Bionic Era

Chapter 200 Betrayal

"Du Changping, an urban resident of the 15th District, 54 years old, served as a member of Parliament for two terms, and proposed the gun management amendment bill and the 15th District Tourism Act many times. He later served as the chief executive of the 15th District. If some cases are solved, half of the proceeds will be donated..."

Just judging from his biography.

There's nothing wrong with this guy.

He has solved many cases, and he will donate half of the remuneration for each case, mostly to children's welfare homes.

This guy has a pretty good reputation.

He later resigned and quit. Many people still miss his days.

Great influence.

Anyone who has lived in the fifteenth district basically knows his name.

"Mr. Du, how could it be him?" A young executive officer looked sad, "I have lived in an orphanage since I was a child. When I was very young, the nurses told us that the reason why the orphanage can survive is all thanks to Mr. Du." donations over the years."

"Did the murderer make a mistake..."

Many young executives have been favored by Du Changqing.

Most of them grew up in orphanages.

"At that time, Chief Du came to see us in the orphanage and asked us what we wanted to do when we grow up." A young man whispered to himself, "I saw the three bars on Chief Du's shoulders, so I made up my mind. , When I grow up, I want to join the executive bureau and help Chief Du maintain order in the entire region."

It can be said that many young people choose to engage in this dangerous job because of the influence of Du Changqing.

Therefore, the sight in front of them made them a little unacceptable.

Crime scene.

In a splendid and magnificent villa, the house is full of cash scattered everywhere.

Living room, bedroom, hallway, bathroom...

A piece of money is like ordinary paper, layered on top of each other, spilled on the TV, and landed on the sofa.

Numerous antique paintings are displayed throughout the room.

Some exquisite handicrafts that are rarely seen outside are also like street stalls, which can be seen everywhere in this villa.

"This is a single-family villa near the sea. Few people come. The person who reported the crime was a child."

After all, Feng Fugui is old and has seen everything.

Compared with those young people, he is much calmer.

Even though the deceased had a special status, he still followed the normal case-handling procedures step by step.

"One hour ago, that child came to play at the beach and passed by this villa... After all, he is a child, and he was a little yearning for this kind of rich man's things, so he took a closer look."

The child saw the banknotes all over the sky.

The windows on the second floor of the villa are open and there are windows at the front and back.

The sea breeze blows.

Light blue curtains fluttered in the wind outside the window.

Accompanied by the curtains, there are countless flying banknotes. The window is like a huge money dispenser, spitting out the messy banknotes in the villa to the sky outside the window.

The child was quite pleasantly surprised at first, jumping up and down and taking the money in the air into his arms.

If nothing else, it should have been a happy day.


He picked up a banknote with blood on it.

"This is the bill."

Feng Fugui took out an evidence bag.

The corner of the bill was stained with blood, which had dried and looked like some kind of dark stain.

"The blood analysis will take a while, but the fingerprint comparison has come out, and the banknote only has the child's fingerprints."

"Where is that child? Was it frightened?" Lu Wen asked.

"No, the child is in a normal mood. He just keeps asking if the money he picked up can belong to him." Feng Fugui thought for a while, "We asked him if he saw other people appearing nearby, and he said no. Just let him go away with the money he picked up, as his reward for reporting the crime."

"Actually, the first person who reported the case is quite suspicious." Lu Wen looked at Feng Fugui and said seriously.

"Of course we know this, but that child is only seven years old, a seven-year-old child...Little brother Lu, do you think he can kill an experienced former executive director?"

Judging from the situation at the scene, the possibility is close to zero.

The ex-executive chief died a tragic death.

When I first arrived at the scene.

Everyone found that his stomach was bulging and there was something in it. Later, the colleague in charge of the autopsy cut his stomach open.

"The whole intestines and stomach are stuffed with broken banknotes, which are forced in by someone. This process will last for a long time. The victim is conscious during this period and it will be quite painful."

This reminded Lu Wen of the corpse of the doctor Zhang He.

The same thing was stuffed in the stomach.

It's just that one is a collection of poems and the other is banknotes.

"Since this kind of single-family villa is very close to the sea, the surrounding area is relatively empty, so it usually has its own monitoring, but our technicians found that the storage disk for monitoring was taken away."

The dark murderer seems to know everything.


Few are as versatile as the wandering poet.

If it wasn't for the team committing the crime, then it can only be said that that person is worthy of the title of genius.

"There are no signs of damage to the doors or windows. The victim voluntarily opened the door for the murderer. There is not even a trace of a fight in the room."

this villa.

Except for the banknotes that can be seen everywhere, everything else is quite neat.

In the living room, several large porcelain bottles were placed separately, and those bottles were all intact, without any trace of being moved.

"With Du Changqing's prudence, he couldn't easily open the door to strangers, and he didn't make any effective resistance. He probably knew the murderer."

Even if the murderer pretends to be a courier or food delivery person, it's impossible to take down someone like Du Changqing easily.

"He had many strangle marks on his body. He was tied up before he died. According to the bruises on his neck, he was strangled to death."

It's not easy to strangle a grown man.

At least it's not as easy as acting in many TV dramas.

This fits well with the Wandering Poet, physically strong and powerful.

"The cash all over the floor is the murderer announcing Du Changqing's charges to us."


Take bribes.

In fact, this cash is not needed, just the decoration of this luxurious villa can already explain everything.

Before resigning, Du Changqing donated most of his property, which was praised by the population.

"In fact, he still has a lot of money left at the end, which is enough for him to buy a San'an apartment in the urban area to spend his later years, but... it is impossible to buy this kind of single-family villa near the sea, let alone the antiques in the villa. Calligraphy and painting." Feng Fugui said.

"Have you found out the source of the cash at the scene?" Lu Wen asked.

"It's here." Feng Fugui showed Lu Wen the news on the public channel, "There is a secret door in the wardrobe of the innermost bedroom on the first floor of this villa, leading to the underground vault. They were all taken out of the underground vault by the murderer."

The old executive used the word 'vault'.

Lu Wen saw the news in the public channel and the pictures attached to the news.

It really does deserve the word.

Not just cash bills.

There is also countless gold, silver, jewelry, and a considerable amount of diamonds.

Mountains of treasures.

Lu Wen remembered the scenes depicted in those medieval heroic epics, where the evil dragon carried countless gold and silver treasures back to his cave, and they lay on top of the treasures piled up with gold coins, waiting for the so-called heroes or dwarves to come and challenge them.

"Have you found out the source of these gold, silver and jewels?" he asked.

"It's hard to find out." Feng Fugui shook his head, "He was the former head of the executive bureau, and he had quite a lot of resources under him. He wanted to clear up some evidence, which is a matter of favor... But we will try our best to investigate. "

Human greed is endless.

Lu Wen looked at the jewels in the photo.

If it were him, even if it took several centuries, he would not be able to spend so much money.

this day.

The former spiritual leader of the executive board collapsed.

What collapsed together was the faith in the hearts of many young people.

It was hard for them to believe that such a person was actually related to such a huge amount of bribery.

"The on-site investigation and evidence collection will last for a while, where is that poetry collection?" Lu Wen asked.

"There is no collection of poems this time, and the murderer left only one sentence."

That sentence was written on a slip of paper.

Very familiar words.

【When you betray others, you also betray yourself】

These are Singer's words.

"The clues left by the murderer are getting more and more crude." Lu Wen looked at the note in his hand, "In the beginning, he could design clues carefully, let us find them, but now there is only one sentence left. I have to be patient, or... this time his targets are all the people he really wants to kill?"

Lu Wen remembered what Xia Chuluo said to him

A clever serial case murderer will be careful from the very beginning, arrange carefully, and leave no trace in each case.

If it is suddenly discovered in a certain case that the murderer is not so refined, he becomes rough.

He may be preparing for the last vote.

"That person has always had a goal, a very clear goal."

Lu Wen sat at the door of the villa and thought.

about betrayal.

These two words can indeed be used to describe Du Changqing, because Du Changqing betrayed everyone's trust in him.

But the clues left by the murderer are often the next target.

"With just such a sentence, it is impossible to find out who the next one is."

Lu Wen is not a fairy.

With his powerful calculation and deduction ability, he couldn't figure out who this sentence was talking about.

"High IQ, high education, calm, clear the action process of the executive bureau, able to keep abreast of the progress of the case, physically strong, may have a military background, can easily subdue the victim, understand the prison structure, know how to use the advantage of public opinion to oppress the execution Bureau... this person..."

Combining the cases of the previous period, Lu Wen began to picture the murderer in his head.

"He may have suffered unfair treatment in his childhood, which has been buried in his heart. When he became an adult, he encountered such things again and finally broke out. In his heart, justice can no longer be judged by the law."

Just looking at their resumes, many executives meet these conditions.

Lu Wen guessed before that it was the executive bureau of the tenth district, but now the murderer came to the fifteenth district.

"Could it be that he used to belong to the executive bureau, but later because of a certain case that was not tried unfairly, he had conflicts with others, so he chose to do it himself?"

Lu Wen thought about it and looked around.

What about Wei Boan?

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