
Harry then found that Joshua, who was lying on the wall, was definitely not in a good state, although he was wearing a black robe, but the pool of blood on the ground was obviously spit out by Joshua!

“Are you all right?”

The two little wizards panicked at this time, and they were not so panicked when they first encountered the troll.

“About… Joshua… You’re not going to die, are you? You vomited so much blood…”

Ron stammered, unable to even speak, nervously sweeping around Joshua, as if he was missing a lot of parts now.

“… You’re dead… Ahem, you are dead, Lao Tzu’s body and bones are tough. A troll… How could Joshua, the first white wizard in the world in the future, hang up so easily? ”

Joshua was embarrassed to say that he was pit by the aftermath of the magic he released, so he had to say: “But the troll really deserves to be a dangerous magical creature that the Ministry of Magic said… I was so badly injured before I died…”

“Okay… You don’t say it… Ron, you’re watching Joshua here, I’ll go find Madam Pomfrey!” ”

Harry patted Ron on the shoulder, and the two looked at each other, nodded and left.

Without asking Joshua to wait long, Harry led Madam Pomfrey back.

It’s just that there are a little more people who follow later… Percy, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Headmaster Dumbledore, and finally Filch and his cat are far away.

“What about people! Where is Mr. Joestar? ”

Ron quickly stood up and showed Joshua behind him, and Madam Pomfrey was not polite to squeeze Ron away and squat beside Joshua.

“Oh… Child… At first glance you suffer a lot… Come, can the hand still move? ”

Madam Pomfrey gently moved Joshua’s arm, and it seemed to her that Joshua was probably close to death.

But Joshua, who has [quick healing], is not as bad as he thought.

“Hmm… Madam Pomfrey, I don’t think my arm is a big problem, I just think my internal organs may have been damaged…”

Joshua was standing quite close to the troll, and he bore the brunt of the blast, and now most of the injuries he suffered were hit by the wall when he slammed into the wall.

Madam Pomfrey listened to Joshua’s words and tapped her wand on Joshua a few times, and after a slight flash of green light, she raised her head and said to the professors behind her: “It’s okay… There are no fractures or anything, it’s just that the impact on the internal organs is a little heavy … Looks like I need to fix my day in the hospital…”

“Wait a minute… We need to ask Joestar about something first…”

Snape spoke, narrowing his eyes

“Listen to this Mr. Potter… A trolls attacked you? But we just solved a troll in the basement… And I don’t think I’m going to attack three little guys who haven’t stayed up all night…”


Professor McGonagall was a little angry, no matter how naughty Joshua was, he was her student, and now it was clear that he needed to rest instead of being tortured.

“It’s okay… Professor McGonagall, some things must be made clear first…”

Joshua coughed, now of course he knew that Quirrell had done the day’s matter.

At that time, he didn’t think much about it during the banquet, but now that he thought about it, why did Quirrell run to his side so badly, and he could support his body with his hands to stand up?

When he walked to the big mirror, the monster clearly saw himself, so he came out of the mirror and triggered the magic engraved on the mirror…

Quirrell…. Voldemort, this account Lao Tzu wrote down!

“Ron… What about the stick? Take it out to open Professor Snape’s eyes…”

Ron took the order, rolled over behind the mirror and took it casually, and a large stick appeared in his hand.

“I’m sure the smell on this stick Professor Snape should not have forgotten it, right? It’s that smelly socks mixed with the smell of fermentation in a dung pit… And there should be many places on the side of the corridor that are stained with monster blood… If you don’t believe me, you can collect a little bit and go back for testing…”

Snape took a step back unconsciously, although he didn’t like to be clean, his oily long hair looked like he hadn’t washed it in months, but that didn’t mean he could accept the smell of trolls.

“And that mirror… We have just been drawn closer to the world in the mirror, and someone should be maliciously trying to deal with us… I think they came for Harry…”

Harry’s face was full of doubt, but seeing Joshua blinking frantically at his side, he said nothing.

Dumbledore couldn’t sit still at this moment, “Oh? Cast a spell on the mirror… Pretty funny magic…. But Mr. Joestar, what evidence do you have to prove that this is coming for Harry? ”

Joshua wanted to roll his eyes. Look, calling yourself a surname, calling someone Harry seems much closer.

But the lie must also be completed, otherwise how can it block Quirrell’s dog mongrel?

“Eh… Do you still need to think about it? Mr. Professor… After all, he is a boy who cannot die! From…. The boy who escaped with his hands… Some people still have some illusions, and then they sneak into the school and make this arrangement on Halloween. ”

If it weren’t for the fear that he would be exposed to sneaking into the neighborhood every day in the evening, Joshua wanted to pull the big brothers of the horse people up and let them testify to himself, anyway, Quirrell couldn’t use the posture of the black shadow of the Forbidden Forest to come out and confront him, and he could pour more dirty water on him.

Dumbledore smiled, obviously having some undeniable rhetoric about Joshua, not only him, but even several professors.

“But the origin of the trolls aside… You can fight off a troll… This makes me curious…”

“You lift me up too much! No matter how much I blow it, I am essentially just a first-grader. Take Professor Quirrell as an example, although he is a little like that, isn’t he also frightened by a troll? I only took down a troll when Harry and Ron helped! ”

“Hmph… Quirrell that guy… What a shame on the professor’s face…”

Joshua pulled Quirrell so bluntly, even the good old Professor Flitwick’s face was a little hung up, why are they all trolls, people can clean up the little brat, and you have to faint? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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