Bionic Era

Chapter 199 Changqing

According to the habit of the wandering poet, the people he killed must have been extremely guilty.

Those who died, or the sins they committed, no one knows.

Either have been sentenced, but the present law is not satisfactory.

"Investigate the life of the deceased, whether he has committed a crime, or may have committed it, but no one knows."

After eating, everyone started to get busy.

The life of this cleaner is very interesting.

"He used to work as a cleaner in a seafood market. Later, due to security and city appearance problems, the seafood market was closed for rectification, so he changed to another company."

That company is a member of the tourism industry in the fifteenth district, and rents boats by the sea for tourists to play.

But then closed down.

"Then he went to a restaurant, and it didn't take long before the restaurant closed... Then he went to a supermarket, but within half a year, the supermarket caught fire and burned everything down."

The guy's life was legendary.

During the long years, he changed countless places of work.

The fire caught Lu Wen's attention.

"The cause of the fire is unknown?"

That is a big supermarket.

The location of the fire that was finally identified was the warehouse, and it spread from the warehouse to the entire supermarket, which was still the normal business hours of the supermarket.

The fire spread fairly quickly and there were many casualties.

The contents of the entire supermarket were also set ablaze.

Supermarket owners have paid a huge price for this.

"According to the employees of the supermarket at the time, a cleaner in the supermarket once had a verbal conflict with the boss over salary issues. Not long after that, the supermarket caught fire. That cleaner was quite suspicious."

However, it is only a suspicion.

No evidence.

And what is surprising is that this ordinary cleaner has a strong psychological quality. When facing the interrogation, his expression was calm and his answers were fluent, without any panic at all.

In the end, due to insufficient evidence, he had to be released.

"The deceased was burned to death. Could it really be related to the fire in the supermarket?"

Lu Wen put the information about the supermarket fire in front of everyone.

In fact, many executives have already proposed this.

The fire was really weird. Based on their many years of experience, the arsonist was obviously the cleaner. But coincidentally, the supermarket's monitoring was being updated at the time, so those few days happened to be in a blank period of monitoring.

In just a few days, the supermarket owner thought nothing would happen.

Then something went wrong.

"I was one of the people in charge of the interrogation. At that time, the deceased was quite calm." An older executive officer stood up.

"In my many years of interrogation career, I have rarely encountered such a particularly calm person. Frankly speaking, as long as a normal person survived a fire and was suspected of being the culprit of arson, he should not be as calm as him. "

Lu Wen has studied many cases in the Thirteenth District.

Some of these cases are particularly classic.

Obviously know who the murderer is, but due to the lack of specific evidence, it is impossible to bring the murderer to justice.

"If nothing else happens, he was the one who set the fire back then, causing countless deaths and injuries. This is his crime and the reason for the murderer to kill him."

But it is not so easy to draw conclusions.

The deceased's personal relationship is still under investigation, and this process often lasts for a long time.

In many cases, visits and investigations are a very important part, especially the relatives of the deceased may, for some reason, conceal some facts and hinder the investigation.

"The "Tristan and Esther" left by the murderer, the knightly narrative poem, if considered from the perspective of chivalry, his next target is likely to be someone from the executive bureau."

The night passed quickly.

This morning.

As the most powerful and respected third-level executive in the fifteenth district, Feng Fugui sent a message on the public channel.

"The wandering poet, the next target is most likely our internal personnel. I can only inform here. Think about it yourself, whether you have done anything that could lead to death."

After all, it is also a region with a population of two million.

In the Extra Bureau of the General Bureau of the Executive Bureau, the personnel files of all the executive officers can be piled up to fill countless warehouses.

With so many people, it is impossible to check them all.

Existing files can't be tricky.

In the file, everyone is the kind of person who is selfless, upright, and enforces the law impartially.

So we can only ask them to check themselves.

Less than ten minutes after this news was posted, some executive officers confessed their crimes.

"I used to cover up a murderer and help forge evidence, just because the murderer was my cousin, because of the blood relationship and the lobbying of relatives..."

Feng Fugui showed this news to Lu Wen and Wei Bo'an.

The executive officer who surrendered himself was actually a very respected one among the executive officers in the fifteenth district. He had solved quite a few major cases. He was upright and a model of integrity.

Just such a person.

After his cousin committed a crime, he chose to cover up.

Kinship, in modern society, is always a constant line.

"This kind of relative, don't worry about it."

After half an hour, three more executive officers confessed and surrendered one after another.

One of them was because he collected a lot of money to help criminals clear their suspicions.

The other two killed ordinary people by mistake in the process of chasing criminals, but in the end they chose to kill the criminals and passed on the deaths of ordinary people to the criminals.

"I didn't expect that the executive bureau of the fifteenth district is similar to the executive bureau of the tenth district, and they are not very clean." Wei Bo'an said.

"Actually, every regional executive bureau is similar, more or less, where there are people, there are moths, and even if these things are cleaned up, they will grow back." Lu Wen knows something about the thirteenth district executive bureau.

Two hours later, the number of executive officers who turned themselves in reached eleven.

The crimes committed by these people are of a considerable kind.

"It's only been two hours, and there must have been a lot of people who took chances and didn't confess."

Feng Fugui sighed.

He was about to retire, and in the last two years, he wanted to pass the time smoothly, but suddenly something like this happened.

The previous head of the executive bureau walked quite gracefully.

Feeling too tired, don't want to do it anymore, resign and leave.

With this departure, District 15 has not had a chief executive for seven years.

"There are so many people involved in major crimes, but there are even more minor crimes."

The old executive sorted out the files of those eleven people, and was going to see if there was any connection with the deceased who was burned to death yesterday.

Lu Wen and Wei Bo'an also helped organize.

However, before everyone finished tidying up, news spread in the public channel.

Someone else died.

"Du Changqing."

Lu Wen read aloud.

He found that Feng Fugui's and Wei Bo'an's expressions were not quite right, this name seemed very unusual.

"Du Changqing..." Wei Bo'an sighed, "He is the previous head of the executive bureau of the fifteenth district."


Good night, fellow readers!

Thank you book friend 201906211913515 for your reward.

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