Harry watched Joshua repel the troll with one magic move, and couldn’t help but shout good, but when he saw the troll’s then stand up against the wall, he couldn’t help but sigh, as if it was him who was fighting the troll.

“What a yarn you’re doing! It’s not that you two are too wasteful! If you two can withstand this monster’s attack for ten seconds, I can kill it with one magic!” ”

Joshua saw that Harry was still standing there stupidly and did not move, and he couldn’t help but curse.

Harry and Ron knew that they were at a loss, and they were embarrassed to refute, so they could only shrink in the corner and silently wait for Joshua to lead the trolls away little by little, and then they dared to run to the mirror.

“How? See something? ”

Ron squeezed his eyebrows in the mirror for a long time, stunned and found nothing.

“It’s hard to say… The way Nick looked just now gave me a little idea… Is there something on you? ”

Harry frowned, “I thought that our floor was blocked by a spell, but Nick can’t even see that we’re trapped here, right?” So maybe it is…”

Ron pulled something out of his pocket, “Oh, do you think this will work?” ”

Looking down, Ron saw that it was his own wand in his hand, and there was a lot of black tape wrapped around it.

Harry couldn’t help but have black lines all over his head, “I’m asking you to take something that can distinguish between left and right… Eh, forget it! I remembered something that could tell the direction…”

Facing the mirror, he ruffled the bangs on his forehead, which had a lightning-like scar on his forehead.

Ron also looked in the mirror, a little confused, “There’s nothing dirty on it… Harry…”

“Nope… Didn’t you find out? My scars… It’s on the far right side of my forehead, above my right eyebrow…”

Harry’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the truth seemed to be close at hand.

“But… So what? You in the mirror…”

Ron still didn’t quite understand, but the next second he realized that something was wrong.

Harry in the mirror, the scar on his forehead was obviously on the left side of Harry’s forehead, and Ron looked at Harry’s forehead again, and the scar was indeed on the left.

“This… I know! The enemy’s ability is to turn our feelings upside down! ”

Ron said to Harry with conviction.

“Turn your uncle upside down! We are clearly locked in the world in the mirror! ”

Joshua also prides himself on being the Qiao family’s compound, and this level of magic is more than the ultimate creature Araki Old Goblin.

Harry slapped his palm at that time, “! Joshua, you got to the point! We have been drawn closer to the mirror world at this moment, isolated from the normal world outside, and there is no way to touch the staircase handle just now, it is not that something is blocking him, but that the space here only extends there! That’s why Nick turned a blind eye to our cries for help! ”

“Ahhh… Finally to the point… Did you come up with a way to hack this damn mirror world? ”

Joshua felt like he couldn’t hold on anymore. Although the troll moves slowly, due to its huge strength, every swing is quite fast, in short, it is an opponent who moves super slowly but attacks super fast and has a surprisingly large force, and it is absolutely uncomfortable to be hit by it.

Harry bit his lip, although he thought of the key, but the real way to crack it still did not come up.

“Ron, a dead horse should be a living horse doctor first, let’s smash this mirror!”

Ron nodded, calmly breathing and slamming into the mirror with Harry.


The entire space in the mirror suddenly shook, and a lot of dust fell from the ceiling, but the mirror still did not move.

Joshua Yibu, who was still running, did not stand firmly and almost did not fall, and the trolls following behind him did not receive much impact because the center of gravity was so low that they quickly chased after Joshua when he stood firm, and another stick was about to fall down.

Joshua had no choice, so he had to fall down with an iron plate bridge to pick up the lazy donkey to roll away and then pick up the carp to stand up, which was out of the range of the monster’s attack.

“RI! If you two don’t understand the situation, don’t fool around! I was almost killed by both of you! ”

Joshua’s good clothes were dirty again, he was most afraid of trouble, and now he had a headache when washing clothes. “That… There’s nothing better to do without breaking this mirror…”

Harry said sarcastically, a little embarrassed.

“It’s impossible to break the mirror, look at this and do it to the mirror, we will also be affected here… Joshua, it looks like you have to defeat that monster if you want to get out! It’s up to you! ”

Ron suddenly felt like he could paddle.

“Look at your uncle! You two have to help me too! How can I TM have so much energy to run and unleash powerful magic at the same time! ”

Joshua began to gasp continuously, just now he had hoped that Harry could find a way to crack the ground, but now that he had to fight the trolls, he couldn’t waste his physical strength at will.

“By then, all we are learning now is magic that has no ability to harm!”

“Enough! You two listen to me! When I say do it, I raise one leg at the troll and release the levitation charm! ”

Joshua said very succinctly, he ran towards the middle of the corridor with the troll, although the blasting magic just now worked, but because there were walls on both sides to make it stand firm, he had to take the trolls farther away.

“Well… It’s almost time…”

Joshua slowed down and let the trolls catch up.

“Do it!”

“Yugadim Leviosa!”

Harry and Ron waved their wands together, the magic he had just learned this morning had not yet been returned to Professor Flitwick.

The magic of the two worked at the same time, and the troll’s open legs did not fall after rising to the highest point, but continued to rise, and the troll’s body could not maintain its balance for a while, and it began to dance to try to regain its feet.

Joshua naturally did not miss this opportunity, quickly bent over and rolled through the troll’s crotch, covered his nose and endured the smell of rotten socks on the troll’s body that had fermented and rotted in the toilet cesshole, and extended his wand to its other leg that was still standing.


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