Bionic Era

Chapter 228 Borrowing a Knife

"Darwin said that science is to organize facts and discover general facts and laws from them."

Xia Chuluo turned to look at the middle-aged gunman.

"Trust existing science. Everything I just said is based on existing observations."

"But..." The middle-aged man hesitated to speak.

"Read more, Nietzsche also said that if you fight the dragon for too long, you will become a dragon yourself. You have always regarded the temple as your opponent all these years, and the temple is an organization that believes in the existence of gods. Ask yourself if you, too, have been influenced to believe that crap exists."

If Miss Xia lived in the old society, she must be a pioneer in breaking feudal superstitions.

In this world, the only thing that made her feel somewhat doubtful was Lu Wen's real identity. She could guess some, but she couldn't come up with an accurate answer.

However, Lu Wen never confessed to her, maybe because he had other concerns.

"I did have a daughter before, and she used to..."

"I wish you a happy revenge."

Xia Chuluo interrupted the middle-aged man.

She has no interest in participating in other people's revenge.

After that, she turned and went upstairs.

late at night.

The heavy rain lasted for a long time, and the sound of ticking kept ringing outside the window.

The old steel pipes were eroded by the rain, revealing the dark red interior.

The old rust fell off with the rain, leaving red marks representing the years on the pale pink walls of the hotel, and the new rust slowly grew under the moisture of the rain.

Everyone on the team has their own room.

The person who controlled the ant robot was hanging out with Fatty Jiang, and the two of them didn't know what they were up to.

Most of the rest are relatively powerful mercenaries, who had a life-threatening friendship with Xia Tian back then.

They followed Xia Chuluo, one was to repay favors, and the other was unhappy with the Floating Void City, and felt that the city should be brought down within their lifetimes.

"Lu Wen, take a glass of warm water, I'll take medicine later." Xia Chuluo was taking a bath, and the voice came from the bathroom.

The two of them live in one room.

Lu Wen has no equipment, he himself is the strongest equipment.

Although this body is not as good as the main body in Mowu City, its configuration is not bad. It is a moving human bomb.

"The doctor said that that kind of painkiller may cause dependence, it's better for you to take less." Lu Wen said.

"Whatever, I've never heard what the doctor said."

"Even if you listen to one sentence, you should be more than half recovered by now, and you won't have to take medicine every day."

After taking the medicine, I simply wiped my hair.

Xia Chuluo sat in front of the computer and opened the USB flash drive that Luo Ruyan gave her.

Inside are the information of 21 people.

Most of these people are powerful mercenaries, and they have no bottom line, they can do things with money, whether they are civilians or politicians, old people or children, as long as the money is in place, they can all be their targets.

"Duan Tiannan is considered to be one of the strongest mercenaries because he has principles. When he performed the mission for the first time, a child appeared in his scope, so he killed the person who supervised him and escaped from the training camp. " Xia Chuluo said.

Men of principle do not often live long in such dangerous occupations.

But Duan Tiannan not only lived until retirement, but also lived happily.

As for why you retired.

Lu Wen once asked about this.

Duan Tiannan was silent for a while, took a sip of wine and said, he was carrying out the mission with a few other mercenaries, and after those scumbags finished their mission, they sneaked into the house of a local girl in her teens and killed the family My lord... He couldn't stand it anymore, so he shot those guys and sent them on their way.

Of course, there are other reasons besides this, and he didn't say too much.

"In this business, don't have a sense of justice in your heart, empty out that sense of justice, and then put money in it..."

Lu Wen always remembered what Duan Tiannan said to him.

He sat beside Xia Chuluo, looking at the twenty-one people across the computer screen.

"At that time, the price offered by Floating Void City was very attractive, but the opponent was my father, so most people were hesitant, and these twenty-one guys, and Luo Ruyan..."

The faces of people were reflected in Xia Chuluo's eyes, and she was writing down these people as quickly as possible.

The current address of these people is even recorded in this USB flash drive, it seems that Luo Ruyan still has contact with some of them.

"Seven people died in the later years, and there are fourteen left, five are disabled, one is in a vegetable state, seven are retired, and only one is still traveling around the world, taking on those hunting missions."

If it is for money.

The sum of money given by Floating Void City was enough for them to retire.

But people's hearts are always insufficient, and although money is a relatively important factor, another point is also very important.

They need to satisfy their inner desire for killing. It is like an abyss. Once they fall into it, they will sink deeper and deeper.

"Do you believe the information Luo Ruyan gave?" Lu Wen asked.

"Having doubts, this should be a back road he prepared for himself from the beginning. If I find it, he will give this USB flash drive in exchange for a chance to escape."

"Of course, these guys may also be Luo Ruyan's enemies. He deliberately led us to deal with those people."

Luo Ruyan is now under their surveillance.

The next thing to do is to find these people who are still alive in the USB flash drive.

Restore the car accident bit by bit.

Lu Wen knew that Xia Chuluo would definitely not be satisfied with just one conclusion, she probably wanted to do even bigger things...

"These people, no matter they are disabled or retired, all live in Central City now, so there is another possibility. Those who participated in this incident back then had some kind of connection with Floating Void City. Luo Ruyan hoped that through their Die to remind Floating Void City." Xia Chuluo said.

"Why didn't he just tell Floating Void City that you have arrived?"

"Speaking directly, the intention is too obvious, and it has the meaning of borrowing a knife to kill people. Luo Ruyan likes to show off his IQ and calculations, otherwise he will not be able to convince the public."

That high floating city didn't know about Xia Chuluo's arrival.

On the other side of Mowu City, there is still Xia Chuluo, who lies at home every day, and sometimes goes out for a walk, saying that he is recuperating from his injuries.

The next day was still cloudy.

Sunlight cannot penetrate thick clouds.

On the dimly lit streets are the early risers.

In the distance, a large area was shrouded in the shadow of the floating city, unable to see the sun.

Luckily the sun overhead was always turning, so that shadow wasn't fixed.

An old mechanical deacon discovered anomalies while patrolling.

"Drunk? Corpse?"

He scratched his rusty mechanical head, came to the door of the hotel, and saw the blood hole between the eyebrows of the fallen man, so he was sure it was a corpse.

Soon, more than ten mechanical deacons came to the scene.

They began to take pictures of the corpses, looked at the plaques, etc., and simply judged the time of death.

Dead people are relatively common in this city.

But most of them only exist in the daily news reports. After all, few people bring the hidden things to the surface. It is still rare to see such people who are thrown at the door of the hotel and no one collects their bodies.

So the crowd of onlookers increased.

Surrounding the corpse early in the morning, perhaps it is auspicious.

In the hotel, many tenants were sitting in the lobby on the first floor, eating breakfast, such as simple porridge, steamed buns, boiled eggs, and fried dough sticks.

An alluring scent fills the morning air.

Maybe it was because someone died, so they ate more deliciously. While eating, they watched the mechanical deacon handle the corpse with relish.

The three of them were among them last night.

"We need to ask some questions now, and I hope you can cooperate."

Many mechanical deacons entered the lobby on the first floor of the hotel one after another.

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