.

The flames of war will burn above Baker City.

The air defense alarm that has not sounded for decades may also become commonplace. Just the snatch of air supremacy is enough to plunge the residents of the entire Baker City into war and panic.

"Actually, I have always disagreed with June going out to take risks, and those underground organizations don't have much ability to influence me." Dr. Jiang pointed to Yin June, "But Zero is back, and I don't want the order in Baker City to be destroyed by him." Break, so this period of time is relatively laissez-faire in June."

"Doctor, are you not even sure how to deal with No. 0?" Lu Wen asked.

"I'm sure, but you know the biggest characteristic of Number Zero. That guy is timid and never shows up in real life. Every time he manipulates a vegetative puppet to be the real culprit behind the scenes. The technique is still learned from me... "

"So doctor, the number zero who first learned technology with you is probably his real body?"

"Yes, thinking about it now, I may have missed a great opportunity to eradicate the scourge."

What Yin June did during this period was actually very simple.

Sometimes at night, some small leaders of underground organizations are killed, and the relationship between large underground organizations is provoked.

Occasionally investigate the movements of Zero.

Sometimes they will use the collected bad evidence to threaten the people in the news media, asking them to release positive news and tell everyone that the protean congressman was not killed by the bionic organization.

But this approach has had little effect.

"The chaos in Baker City made the army weak and unable to suppress the bionic organization in no man's land. This kid, June, has always wanted to solve the underground organization in Baker City and end the chaos."

A well-ordered city will make the bionic organization in no man's land feel intimidated.

For example, in Mowu City, the bionics dare not go to war easily.

When the balance of power is broken, there is no need for war.

"Doctor, since the chaos in Baker City cannot be ended in a short period of time, there is only one way left now, to find out the real body of Number Zero, and make him completely disappear from this world."

"This idea is more unrealistic than ending the chaos in Baker City, no wonder you and June see eye to eye."

Dr. Jiang looked at Yin Juneyue, who was making plans on the other side of the console, and smiled.

"I understand how you feel. After all, you are the candidate for the bionic councilor in Mowu City. If nothing goes wrong, you must be the first bionic councilor in Mowu City's history. When the time comes, No. 0 will attack you."

"Doctor, you also saw it in my memory. In fact, Number Zero shot me a long time ago."

"Yes, but then he realized that you have the potential to become an MP."

"Doctor, do you know the real reason why he hit me earlier?"

"The almost the same as what you think."

Dr. Jiang held Lu Wen's hand and passed another document to him.

Those are all the recorded androids that No. Zero has kidnapped in the past few decades.

"The common feature of those bionics is that they are very close to humans. Zero may think that those bionics are transformed from humans, so he disassembled them and studied them to find the hope of resurrecting flesh and blood." Dr. Jiang said.

"So, Jiang Xiaonian guessed all the actions of number zero correctly."

Lu Wen thought of the high-spirited Jiang Xiaonian at that time, and his words were full of disdain for Zero.

That is the contempt of a genius for ordinary people.

"Doctor, what do you think now?" Lu Wen asked.

"Protect that bionic congressman so that Number Zero can't do anything. Time can smooth everything out, and the truth about the death of that bionic congressman will gradually be accepted by people."

"It's a bit unrealistic to rely on June alone."

"Isn't there still you here?"

Unknowingly became a tool man.

But it was still too much for the two of them to protect a bionic congressman under the watchful eye of Zero.

Now they don't know where Zero is hiding and when to do it, everything is very passive.

Be proactive.

In fact, Lu Wen wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find the real body of No. 0 once and for all.

"Doctor, do you have any plans?" Lu Wen asked.

"You little friend, you have only turned on the machine for more than a month, and you are still not flexible enough. Just like June, you can't turn your head." Dr. Jiang said with a smile: "You already know the enemy's plan, just destroy his plan. ?"

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