Bionic Era

Chapter 198 Chivalry

"Tristan and Esther?"

Wei Boan read out the name of the cover.

The middle-aged man seemed to have fallen into a sluggishness. He was stunned for a long time, and finally decided to take out his mobile phone to search.

"You don't need to search, this is a knight's narrative poem."

Lu Wen has already found it.

"Before many wars, Western literature was divided into several categories, such as church literature, knight literature, heroic epics, etc.; church literature was based on books such as the Old Testament; heroic epics were mostly adapted from folk rumors, Especially famous are "Beowulf" and "Song of the Nibelungen"; chivalry literature tends to be romantic and adventurous."

"Could it be a copycat?" Feng Fugui asked.

When the case happened in the morning, after they found the book of poems, the old executive was thinking about this question.

He also studied several cases that happened in the Tenth District.

In the collection of poems found in those cases, the title of the first poem is often a very important clue.

"The murderer prefers to kill indoors. After killing, he will leave a second clue other than poetry, but this time it is outdoors. We should search for the deceased's residence."

The life of the deceased was very poor.

The simple one-bedroom and one living room, the furniture and electrical appliances in the home are all old objects from many years ago.

Ordinary people.

Everything in the house is fairly tidy, but not overly tidy.

The deceased had no obsessive-compulsive disorder, was not left-handed, and had no special hobbies.

Analysis cannot be done by victim characteristics.

His daily work is just simple community cleaning.

Things related to work are also very simple, nothing special.

There was nothing out of order in the house.

"Standing at the door and looking over, what I saw at a glance was the same balcony, but there was nothing on the balcony. Could it be that there is only a book of poems left this time?"

It's a pity that this old-fashioned community is not monitored.

Maybe it's been too long.

In this large area, the population is sparse, and it is rare to hear of death cases. The most dead people are actually in the inland sea. More than ten years ago, a large number of people were buried in the belly of fish every year.

It's gotten a lot better over the years.

"The murderer knew that there was no surveillance in the community, so he had checked in advance, and the surveillance on the streets outside the community did not find anything unusual."

Same as last time.

The lawyer who was the first to die last time lived in an old-fashioned community, and the surveillance has been broken for several years.

This wandering poet seems to have jumped out of a literary work.

In many literary works, the murderer's superb killing methods, methods of handling corpses, strong psychology, anti-reconnaissance technology, etc., all cause headaches for investigators.

But the reality is often: a group of executive officers sitting in front of the surveillance camera, pointing at the screen, all sighing, the murderer on the screen is really powerful, and he actually knows to do this...

"In a modern case, without monitoring is a headache." Lu Wen leaned against the door, "Have you investigated the deceased's interpersonal relationship? Has there been any conflict with anyone recently? Is there any money in the family? Have you bought a large one in the short term?" What about insurance? Work relationship? Who does his property belong to after his death? Emotional aspect?”

"Little comrade, we are investigating what you asked, but everything is normal at present."

There was no apparent motive for the killing.

Then we can only rely on the clues left at the scene.

But apart from those oil stains, there were no other traces at the scene.

So Feng Fugui thought of what happened in the tenth district some time ago, and invited Wei Bo'an and Lu Wen over. The two witnessed all the cases, and under the guidance of the murderer, they found the real murderer of the unjust case.

""Tristan and Iser", a knightly narrative poem...Knights represented romance and adventure in that era, and later gradually formed a kind of chivalry."

Lu Wen searched for information in his mind.

Chivalry is simple.

Justice, honor, valor, sacrifice...

"In the 15th District, there is actually an organization that upholds these beliefs... the Executive Bureau." Lu Wen suddenly raised his head, "There is a sign outside the main gate of the Thirteenth District Executive Bureau's 'law is not merciful'. There are also "high morals and bright festivals" outside the Bureau, so what about the Fifteenth Executive Bureau?"

Lu Wen and Wei Bo'an didn't have the executive bureau here yet. After arriving in the 15th district, they went directly to the sub-bureau close to the crime scene.

It was at that sub-bureau that Feng Fugui greeted them.

Lu Wen was too lazy to search for pictures on the Internet. He looked at Feng Fugui who was looking for evidence in the house, and asked, "Is there a word outside the General Bureau of the 15th District Executive Bureau?"

Feng Fugui stopped what he was doing, looked up at Lu Wen, and said, "Yes, we have the words 'fair and just' hanging outside."

fair and just.

It's chivalry.

From this point of view, the murderer's next target is actually someone from the executive bureau?

It's not impossible. After all, there are so many corruptions in the executive bureau of the 10th district. Just one case can involve more than a dozen executive officers. It is not ruled out that the 15th district also has it.

"This is more interesting." Lu Wen pondered, "The thirteenth district says that the law is unforgiving, but Xia Chuluo, who is generous outside the law, is born. The tenth district is written with high integrity, but the phenomenon of corruption is shocking."

These executive bureaus are simply setting up flags for themselves, and everything is reversed.

What about District 15?


The people searched for a long time in the house of the deceased, but finally found no special items.

The only useful clue was the poem.

Night is coming.

Feng Fugui, the old executive, invited the two of them to eat seafood barbecue at a food stall by the sea.

White tables and chairs are messily placed on the beach, and there is a lot of garbage on the ground.

In this hot summer, people are sitting around the food stalls, talking and laughing, and scents are wafting in the air.

Wei Boan carried a case of beer and put it under the table.

"Eating seafood and drinking beer, I'm afraid you think your gout doesn't come on fast enough." Lu Wen said seriously.

"A person's life is only a few decades, how many more years can a person who has scruples about this and that scruple live?" Wei Bo'an didn't care, "When you are young, you can eat and drink as much as you want, how can you be so particular... You, an android, would spit out the skin after eating fried peanuts, which I never thought of."

"It's designed that way in my program."

"You don't have to follow the program design, otherwise you won't be called a bionic person, you can only be called a robot."

When Wei Boan talked about his unreasonable life, he talked endlessly, and Lord Yan called him an expert.

Lu Wen felt very strange.

This guy has muscles all over his body, which can only be obtained through self-discipline. He has been drinking and drinking all day long, how did he develop such sharp muscles?

"Officer Wei, Brother Lu, you have also seen the scene, do you have any ideas? Is it a copycat?" Feng Fugui asked.

"Not sure." The two replied in unison.

"There are many similarities between this murderer and that wandering poet?" Feng Fugui looked at the two of them.

"Yes...but the second clue is missing this time. It may be that the murderer did not leave behind, or we did not find it." Lu Wen said: "But it is very likely that there is no clue left. If it is really the wandering Poet, then it can only show that his mentality has changed."

The clues were left to guide Lu Wen and the others to find the next deceased.

But now, there is only vague poetry.

A poem alone won't lead them to the right next goal.


"He no longer has the mind to play guessing games with us, he just wants to kill people now."

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