“Quick! Hurry up! Hold on tight when flying! I’d rather see if that idiot’s ass isn’t sitting firmly! ”

“Look straight ahead! You observe your surroundings with your afterlight! Not even turning your head! A sucker! ”

“And the Slytherin’s! If you think about doing something small to affect your classmates… I’m going to deduct all the points you’ve earned since the start of school! ”

Probably in the whole world, only coaches will scold at work, right?

The point is that the person being scolded still has to nod his head reluctantly and admit his mistake: yes, yes, you said …

Madame Hooch blasted everyone except Neville into the sky, letting them drive a broom to fly slowly in the sky.

She stood on the ground, observing the flight of each little wizard, with a wand in case someone missed it and fell off.

But no matter how irritable Madame Hooch was, she couldn’t scold Joshua.

The Tier Skill Rides B Difu, and Joshua’s Flying Broom Handling Skill is self-mastered.

Now Joshua is sitting on the flying broom in a full position, lifting Erlang’s legs and holding his hands to his chest, the key is that he also shows a contemptuous look when watching others fly clumsily.

In short, it looks like a villain punk.

“Hey! Joshua! Even if your kid has good flying skills! But you can’t sit like that! You slip down from that carefully! ”

Mrs. Hooch finally understood why Professor McGonagall complained to the teachers that she had a prick in her class every time she ate…

Maybe when I saw this kid in the corridor of the forbidden area for the first time, I should have understood that this kid was not a safe master!

After being scolded by Mrs. Hooch, Joshua also knew not to be too ostentatious, turned back to the broom and sat upright.

However, he still felt a pang of slander in his heart.

[Cut ~~~ With my current riding ability, even if I fly an airplane, it is a breeze… What’s wrong with sitting crookedly on a broom? You’re right? System? 】

[Huh… Huh…]

System-Jun laughed headlessly, which made Joshua feel a little hairy in his heart for some reason.

[Remember that old thing Joseph?] Host… This system can ensure that all the skills provided are exactly the same as described above~~~]

[He… What does he have to do with me Joshua…”

But the system ignored him after speaking, which made Joshua even more panicked.

“Wow?! Joshua! You’re a! How do you play flying broom so six? ”

Soon Joshua didn’t dwell on the system’s words, and Harry flew to his side on a broomstick.

After all, most people on the grass flew with their brooms carefully, and a cautious little witch like Hermione even wanted to stick her body to the broom.

And Joshua, the guy riding a broom, looks light and familiar, and from time to time he still does some coquettish and extreme movements on it, thinking about what Thomas turns, turning him hundreds of degrees is like playing.

“Hey! Your technology is like that. Then why do you want me to be a Seeker?! Can’t you come on your own? ”

Harry was a little bit of a snack, and his words were a little more full of complaints.

I was handpicked by Professor McGonagall and became a Seeker for a long time, but now I see my good friends playing more than myself, and I can’t help but have a little self-doubt.

“Huh? You say this? ”

Joshua felt that he could now be considered a flying broom wet, he just tried it, except for a little swaying, he had no problem sleeping on the broom.

“Hmm… I don’t really want to be this Seeker, one is to tell you that I am an otaku, lazy and cancerous, and more importantly…”

“What is it?”

Harry asked him, but from time to time his classmates flew around with brooms, which forced him to devote most of his energy to them so as not to be knocked off.

But… This is a far cry from Joshua’s kung fu of being able to dodge a Slytherin’s malicious attack with his eyes closed…

“Actually… I have a fear of heights…”


Harry thought Joshua must be teasing himself, he looked like he had a fear of heights…

“Really, don’t lie to you, usually it’s fine when I only look at the horizontal ground. But you see…”

Joshua sighed, so he glanced under him, and Harry didn’t know why, so he also bowed his head with Joshua.

The ground is about 30 meters from where the broom hovers at this time, which is almost close to part of the towers of Hogwarts Castle, and there is a breeze in mid-air from students practicing their flying skills.

It is said that it hovers in the air, but in fact, the broom is also moving to maintain its own dynamic balance.

“Huh? It’s nothing…”

Harry looked up in confusion, ready to ask Joshua why he was letting himself bow.

But when he looked up, he found that Joshua in front of him did not know when he evolved into a reptile, his limbs were tightly grasped on his broom, and his hands and feet were tied in a knot on the head and tail of the broom, and the unique face of the Oriental was being occupied by a faint white, as if the sun-dried persimmons were gradually dyed with frost.

“That… All right… I see…”

Harry tapped his head helplessly and handed his hand to Joshua.

Seeing that his appearance does not seem to be fake, really let him go to the field, maybe when the time comes, even the soul will be scared when his eyes look down…

Joshua sat up again with Harry’s hand, gasping for breath several times before the blood on his face returned.

“Seriously… Actually, I haven’t been so afraid of heights before… At most, when I go up a tall building, I will unconsciously feel weak in my heart and tremble my legs and feet… But after riding this thing, it seems that this feeling is even stronger…”

[So this is what the system wants to remind me… , fear of heights is terrifying…]

[Huh? Did I say that? I’m not going to remind you! 】

[Not this, what is that?] 】

Joshua frowned and wanted to continue asking about the system, but suddenly he found that the scenery around him began to rise rapidly, and the wind pressure in his ears indicated that something big had happened.

“Groove?! Joshua! How did you fall!? ”

Harry’s voice reached Joshua’s ears, but it was some distance from him…

[System tip: People who are favored by Er Qiao are not suitable for carrying flying equipment…]_

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