Bionic Era

Chapter 227

The rain plays mournful music in the world outside the door.

The world inside the door is relatively quiet.

The thin man stood at the door, facing everyone.

"I need an explanation." He said coldly.

"What explanation?"

"Hand over the murderer, pay another sum of money, and get your people out of this city."

This tone is very similar to the villain in the novel.

Everyone looked at each other thoughtfully.

They wandered around the central city for two days, collecting all kinds of information, and had a certain understanding of the forces in the entire city.

In this city, two organizations have been competing.

One is called the Temple, and the other is called the Secret Door.

I also don't know why the leaders who established these two organizations came up with such a name.

"Brother, do you have any solid evidence that our people really killed your people?" asked one of the team members.

"No." The skinny man said coldly.

"That's it? If you don't have accurate evidence, tell others to hand over people and get out. Are you reading too many invincible novels?"

In terms of ridicule, everyone in Xia Chuluo's team is a master.

Back then her father Xia Zheng's words were quite sharp, often making others speechless.

Xia Chuluo leaned against the counter and said calmly, "People from the temple?"

"Since you know my identity, then hurry up and hand it over." The skinny man looked at everyone indifferently.

The other three tenants in the hall had different expressions, but they were all wary.

The name of that organization is very evil.

The idea they spread is even more evil. They believe that there are gods living in the floating city, which is why the floating city is so different and can float in the air.

"Miss Xia, the people of the temple, you can't mess with them in the central city." The shop owner was very quick, and whispered behind Xia Chuluo.

"This kind of thing is the most troublesome."

Xia Chuluo retracted her gun.

She picked up the commemorative version of the old revolver on the table, pulled out the magazine to the left, fiddled with it a few times, and the magazine rotated rapidly, making a very pleasant sound.

"I have to do it myself."

Xia Chuluo doesn't like reading novels. She thinks many plots are more mentally handicapped, such as the villain reporting himself as soon as he comes up, the passersby around are panicked, and his teammates are uneasy.

This kind of plot is often accompanied by a lot of nonsense.

But Xia Chuluo likes to be more direct.

So she raised the gun in her hand.

With a "bang" gunshot, the bullet was ejected.

Very short moment.

The first floor of the hotel is like a frozen movie scene.

The bullet was spinning slowly in the air.

The expression on the shop owner's face slowly changed from humility to panic. The three tenants showed panic at the same time, and the team members were also a little surprised.

As long as Lu Wen is the most normal.

small scene.

Just be calm.

The feeling man fell backwards, and there was heavy rain outside the door, and the rain slowly washed the blood.


In a tall building not far away.

Duan Tiannan was watching all this through the scope.

When he saw that person fell to the ground, he sighed: "The death of Xia Chuluo's parents was manipulated by Floating Void City. That guy dared to declare his family name in front of her, saying that he was a member of the temple. It's strange if he didn't die."

"The organization of the temple is indeed a bunch of fools. It's fine to worship the floating city, but they actually think that there are gods in it."


Inside the hotel.

Xia Chuluo retracted the revolver.

The sudden shot stunned many people present for a while.

She turned her head to look at the innkeeper with an indifferent expression.

"Miss Xia, don't worry, I immediately burned tonight's monitor, no, I burned all the monitors since this period of time, and told those mechanical deacons that the monitor was broken a long time ago, and I didn't see anything!"

The boss is very cooperative, but of course fear is in the majority.

After opening the store for so long, it was the first time he saw someone shoot someone in front of him.

This girl is a cruel person.

Xia Chuluo nodded, and turned to focus on the three tenants who hadn't left yet.

The expressions of the three people are different.

"There is blood on the edge of the shoe. You often see blood stained scenes. You have a strong psychological quality, so you don't rush to clean it up. But you have relatively high prescription glasses and a physique that can't be a killer. There are traces of a mask on your face. You are a doctor." Xia Chuluo looked at the first person.

"The palms are rough and cracked, there are black oil stains in the gaps, and there are scars of different shades on the arms. You are a mechanic." This is what she said to the second person.

"As for you..."

Xia Chuluo looked at the third person.

"Wearing wide trousers, but when sitting, the right calf protrudes obviously, there is a gun there, you are very cautious, you have killed more than one person, I am talking to you, your left hand is always on the waist, is a Lefty, also has a gun behind his left waist."

When Xia Chuluo stopped talking, the hotel fell into silence again.

She paused, thought for a moment, and continued: "I was wrong just now. You are not left-handed. Your left arm should be a mechanical arm with greater strength, so you learned to use your left hand to attack."

"When I was just sitting, the doctor and the mechanic were in a daze, only you were frowning and thinking. You want to kill someone, but you feel that you are still too weak and not qualified."

At the beginning of Xia, Lola pulled up a chair and sat down slowly.

"If you live in the central city for a long time, you don't need to rent a hotel, so you are new to this city. The person you want to kill has a high status in this city. It is likely to be one of the two organizations. Just now Someone from the temple, your expression has changed slightly, so the person you want to kill also belongs to the temple."

The man looked calm, and he did have a gun on his left waist.

He took the gun out and put it on the table.

This was to show Xia Chuluo that he was not hostile.

"The organization of the temple is only active in the central city. If you are from another city, that organization can't provoke you at all, so you belong to this city, but for some reason, you lost your left arm back then. Had to leave the city like a stray dog."

"You are not young anymore, you are in your early forties. Let me think about it. Your family, probably your daughter, was killed by the people of the temple. You went to take revenge at that time, but you were too weak at that time... Now in Other cities have experienced for a long time, are you going to come back and do it again?"

The man was indeed in his forties, with a firm face and steady eyes.

His exposed right arm is muscular and has many small scars.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything to those mechanical deacons." He said seriously.

Two more.

Doctors and mechanics also hurriedly stated that they saw nothing.

Since everyone is very cooperative, there is nothing to say.

Let the corpse hang outside the door overnight, and a mechanical deacon will naturally come to inquire tomorrow morning.

Xia Chuluo got up and was about to take everyone upstairs.

The middle-aged man suddenly asked: "Miss, do you know how to read minds?"


Good night, fellow readers!

Thanks to the book friends I am eating Liangpi for the reward.

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