“My God… I might as well hope that George’s Sleeping Charm will bring down Hagrid! ”

“You guys are the worst troublemakers I’ve ever brought to the class!”

The Weasley brothers bowed their heads in shame.

Of course, this sentence does not mean that the two brothers’ abilities are so poor, in fact, after being accused so generally, people often easily accept these descriptions and think that what they say in the description is themselves.

This is the Barnum effect in psychology.

“That… Joshua, do you have any solutions?! You say neither of us can do it.. So you always have a solution, right? You should have come out many times in the evening, you must have a way, right?! ”

George was not willing to be refuted for his business ability and decided to turn defense into attack.

“Gee… Wasn’t I thinking about it…”

Joshua bites his fingernails impatiently – this also comes to past lives, many anime characters like to relieve stress by biting their fingernails when thinking about problems (such as L and Kira Yoshikage… )。

So Joshua thought he was very handsome and deliberately learned, and as a result… It can’t be changed.

Time passed slowly, the clouds in the sky fluttered and flew around, I don’t know how many times the moon was blocked, and the light and shadow on the three people squatting in the shadows under the trees also changed with the trajectory of the clouds in the sky, and everything seemed so quiet and beautiful.

But in such a quiet and beautiful night, Hagrid still did not have the slightest sleep.

The dim light in the small cabin was still bright, and from time to time you could hear the low barking of teeth in the house and the movement of Hagrid.

And the three people outside the house are almost frozen into dogs.

“Nope: No way… It’s too cold… Or… Let’s go back, shall we? ”

When Joshua looked back, the two brothers had hugged each other to keep warm, and the clothes they wore on this cold night were still a little thin.

“It’s really useless…”

Joshua shook his head helplessly and reached out to snap his fingers.


A bright orange-yellow flame appeared in Joshua’s palm, and then transformed into a fist-sized fireball, if you look closely, you can find that it is angular and ambitious, and from time to time arches in Joshua’s palm, like a little fat chicken dressed in a flame coat!

“Oh, it hasn’t been released for so long, it turns out that it has evolved to this extent…”

Joshua lifted the little fat chicken up slightly.

The red of the magician attached to the Flame Spell can be seen, and Joshua summoned it to make it radiate light and heat and dispel the cold.

“Can’t tell, Joshua… You still have such a hand, such as the Flame Curse, I have only seen it in those professors…”

With the heat source, the Weasley brothers were not in a hurry to go back, and the two happily stretched out their hands and circled the sky above the head of the little fat chicken to get the heat they needed.

The little fat chicken quickly understood his situation, his master called himself out to provide warmth, although this undermined the majesty of his magician red, but after all, it was the master’s request, then forget it…

So the little fat chicken stood up with his head held high, paced Joshua’s palm with figure-eight steps, twisted his butt as he walked, and the heat was dissipated.

It stands to reason that such a move by the little fat chicken should be called “cute”

But the three old men here are all straight men among straight men, and the two young men of the Weasley family haven’t even learned the trick yet, and they don’t know what cute is… Not only that, but they also have the face to comment on the little fat chicken there, arguing about what breed of chicken it is.

“Oh, Joshua, what kind of little fat chicken or little fat bird is this one in your hand?”

I don’t know who threw this topic to Joshua, the two of them… The bird creature immediately turned its gaze to Joshua, hoping that he could give an answer.

“Ahhh… Annoying you guys… I’m still figuring it out here…”

Joshua rolled his eyes, but the few of them didn’t care at all.

No way, Joshua had to popularize science to them according to the memories of the magician’s red stars in his previous life.

“Hmm… My magic is called Magician Red, and I can control flames within a certain range… It’s not a specific Flame Spell variant, but another, more advanced one… Secret art. The source of this magic… It should be the sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology, which can fully summon the doppelganger projection of Ra, of course, only similar in appearance… But now I don’t have enough strength, so I can only do this. ”

“Oooh ~ Occult? It also involves ancient Egypt, and being able to control flames sounds quite advanced…”

George looked understanding, and Fred was similar.

“But it seems that you little fat bird is quite smart, can you do something?” Let’s say help you make a fire and turn on a light or something…”

As soon as these words came out, the field fell silent.

But in the next second, all three of them showed expressions of surprise.

“Eh! Turn off the lights! ”

They thought of going together…

Although electricity is now quite popular, Hogwarts, which has been isolated from the Muggle world for many years, does not have such luxury, after all, no power company will go out of its way to lay circuits for wizards… (S·HI· T lay wires or something without money?! )

Of course, wizards naturally have wizards’ own solutions, and one lighting spell is enough to solve all problems.

But this has little to do with Hagrid, he was dropped out of school in the third grade, although he learned a lot of practical magic, and the wand is still in his own hands, but after all, he can’t release magic too blatantly….

So his cabin is still illuminated…

Joshua looked at his palm fixedly, and the little fat bird turned his head and was laboriously pecking at the little feather on the butt behind him, looking stupid and cute.

“Alas… Can it be… I’ll leave it to you…”

(Wedding time has passed…) It’s time to get back to normal life… As it should be…

But! Tomorrow I’m going to follow my sister to her house! From Shanxi to Hunan! Just take the car back! Twelve hours or more! And I don’t have a single chapter to save again… So……. You know, you know…

Of course I’ll send another chapter today…

Finally, thank you Mr. White Wolf and Mr. Master Brother for the flowers….

And then suddenly wondered why no one urged me to do anything more? )_

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