[System, I think there must be a problem today! ] 】

[Oh, why did the host say this?] Where did the idea come from when there was a problem? 】

The system pretended to have an unfathomable attitude, if it had a substance, it must be doing it now, standing in the wind, with its hands behind its back to Joshua, a very compulsive gesture at first glance.

[Do you think, usually when we come out for a walk, aren’t we just passing by or even not describing it at all? ] Why did you deliberately write about it in the book today? Could it be…]

Could it be that something big is going to happen today?

This sudden thought couldn’t help but make Joshua’s heart tighten.

[Is it difficult to become an egg!] Why are you pushing so much! Didn’t this all sneak out for days? I’ll be fine this time! 】

[But I’m afraid…]

[Afraid of an egg! ] Let you find a room of request you can’t find, now there is still a face here to force what to be afraid not to be afraid, then it’s a big deal that this task is not done, anyway, if you put your skills in a coma in the future, it has nothing to do with me, I can’t manage to be picked up by someone! 】

The system jun released an ultimatum in anger, and Joshua could only smile bitterly and answer.

Fortunately, Thursday passed peacefully. Thanks to his first week of messing with Filch, he has already figured out Filch’s patrol route and possible changes every night…

As long as it is not discovered by Peeves, there should be no major problems.

[So what does it mean to appear in such a large paragraph…]

[Who knows… Maybe the author is lazy and wants to count the words in water…】

It seems that the system jun made a most unlikely judgment.


So after the turn of time, the turn of the stars, the king of crimson, the renewal of Vientiane, the new year and the new atmosphere….

It’s the third week after school starts…

The usual schoolwork Joshua spent very dullly, it was time to go to class, it was time to sleep, it was time to touch the fish.

There is one thing…

Joshua racked his brains to get Professor McGonagall to have a good talk, but…

“Professor! I…”

“Joshua! Shut up! ”

“Professor! You see…”

“Joshua! Listen to me! ”

Roughly like this…

Professor McGonagall didn’t give him a chance to speak, and saw Joshua in the corridor taking a detour, forbidding him to speak during class time, packing up his salute even after class, and running away with a cigarette.

Professor McGonagall seemed to really think of Joshua as a troublesome wizard like George Fred, and from the very beginning of the meeting, she had a good impression of him, and now she has become… Groove! Why is this kid so annoying?

Just today, the Transfiguration class had just finished.

If they hadn’t witnessed this fact, Harry, it would have been hard for them to imagine that an old woman of about sixty or seventy could run faster than an eleven-year-old boy.

When they got back to the common room, they talked about it again.

“So Joshua… What evil have you made? Professor McGonagall ran away as soon as she saw you lately…”

Harry thought it was funny, if only Snape could be like Professor McGonagall, so that he wouldn’t have to see his unpleasant face a lot of the time…

“To be honest, I think Joshua has to fix this… Now Professor McGonagall, you see you and run, I want to ask her a little question until class! ”

Hermione was also a top student, and it would have been difficult for Professor McGonagall to run away so early.

“So what does this have to do with us? You have a problem and we don’t have a problem. ”

Ron smiled contemptuously and shrugged his shoulders to show he didn’t care.

“That means … I asked Professor McGonagall questions in class, and she answered with joy, but finally found that there was not enough time, so she chose to delay the end of class to lecture, so that there is no problem?! ”

The expression on Ron’s face suddenly froze, Tuo Tang was the enemy of all children who yearned for freedom.

Especially after the Transfiguration class, it’s lunchtime, in case you go late…

Maybe even a piece of mint paper will be enough…

“Joshua! I limit you to solving the whole problem right away! Whatever you do! Professor McGonagall must not be allowed to drag the hall! ”

Harry grabbed Joshua’s shoulders desperately, his pale green eyes full of determination, as if Joshua had done something unreasonable.

Joshua wanted to give Harry a big mouth, who did he think he was so busy for…

Isn’t it just to let Harry go back to the old path in the plot, become a Gryffindor Quidditch team Seeker, then become the captain of the team, marry the white poor Ginny, and finally go to the peak of his life?

Now this kid actually treats himself like this, this is really inhumane!

“So be it… Tomorrow when you go to the flight lesson, you will listen to my arrangement, let Harry show off his flying skills, and then it’s over.” ”

“??? What do you mean? Joshua, what do you mean! Why can’t I understand anything? ”

Harry, as the person concerned, looked confused.

“You don’t have to worry about that! All you need to do is recharge your batteries and show your hand in flying class tomorrow to get Professor McGonagall to recognize your talent! ”

“But… But this…”

“There is no but! You know, it’s for Gryffindor! Harry! ”

Joshua reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, as if he had entrusted him with the task of saving the world.

(What is tragedy?) It’s probably my own home, but I don’t even have a place to sleep… My sister and brother-in-law will be back in a few days, and… There are three bedrooms in the house, one for my parents, one for my sister, one for my brother-in-law, and one for my grandfather now living in it…. Hopefully sleeping on the couch won’t be too uncomfortable…

By the way, because my sister is back, my last stronghold will also be occupied by it, and then there will be no place for codewords, so I can’t do codewords in front of my parents, just like ordinary people dare not make secondary two remarks in front of their parents… And at this time I …. Unless the money I earn from writing novels can support myself, I dare to be upright… But that’s the goal… It’s still long… )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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