(Thank you Mr. Phoenix Island, the gentleman from the SCP Foundation for the flower tickets…) I didn’t do anything this morning, and I ran away with my sister… In three hours, I bought a little food and a few pieces of red paper for the wedding… )

“It’s really exciting!”

Harry couldn’t hide his surprise any more, but the twisted expression on his face already let others know that the package he was holding was something wonderful.

Yes, that’s right…

The expression on Harry’s face at the moment could no longer be described as joy…

The first precious gift of his life elevated his expression to the realm of an artificial distortion, although his smile seemed rather strange to others.

“Hmm… What what? Harry, what are you holding? ”

Ron was anxious, he wanted to know what was in Harry’s package, although he had vaguely guessed part of it, but he still had a little illusion when he didn’t see it with his own eyes.

He took the letter from Harry’s hand and glanced at it.

“Wow! Harry! You… You’re too…”

It seems that the charm of the light wheel 2000 is quite large.


The only person sitting next to them who wasn’t interested in it was Hermione, and her eyes were clearly filled with disdain when she looked over here.

Maybe in her opinion, Professor McGonagall didn’t have to give Harry a flying broom.

Joshua felt that this was a good opportunity to bring Hermione closer, so she quietly moved over to Hermione’s side.

His small movements were seen by the little witch, Hermione tilted her small head slightly, her big eyes showed a trace of impatience, and immediately put down the cutlery in her hand, looking like she was going to pack up and prepare for class.

“Eh! Hermione! Don’t go…”

Joshua pulled Hermione in a low voice, her posture humble like a human dog.

Seeing this look, Joshua Hermione couldn’t help but sigh, she was not one of those mean girls in Slytherin after all, so she had to sit back in her seat.

“What’s wrong? If you’re okay, please let me go, I’m going to class!” ”

“Hey, hey, hey… Don’t worry… I’m just giving you a gift and apologizing… You also know that yesterday night the whole academy came high, and there was my pot in it… And you obviously angry with me…”

Hermione pursed her lips and shook her head.

“Oh, and then?”

“Eh… It’s not that I want you to forgive me…”

Joshua’s words somehow made Hermione’s eyes narrow, and the little girl’s eyes seemed to be able to divide him into eighteen…

“Do you think I’m mad at you for this kind of thing? You idiot! ”

She walked away without a head.

The two friends who were silent while watching the play came up at this time, and one of them patted Joshua’s shoulder and sighed in unison.

“Look at the opening! Joshua! She’s that temper! ”

“It’s just… Where there is no herb in the end of the world, why love a flower without love? ”

Joshua is not blind or paraplegic.

The two of them obviously couldn’t hold back their laughter, and the hand on their shoulder was shaking constantly, and the two of them really gloated like this!

So Joshua glared at the two fiercely, and remembered the events at this time in the small black book in his heart, if he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely report it!

Of course, revenge is revenge, and the class still has to be taken.

And this morning’s Transfiguration class passed quickly.

Because Professor McGonagall didn’t let the little wizards get started to release the Transfiguration Magic, but spent a very long time telling the lengthy Transfiguration theory, for some reason she still brought the topic to Quidditch from time to time.

It seems that she is very happy to have a talented little seeker.

But at the same time, Joshua raised his hand to ask questions, and when the classroom overlord Wang Xiaoming’s mind was gone.

It was easy to drag on until the afternoon, and the little wizards of Gryffindor, with the excitement of about taking flying lessons again, and the entanglement of meeting the Slytherins again, slowly walked to the grass in front of the castle.

There was no one on the grass at this time, and it seemed that the Gryffindor people had arrived first.

“Hey, Harry, I heard you received a flying broom as a gift? Why don’t you take it out? ”

Dean didn’t eat at Harry’s side in the morning, didn’t look closely at Harry’s passage when he got the broom.

“Eh… I don’t think that’s okay…”

Harry thought that if he took out the Light Wheel 2000, it would cause a commotion, after all, according to Ron, it was the most popular and high-performance broom right now, wouldn’t it be useful to take it out in flying lessons…


Fortunately, soon Mrs. Hooch came with the Slytherins, each of them with two brooms, and it seemed that Madame Hooch had taken them as a day laborer and asked them to bring the Gryffindor broomsticks with them.

“All right, kids… Now let’s start the second flying lesson! ”

When the Slytherins threw the broom over with a look of displeasure, Mrs. Hooch blew the whistle, drawing everyone’s attention.

“It is well known that flying brooms are the most common means of transportation used by wizards, and are also used in sports competitions in the wizarding world, such as Quidditch…”

At this time, all the Gryffindor students couldn’t help but cheer, and the Slytherins booed together, forming a very sharp contrast between the two houses.

Mrs. Hooch smiled and pressed her hand, “Okay, okay… I know that Gryffindor has one of the youngest Seekers in the school…”

Harry lowered his head shyly, being praised by so many people made him a little emaciated.

“Of course, Quidditch isn’t the primary use of a flying broomstick, and flying lessons aren’t meant to teach you how to play Quidditch… Well, although I often serve as a school Quidditch referee…”

“As the most mainstream mode of transportation in the wizarding world at present, the use of the flying broom is actually not difficult… I taught you the general riding method in my last lesson, as long as you can maintain your balance on the broom and remember to hold the broom at all times, you won’t fall off it! ”

When Madame said this, her eyes were obviously looking towards Neville, and the chubby little wizard knew that he was embarrassed, and his head unconsciously pulled down, and the Slytherins, led by Malfoy, laughed without gentlemanly spirit, causing the little wizards of Gryffindor to glare angrily at them. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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